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File metadata and controls

21 lines (18 loc) · 1.75 KB


This coursework was part of the Distributed Systems & Networks module. We had to design & implement a distributed storage system using Java. The system has 2 main components :

  • Controller : The entrypoint of every request that comes to the server && what handles all the logic
  • Dstore : The representation of a remote storage system. A controller needs at least R remote storages(Dstores) connected to the system in order to process client requests.

Client requests may include :

  • STORE, when the client wants to store a new file into the system. In this case the Controller will select R available Dstores and store the file into them.
  • LOAD, when client wants to get a stored file from the sysyem. In this case the Controller will select the first Dstore that has that file and share the file with the Client.
  • REMOVE, when the client wants to delete a stored file from the system. In this case the Controller will send remove requests to all Dstores to delete that file.
  • LIST, when the client wants to know the list of files present in the system. In this case the Controller will send a list of all present files from the system.

To start each server's component you need to run the following commands on the terminal :

  • Controller: java Controller cport R timeout rebalance_period
  • A Dstore: java Dstore port cport timeout file_folder

Each request has its own thread, meaning that the system can support multiple client requests(possibly with the same operation) at once. For development purposes, I have kept the server to "localhost" in both Controller and Dstore. Below you can find a diagram of the designed system. image