An intuitive repl for lambda calculus written in Elm.
Try repl here!
- Cell-based repl with easy navigation
- Seamless multi-line cell editing
- Instant evaluations and problem feedbacks
- Auto save repl
- Support several color themes
- Tailored experiences for all devices
Install elm-live.
At the project root directory, start elm-live server
Note: You may need to run
chmod +x ./
to enable execution permission.
At the project root directory, run
to create an optimized and minimized build:
Note: You may need to run
chmod +x ./
to enable execution permission.
- Align repl to top of window
- Fix icon z-index hierarchy
- Color error messages tomato red
- Support expr without name in repl
- Fix indentation parsing
- Properly handle key up and down in multi-row cells
- Allow comments before and after def or expr in repl
- Support 3 color themes
- Add close active cell button
- Better visual hierarchy in popups
- Add link to source code in help popup
- Fix substitution issues by switching to De Bruijn Indices
- Support full evaluation
- Protect against infinite recursion like the merge function (\x. x x) (\x. x x)
- Clean up parentheses wrapping
- Return evaluated defs in original order
- Save model automatically to LocalStorage
- Add settings popup for evaluation strategy
- Add tooltips for buttons
- Evaluate all cells when editing one cell
- Track cell index in checker for problems like duplicated definition
- Enforce end of def and expr when parseDef and parseExpr
- Replace line prompt with cell index
- Place add cell button at the active cell
- Basic repl support