diff --git a/plugins/antied/stoel/patch.tsx b/plugins/antied/stoel/patch.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5399656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/antied/stoel/patch.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { plugin } from "@vendetta";
+import { getAssetIDByName } from "@vendetta/ui/assets";
+import { patchSettingsPin } from "./pinToSetting";
+import { vstorage } from "..";
+import Settings from "../Settings";
+import SettingsSection from "./settingAddon";
+export default (): (() => void) => {
+ const patches = [];
+ patches.push(
+ patchSettingsPin(
+ () => true,
+ () => ,
+ {
+ key: plugin.manifest.name,
+ icon: getAssetIDByName("ic_edit_24px"),
+ title: "Anti Edit & Delete",
+ page: {
+ title: "Antied",
+ render: Settings,
+ },
+ },
+ ),
+ );
+ return () => patches.forEach((x) => x());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/antied/stoel/pinToSetting.tsx b/plugins/antied/stoel/pinToSetting.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a0e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/antied/stoel/pinToSetting.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// Code from Cloud-sync or nexpid GitHub
+import { findByName, findByProps } from "@vendetta/metro";
+import {
+ i18n,
+ lodash,
+ React,
+ ReactNative as RN,
+ stylesheet,
+} from "@vendetta/metro/common";
+import { after, before } from "@vendetta/patcher";
+import { semanticColors } from "@vendetta/ui";
+import { ErrorBoundary, Forms } from "@vendetta/ui/components";
+import { findInReactTree, without } from "@vendetta/utils";
+const { FormSection } = Forms;
+const getScreens = findByName("getScreens");
+const settingsModule = findByName("UserSettingsOverviewWrapper", false);
+const styles = stylesheet.createThemedStyleSheet({
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ backgroundColor: semanticColors.BACKGROUND_MOBILE_PRIMARY,
+ },
+export function patchSettingsPin(
+ shouldAppear: () => boolean,
+ render: React.FunctionComponent,
+ you?: {
+ key: string;
+ icon?: number;
+ title: string;
+ page: {
+ render: React.ComponentType;
+ noErrorBoundary?: boolean;
+ title?: string;
+ headerRight?: () => void;
+ };
+ },
+): () => void {
+ const patches = [];
+ const unpatch = after(
+ "default",
+ settingsModule,
+ (_, ret) => {
+ unpatch();
+ const Overview = findInReactTree(
+ ret.props.children,
+ (i) => i.type && i.type.name === "UserSettingsOverview",
+ );
+ patches.push(
+ after(
+ "render",
+ Overview.type.prototype,
+ (_, { props: { children } }) => {
+ const titles = [
+ i18n.Messages["BILLING_SETTINGS"],
+ i18n.Messages["PREMIUM_SETTINGS"],
+ ];
+ children = findInReactTree(
+ children,
+ (t) => t.children[1].type === FormSection,
+ ).children;
+ const index = children.findIndex((c: any) =>
+ titles.includes(c?.props.label),
+ );
+ if (shouldAppear())
+ children.splice(index === -1 ? 4 : index, 0, render({}));
+ },
+ ),
+ );
+ },
+ true,
+ );
+ patches.push(unpatch);
+ if (getScreens && you) {
+ const screenKey = `VENDETTA_PLUGIN_${lodash
+ .snakeCase(you.key)
+ .toUpperCase()}`;
+ const Page = you.page.render;
+ const component = React.memo(({ navigation }: any) => {
+ const unsub = navigation.addListener("focus", () => {
+ unsub();
+ navigation.setOptions(without(you.page, "noErrorBoundary", "render"));
+ });
+ return (
+ {you.page.noErrorBoundary ? (
+ ) : (
+ )}
+ );
+ });
+ const rendererConfig = {
+ [screenKey]: {
+ type: "route",
+ title: () => you.title,
+ icon: you.icon,
+ parent: null,
+ screen: {
+ route: `VendettaPlugin${lodash
+ .chain(you.key)
+ .camelCase()
+ .upperFirst()
+ .value()}`,
+ getComponent: () => component,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ const manipulateSections = (ret: any, nw?: boolean) => {
+ const cloned = [...ret];
+ const sections = nw ? cloned?.[0]?.sections : cloned;
+ if (!Array.isArray(sections)) return sections;
+ const title = "Vendetta";
