## Old:
- M-; comment-line
- C-q jedi:show-doc
- M-. jedi:goto-definition
- M-, jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker
- C-c C-n flymake-goto-next-error
- C-M-a Move to beginning of current or preceding defun (beginning-of-defun).
- C-M-e Move to end of current or following defun (end-of-defun).
- C-M-h Put region around whole current or following defun (mark-defun).
- C-c C-c execute file in terminal
- M-left python-indent-shift-left
- M-right python-indent-shift-right
## Default:
- C-c C-f (python-eldoc-at-point)
- C-c C-j (imenu)
- C-c C-r after run-python -> python-shell-send-region
- C-c C-s after run-python -> python-shell-send-string
- C-c C-v (python-check)
- M-? (xref-find-references) - for symbol at cursor
- M-. (xref-find-definitions) - for symbol at cursor
- M-, (xref-go-back)
- C-M-, (xref-go-forward)
- C-M-u backward-up-list - go to first line of current block
- M-x pdb Debugger
- C-x C-a Debugger keys prefix
## New:
Custom common:
- M-; (comment-line)
- C-; (comment-dwim)
- C-c C-k (beginning-of-defun)
- C-c C-n (end-of-defun)
- C-M-u (backward-up-list) - by dafult
- C-c h (mark-defun)
- C-c i (demap-toggle)
- C-c j (mc/mark-all-like-this-dwim)
Custom Python mode:
- C-c c (run-python) - on remote machine
- C-c C-c execute file in terminal (my/exec-python)
- C-c l/f (python-indent-shift-left) / (python-indent-shift-right)
- C-c C-o (python-sort-imports)
Custom Eglot
- M-i (my/eldoc) - show description in separate window only
- C-’ (flymake-goto-next-error)
- M-’ (flymake-goto-prev-error)
- C-c C-e (eglot-rename)
- C-c o (eglot-format) - region or entire buffer
May be useful:
- M-x treesit-check-indent
Templates available with
- M-x python-skl…
- M-x python-skeleton…
- and with TAB starting with “0”
All programming modes keys:
- M-; ‘comment-line
- C-; ‘comment-dwim
- C-c k ‘beginning-of-defun
- C-c n ‘end-of-defun
- C-c h ‘mark-defun
- C-c C-n ‘my/go-to-next-occurrence - to next word occurance or next header
- C-c C-p ‘my/go-to-prev-occurrence