Server-side Web-based system for mass-management Z5RWeb ACS controllers.
- Unlimited keys
- Unlimited controllers
- Events monitoring
- Proxify events over http
- Limit access by IP for managent actions and operators
- Access levels for operators
- Two-factor authentication (TOTP, Email, Bitcoin)
- ACS controllers can work throught NAT
- Multilanguage (russian, english)
- Prepare minimal web-server with PHP and MySQL support. For example on this manual:
Hardware requirements minimal. We recommend actual versionss Linux / BSD, nginx, php8, mysql Windows also possible, but not tested.
- Install php-mysql and php-gd (for qr-codes totp), php-gmp (for bitcoin-2fa), php-mbstring, php-curl too
- Create mysql-user and assign DB-rights:
CREATE USER 'z5r'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'z5r-my-good-password';
Copy directory content from www to web server direcory (root or sub-dir like z5r)
Restore dababase from dump
, default database name z5r -
Edit config
on server and check database parameters. Edir option$sess_secret_salt
to long random string. Set localization language inlocalization
option. We greeting pull-requests with new language localizations. -
Open web-server path in browser and try login under login admin with empty password. At first login your must change password.
- Create operators logins an assign access rights.
- For connect controller open Z5RWeb web-interface, select work-mode WEB-JSON. Input path to installed ACSWebAdmin as server url. For example it can be http://acs-admin.local/z5r/ Dont type username or password near server url, current firmware do not working with this.
- !! Current verions of firmware do not support HTTPS !! Connection Controller <--> ACS will be on port 80 over unencrypted http protocol.
- For encrypted operators connections to ACSWebAdmin configure HTTPS on web-server.
Software like Guard Commander not useful as server application, and i make new software for this. I need normal server middleware for prevent direct access operators to controllers/vlans with hardware, for proxify events over http-requests to another systems and for access rights manage/separation.
ACS controller model Z5RWeb has many management variants. Main - embedded web-interface with only basic options (connection type, password, time)and software like Guard Lite / Guard Commander for setting up all another (keys, access masks, schedules). But this soft а) need winodws and fat application б) work over serial-port redirection over network without any authentification. ACSWebAdmin use third work mode - Web-JSON. In this mode controllers polling web-server any 10 seconds and fetch command for manage keys and access rights. This software allow different users has different access levels.
Can i use this on mobile / tablet ?
- Yes.
I forget password or remove admin rights. How to reset password / recover access rights ?
- Connect to server over SSH, input command
for connect to DB. User root-password for MySQL or requisits from config. - Select database:
USE z5r;
- View list of operators:
SELECT id, login FROM logins
- Assign empty password for operator, ex. admin:
UPDATE logins SET password = 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855', salt1 = '', salt2 = '', allowed_ip_range = '' WHERE login = 'admin'
- Enable login and access rights:
UPDATE logins SET enable = '1', allow_manage_logins = '1' WHERE login = 'admin'
- Login with empty password and install new one.
- Connect to server over SSH, input command
How long this system exists ?
- Created in 2021 for himself, since 2022 in public.
What users create by default ?
- Only admin with full rights
How access limited ?
- For each controller can be specified IP/subnets for whitelisting connections
- For each operator can be specified IP/subnets for whitelisting login
- Can be limited IP/subnets allowed for key management / door open.
- For each operator can be enabled two-factor authentification.
Does ACSWebAdmin will be accesible permanently ?
- Not required. ACSWebAdmin do not switch controllers to online-check keys mode. When web-system inaccessible all early added keys will work. But commands for add / delete / change-access-mask for keys will do not appplied until controller appears online. For MEMORY-tables restart server after too long controllers offline can erase planned commands. In this case restore connection controllers and repeat configure actions.
How setup time shedule over ACSWebAdmin ?
- Nowtime only by specify TZ-parameter, it is bitmask. Current controller JSON-API do not allow manage shedules. Use 0 for deny access, and 255 - for anytime access.
- If shedule really required. Switch controller to "Server" workmode in embedded web-interface. By Guard Commander connect to controller from trusted networrk and configure schedules. Max 8 can be.
- Switch controller back to "Web-JSON" mode.
- If needed upload TZ-values over web-interface. Mode detailed:$FILE/Protocol_WEBJSON_v7.pdf
Can i manage blocking / master keys ?
- No. All keys manage as simple keys. But support another types of keys added to DB, this can be added in future.
System will be developed more ?
- Why not, if it will be interesting for me
Why web ?
- web is really cross-platform. ACS operators will not have access directly to controllers and tech subnets.
- Operator with enroll permission can be created, but he can not view sensitive key data.
- Operator with view-only permission can be created.
Can i user many controllers separated by offices / departments ?
- Yes.
Does need cleaning / maintenance DB ?
- On your selection, depends from events count. You can delete old records from tables
. - If your need only management, without reports, your can alter tables
to MEMORY engine. In this case server restart will erase logs of events and sended commands. - More radical variant - alter tables
to MEMORY engine too. In this case server restart also clean data about last keys usage and controllers state. Data will be refreshed automatcally due future events processing. - Also your can clean old events by sheduled query:
- On your selection, depends from events count. You can delete old records from tables
How to check what controller correct interact with ACSWebAdmin ?
- In web-interface on controllers tabs last activity time or last events time must renewed.
- tcpdump -s 65000 -w /tmp/1.pcap 'tcp port http' In traffic dump JSON-data exhcnage over http must be present If web-server return bad-formed JSON controller can spam same events. In this case fix error and clean events.
- Enable debug (option debug in config) and watch to file /tmp/z5r.txt Inspect activity log.
- View web-server logs. Exceptions and 5xx errors must do not appear.
Where worktime reports ?
- Some simple reports added, including presence/outage in office.
- Per-minute report not need for me. But your can proxify events "Input/output by key" to another web-server with parameters and collect data by another system. Or create new report manually.
How to add new custom report ?
- lets naming this as myreport1
- add records about this in reports/index.php -- $reports_array
- create new file in /reports : myreport1.php using any existing file.
- in /localization/* add new strings like $loc_reports_myreport1 = '...'; with name on different languages
- Pull-requests with new reports are welcome.
I need new option.
- Button [Fork].
- This soft created for me. If feature will be interesting - i possible make this in free time only.