+ const section = sections.find(
+ (x) => x?.title === title || x?.label === title,
+ );
+ if (section && !section?.settings?.includes(screenKey))
+ section.settings.push(screenKey);
+ return cloned;
+ };
+ const oldYouPatch = () => {
+ const layout = findByProps("useOverviewSettings");
+ const titleConfig = findByProps("getSettingTitleConfig");
+ const stuff = findByProps(
+ );
+ const OLD_getterFunction = "getSettingSearchListItems";
+ const NEW_getterFunction = "getSettingListItems";
+ const oldGettersModule = findByProps(OLD_getterFunction);
+ const usingNewGettersModule = !oldGettersModule;
+ const getterFunctionName = usingNewGettersModule
+ ? NEW_getterFunction
+ : OLD_getterFunction;
+ const getters = oldGettersModule ?? findByProps(NEW_getterFunction);
+ if (!getters || !layout) return false;
+ patches.push(
+ after("useOverviewSettings", layout, (_, ret) =>
+ manipulateSections(ret),
+ ),
+ );
+ patches.push(
+ after("getSettingTitleConfig", titleConfig, (_, ret) => ({
+ ...ret,
+ [screenKey]: you.title,
+ })),
+ );
+ patches.push(
+ after(getterFunctionName, getters, ([settings], ret) => [
+ ...(settings.includes(screenKey)
+ ? [
+ {
+ type: "setting_search_result",
+ ancestorRendererData: rendererConfig[screenKey],
+ setting: screenKey,
+ title: () => you.title,
+ breadcrumbs: ["Vendetta"],
+ icon: rendererConfig[screenKey].icon,
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ...ret,
+ ]),
+ );
+ const oldRelationships = stuff.SETTING_RELATIONSHIPS;
+ const oldRendererConfigs = stuff.SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIGS;
+ ...oldRelationships,
+ [screenKey]: null,
+ };
+ ...oldRendererConfigs,
+ ...rendererConfig,
+ };
+ patches.push(() => {
+ stuff.SETTING_RELATIONSHIPS = oldRelationships;
+ stuff.SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIGS = oldRelationships;
+ });
+ return true;
+ };
+ const newYouPatch = () => {
+ const settingsListComponents = findByProps("SearchableSettingsList");
+ const settingConstantsModule = findByProps("SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIG");
+ const gettersModule = findByProps("getSettingListItems");
+ if (!gettersModule || !settingsListComponents || !settingConstantsModule)
+ return false;
+ patches.push(
+ before("type", settingsListComponents.SearchableSettingsList, (ret) =>
+ manipulateSections(ret, true),
+ ),
+ );
+ patches.push(
+ after("getSettingListSearchResultItems", gettersModule, (_, ret) => {
+ for (const s of ret)
+ if (s.setting === screenKey) s.breadcrumbs = ["Vendetta"];
+ }),
+ );
+ const oldRendererConfig = settingConstantsModule.SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIG;
+ settingConstantsModule.SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIG = {
+ ...oldRendererConfig,
+ ...rendererConfig,
+ };
+ patches.push(() => {
+ settingConstantsModule.SETTING_RENDERER_CONFIG = oldRendererConfig;
+ });
+ return true;
+ };
+ if (!newYouPatch()) oldYouPatch();
+ }
+ return () => patches.forEach((x) => x());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/antied/stoel/settingAddon.tsx b/plugins/antied/stoel/settingAddon.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..838ee96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/antied/stoel/settingAddon.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// from cloud-sync
+import { NavigationNative } from "@vendetta/metro/common";
+import { getAssetIDByName } from "@vendetta/ui/assets";
+import { ErrorBoundary, Forms } from "@vendetta/ui/components";
+import Settings from "../Settings";
+const { FormRow } = Forms;
+export default () => {
+ const navigation = NavigationNative.useNavigation();
+ // not sure if ErrorBoundary is even required but i'll keep it here just in case
+ return (
+ }
+ trailing={FormRow.Arrow}
+ onPress={() =>
+ navigation.push("VendettaCustomPage", {
+ title: "Antied",
+ render: Settings,
+ })
+ }
+ />
+ );
\ No newline at end of file