diff --git a/openhands/agenthub/browsing_agent/prompt.py b/openhands/agenthub/browsing_agent/prompt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 354156841912..000000000000
--- a/openhands/agenthub/browsing_agent/prompt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,786 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import difflib
-import logging
-import platform
-from copy import deepcopy
-from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
-from textwrap import dedent
-from typing import Literal, Union
-from warnings import warn
-from browsergym.core.action.base import AbstractActionSet
-from browsergym.core.action.highlevel import HighLevelActionSet
-from browsergym.core.action.python import PythonActionSet
-from openhands.agenthub.browsing_agent.utils import (
- ParseError,
- parse_html_tags_raise,
-from openhands.runtime.browser.browser_env import BrowserEnv
-class Flags:
- use_html: bool = True
- use_ax_tree: bool = False
- drop_ax_tree_first: bool = True # This flag is no longer active TODO delete
- use_thinking: bool = False
- use_error_logs: bool = False
- use_past_error_logs: bool = False
- use_history: bool = False
- use_action_history: bool = False
- use_memory: bool = False
- use_diff: bool = False
- html_type: str = 'pruned_html'
- use_concrete_example: bool = True
- use_abstract_example: bool = False
- multi_actions: bool = False
- action_space: Literal[
- 'python', 'bid', 'coord', 'bid+coord', 'bid+nav', 'coord+nav', 'bid+coord+nav'
- ] = 'bid'
- is_strict: bool = False
- # This flag will be automatically disabled `if not chat_model_args.has_vision()`
- use_screenshot: bool = True
- enable_chat: bool = False
- max_prompt_tokens: int = 100_000
- extract_visible_tag: bool = False
- extract_coords: Literal['False', 'center', 'box'] = 'False'
- extract_visible_elements_only: bool = False
- demo_mode: Literal['off', 'default', 'only_visible_elements'] = 'off'
- def copy(self):
- return deepcopy(self)
- def asdict(self):
- """Helper for JSON serializble requirement."""
- return asdict(self)
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(self, flags_dict):
- """Helper for JSON serializable requirement."""
- if isinstance(flags_dict, Flags):
- return flags_dict
- if not isinstance(flags_dict, dict):
- raise ValueError(
- f'Unregcognized type for flags_dict of type {type(flags_dict)}.'
- )
- return Flags(**flags_dict)
-class PromptElement:
- """Base class for all prompt elements. Prompt elements can be hidden.
- Prompt elements are used to build the prompt. Use flags to control which
- prompt elements are visible. We use class attributes as a convenient way
- to implement static prompts, but feel free to override them with instance
- attributes or @property decorator.
- """
- _prompt = ''
- _abstract_ex = ''
- _concrete_ex = ''
- def __init__(self, visible: bool = True) -> None:
- """Prompt element that can be hidden.
- Parameters
- ----------
- visible : bool, optional
- Whether the prompt element should be visible, by default True. Can
- be a callable that returns a bool. This is useful when a specific
- flag changes during a shrink iteration.
- """
- self._visible = visible
- @property
- def prompt(self):
- """Avoid overriding this method. Override _prompt instead."""
- return self._hide(self._prompt)
- @property
- def abstract_ex(self):
- """Useful when this prompt element is requesting an answer from the llm.
- Provide an abstract example of the answer here. See Memory for an
- example.
- Avoid overriding this method. Override _abstract_ex instead
- """
- return self._hide(self._abstract_ex)
- @property
- def concrete_ex(self):
- """Useful when this prompt element is requesting an answer from the llm.
- Provide a concrete example of the answer here. See Memory for an
- example.
- Avoid overriding this method. Override _concrete_ex instead
- """
- return self._hide(self._concrete_ex)
- @property
- def is_visible(self):
- """Handle the case where visible is a callable."""
- visible = self._visible
- if callable(visible):
- visible = visible()
- return visible
- def _hide(self, value):
- """Return value if visible is True, else return empty string."""
- if self.is_visible:
- return value
- else:
- return ''
- def _parse_answer(self, text_answer) -> dict:
- if self.is_visible:
- return self._parse_answer(text_answer)
- else:
- return {}
-class Shrinkable(PromptElement, abc.ABC):
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def shrink(self) -> None:
- """Implement shrinking of this prompt element.
- You need to recursively call all shrinkable elements that are part of
- this prompt. You can also implement a shrinking strategy for this prompt.
- Shrinking is can be called multiple times to progressively shrink the
- prompt until it fits max_tokens. Default max shrink iterations is 20.
