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Activities and events

Meitar M edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 36 revisions

WikiActivities and events

There is a near-constant buzz of organizing activity in New York City. In addition to the day-to-day hum of socializing, planning, and learning that happens among AnarchoTechNYC members, we also often organize recurring or one-off events. These include workshops, documentary screenings, and a bunch of other things you may not think of immediately! Some of these become traditions and are continued by multiple organizers.

There is no calendar or schedule for events maintained on this wiki. Instead, these pages serve as drafting pads to collect and compare notes between multiple organizers, collaboratively concoct ideas for new activities to try, and maintain shared resources for organizers of said events. We sometimes discuss event scheduling and production as issues labelled "event" and we publicize events in a variety of ways that are independently operated by an event's host. That said, see Anarchism.NYC for one such calendar that may (or may not) list specific instances of events we help make happen.

📝 Editor's note: Please keep the featured items in the lists below alphabetized for ease of reading. :) (Thank you!)


Activities are things to do with your fellow antifa comrades that are happening on a(t least a semi-)regular basis at AnarchoTechNYC meetings/spaces. More details are available on a given event's wiki page.

  • Capture The Flag (CTF) gaming - An irregular cybersecurity study group participating in online wargaming competitions.
  • Cyborg clinic - holistic (mental/physical/cybernetic) health sessions for anyone who wants to reclaim their time and energy from the apps demanding too much of it
  • Fight training - a recurring self-defense workshop with dedicated variants for women and people who are gender non-conforming.
  • Mr. Robot's Netflix 'n' Hack - Educational film and TV screenings with a supplementary syllabus; let "Mr. Robot" teach you how to hack—and how to stop a hacker from hacking you!
  • Lockpicking club - A locksport practice session and meditative discussion circle.


Events are one-offs because they are either intended to be or just aren't happening regularly anymore. (You could always start doing these on a regular basis, if you want!)

  • Android forensics study group - learn how to detect whether an Android device has been cloned or tampered with
  • Digital fight training - Cybersecurity sparring sessions where we set up network perimeters and devices, and practice both breaching and hardening them.
  • Ethics refactoring - analyze a feature/product for its "operative ethic" and then redesign the same feature/product for a different ethic
  • Practical digital security - Computer security training for people who don't want to have to care about computer security.
  • Tech open office hours - build knowledge and skills in our community, and enjoy the anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist vibes that come with DIY workshops and culture
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