- """
- pass
-class Truncater(Shrinkable):
- """A prompt element that can be truncated to fit the context length of the LLM.
- Of course, it will be great that we never have to use the functionality here to `shrink()` the prompt.
- Extend this class for prompt elements that can be truncated. Usually long observations such as AxTree or HTML.
- """
- def __init__(self, visible, shrink_speed=0.3, start_truncate_iteration=10):
- super().__init__(visible=visible)
- self.shrink_speed = shrink_speed # the percentage shrunk in each iteration
- self.start_truncate_iteration = (
- start_truncate_iteration # the iteration to start truncating
- )
- self.shrink_calls = 0
- self.deleted_lines = 0
- def shrink(self) -> None:
- if self.is_visible and self.shrink_calls >= self.start_truncate_iteration:
- # remove the fraction of _prompt
- lines = self._prompt.splitlines()
- new_line_count = int(len(lines) * (1 - self.shrink_speed))
- self.deleted_lines += len(lines) - new_line_count
- self._prompt = '\n'.join(lines[:new_line_count])
- self._prompt += (
- f'\n... Deleted {self.deleted_lines} lines to reduce prompt size.'
- )
- self.shrink_calls += 1
-def fit_tokens(
- shrinkable: Shrinkable,
- max_prompt_chars=None,
- max_iterations=20,
- """Shrink a prompt element until it fits max_tokens.
- Parameters
- ----------
- shrinkable : Shrinkable
- The prompt element to shrink.
- max_prompt_chars : int
- The maximum number of chars allowed.
- max_iterations : int, optional
- The maximum number of shrink iterations, by default 20.
- model_name : str, optional
- The name of the model used when tokenizing.
- Returns:
- -------
- str : the prompt after shrinking.
- """
- if max_prompt_chars is None:
- return shrinkable.prompt
- for _ in range(max_iterations):
- prompt = shrinkable.prompt
- if isinstance(prompt, str):
- prompt_str = prompt
- elif isinstance(prompt, list):
- prompt_str = '\n'.join([p['text'] for p in prompt if p['type'] == 'text'])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized type for prompt: {type(prompt)}')
- n_chars = len(prompt_str)
- if n_chars <= max_prompt_chars:
- return prompt
- shrinkable.shrink()
- logging.info(
- dedent(
- f"""\
- After {max_iterations} shrink iterations, the prompt is still
- {len(prompt_str)} chars (greater than {max_prompt_chars}). Returning the prompt as is."""
- )
- )
- return prompt
-class HTML(Truncater):
- def __init__(self, html, visible: bool = True, prefix='') -> None:
- super().__init__(visible=visible, start_truncate_iteration=5)
- self._prompt = f'\n{prefix}HTML:\n{html}\n'
-class AXTree(Truncater):
- def __init__(
- self, ax_tree, visible: bool = True, coord_type=None, prefix=''
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(visible=visible, start_truncate_iteration=10)
- if coord_type == 'center':
- coord_note = """\
-Note: center coordinates are provided in parenthesis and are
- relative to the top left corner of the page.\n\n"""
- elif coord_type == 'box':
- coord_note = """\
-Note: bounding box of each object are provided in parenthesis and are
- relative to the top left corner of the page.\n\n"""
- else:
- coord_note = ''
- self._prompt = f'\n{prefix}AXTree:\n{coord_note}{ax_tree}\n'
-class Error(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self, error, visible: bool = True, prefix='') -> None:
- super().__init__(visible=visible)
- self._prompt = f'\n{prefix}Error from previous action:\n{error}\n'
-class Observation(Shrinkable):
- """Observation of the current step.
- Contains the html, the accessibility tree and the error logs.
- """
- def __init__(self, obs, flags: Flags) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.flags = flags
- self.obs = obs
- self.html = HTML(obs[flags.html_type], visible=flags.use_html, prefix='## ')
- self.ax_tree = AXTree(
- obs['axtree_txt'],
- visible=flags.use_ax_tree,
- coord_type=flags.extract_coords,
- prefix='## ',
- )
- self.error = Error(
- obs['last_action_error'],
- visible=flags.use_error_logs and obs['last_action_error'],
- prefix='## ',
- )
- def shrink(self):
- self.ax_tree.shrink()
- self.html.shrink()
- @property
- def _prompt(self) -> str: # type: ignore
- return f'\n# Observation of current step:\n{self.html.prompt}{self.ax_tree.prompt}{self.error.prompt}\n\n'
- def add_screenshot(self, prompt):
- if self.flags.use_screenshot:
- if isinstance(prompt, str):
- prompt = [{'type': 'text', 'text': prompt}]
- img_url = BrowserEnv.image_to_jpg_base64_url(
- self.obs['screenshot'], add_data_prefix=True
- )
- prompt.append({'type': 'image_url', 'image_url': img_url})
- return prompt
-class MacNote(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- super().__init__(visible=platform.system() == 'Darwin')
- self._prompt = '\nNote: you are on mac so you should use Meta instead of Control for Control+C etc.\n'
-class BeCautious(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self, visible: bool = True) -> None:
- super().__init__(visible=visible)
- self._prompt = """\
-\nBe very cautious. Avoid submitting anything before verifying the effect of your
-actions. Take the time to explore the effect of safe actions first. For example
-you can fill a few elements of a form, but don't click submit before verifying
-that everything was filled correctly.\n"""
-class GoalInstructions(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self, goal, visible: bool = True) -> None:
- super().__init__(visible)
- self._prompt = f"""\
-# Instructions
-Review the current state of the page and all other information to find the best
-possible next action to accomplish your goal. Your answer will be interpreted
-and executed by a program, make sure to follow the formatting instructions.
-## Goal:
-class ChatInstructions(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self, chat_messages, visible: bool = True) -> None:
- super().__init__(visible)
- self._prompt = """\
-# Instructions
-You are a UI Assistant, your goal is to help the user perform tasks using a web browser. You can
-communicate with the user via a chat, in which the user gives you instructions and in which you
-can send back messages. You have access to a web browser that both you and the user can see,
-and with which only you can interact via specific commands.
-Review the instructions from the user, the current state of the page and all other information
-to find the best possible next action to accomplish your goal. Your answer will be interpreted
-and executed by a program, make sure to follow the formatting instructions.
-## Chat messages:
- self._prompt += '\n'.join(
- [
- f"""\
- - [{msg['role']}], {msg['message']}"""
- for msg in chat_messages
- ]
- )
-class SystemPrompt(PromptElement):
- _prompt = """\
-You are an agent trying to solve a web task based on the content of the page and
-a user instructions. You can interact with the page and explore. Each time you
-submit an action it will be sent to the browser and you will receive a new page."""
-class MainPrompt(Shrinkable):
- def __init__(
- self,
- obs_history,
- actions,
- memories,
- thoughts,
- flags: Flags,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.flags = flags
- self.history = History(obs_history, actions, memories, thoughts, flags)
- if self.flags.enable_chat:
- self.instructions: Union[ChatInstructions, GoalInstructions] = (
- ChatInstructions(obs_history[-1]['chat_messages'])
- )
- else:
- if (
- 'chat_messages' in obs_history[-1]
- and sum(
- [msg['role'] == 'user' for msg in obs_history[-1]['chat_messages']]
- )
- > 1
- ):
- logging.warning(
- 'Agent is in goal mode, but multiple user messages are present in the chat. Consider switching to `enable_chat=True`.'
- )
- self.instructions = GoalInstructions(obs_history[-1]['goal'])
- self.obs = Observation(obs_history[-1], self.flags)
- self.action_space = ActionSpace(self.flags)
- self.think = Think(visible=flags.use_thinking)
- self.memory = Memory(visible=flags.use_memory)
- @property
- def _prompt(self) -> str: # type: ignore
- prompt = f"""\
- if self.flags.use_abstract_example:
- prompt += f"""
-# Abstract Example
-Here is an abstract version of the answer with description of the content of
-each tag. Make sure you follow this structure, but replace the content with your
- if self.flags.use_concrete_example:
- prompt += f"""
-# Concrete Example
-Here is a concrete example of how to format your answer.
-Make sure to follow the template with proper tags:
- return self.obs.add_screenshot(prompt)
- def shrink(self):
- self.history.shrink()
- self.obs.shrink()
- def _parse_answer(self, text_answer):
- ans_dict = {}
- ans_dict.update(self.think._parse_answer(text_answer))
- ans_dict.update(self.memory._parse_answer(text_answer))
- ans_dict.update(self.action_space._parse_answer(text_answer))
- return ans_dict
-class ActionSpace(PromptElement):
- def __init__(self, flags: Flags) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.flags = flags
- self.action_space = _get_action_space(flags)
- self._prompt = (
- f'# Action space:\n{self.action_space.describe()}{MacNote().prompt}\n'
- )
- self._abstract_ex = f"""