- 1680 Add amino support for MsgMaxWithdraw.
- 1548 Historacle prices and medians keeper proof of concept.
- 1580, 1632, 1657 Median tracking for historacle pricing.
- 1630 Incentive module proto.
- 1588 Historacle proto.
- 1653 Incentive Msg Server interface implementation.
- 1654 Leverage historacle integration.
v3.3.0 - 2022-12-20
- 1642 Added QueryMaxWithdraw and MsgMaxWithdraw.
- 1633 MarketSummary query now displays symbol price instead of base price for readability.
- 1659 Update to Cosmos SDK 0.46.7 and related dependencies (#1659)
- 1640 Migrate legacy x/leverage gov handler proposals to the new
messages. - 1650 Fixes bug with reserves in ExportGenesis.
- 1642 Added missing CLI for QueryBadDebts.
- 1633 Increases price calculation precision for high exponent. assets.
- 1645 Fix: docker build & release.
- 1650 export genesis tracks reserves.
v3.2.0 - 2022-11-25
Since umeed v3.2
there is a new runtime dependency: libwasmvm.x86_64.so v1.1.1
is required.
Building from source will automatically link the libwasmvm.x86_64.so
created as a part of the build process (you must build on same host as you run the binary, or copy the libwasmvm.x86_64.so
your lib directory).
- 1555 Updates IBC to v5.1.0 that adds adds optional memo field to
. - 1577 Removes LIQUIDATOR build flag and adds
runtime flag toumeed start
. See README.md file for more details.
- 1555 Enable GB Slashing.
- 1578 Reorganize key constructors in x/leverage/types and x/oracle/types.
v3.1.0 - 2022-10-22
- 1513 New query service exposing chain information via new RPC route. See cosmos-sdk/11582.
v3.0.3 - 2022-10-21
- 1511 Cosmos SDK patch release for Umee v3.0.3.
- 1460 Bump Gravity Bridge.
- 1450 fix: token registry cache which caused v3.0.0 halt.
v3.0.0 - 2022-09-22
- 1326 Setting protocol controlled min gas price.
- 1401 Increased free gas oracle tx limit from 100k to 140k.
- 1411 Set min gas price to zero for v3 release
- 1029 Removed MsgSetCollateral(addr,denom,bool), and replaced with MsgAddCollateral(addr,coin) and MsgRemoveCollateral(addr,coin)
- 1023 Restrict MsgWithdraw to only uToken input (no base token auto-convert)
- 1106 Rename Lend to Supply, including MsgLendAsset, Token EnableLend, docs, and internal functions. Also QueryLoaned similar queries to QuerySupplied.
- 1113 Rename Amount field to Asset when sdk.Coin type in Msg proto.
- 1122 Rename MsgWithdrawAsset, MsgBorrowAsset, MsgRepayAsset, MsgAddCollateral, and MsgRemoveCollateral to MsgWithdraw, MsgBorrow, MsgRepay, MsgCollateralize, MsgDecollateralize.
- 1123 Shorten all leverage and oracle query structs by removing the Request suffix.
- 1125 Refactor: remove proto getters in x/leverage and x/oracle proto types.
- 1126 Update proto json tag from
. - 1118 MsgLiquidate now has reward denom instead of full coin
- 1130 Update proto json tag to lower case.
- 1140 Rename MarketSize query to TotalSuppliedValue, and TokenMarketSize to TotalSupplied.
- 1188 Remove all individual queries which duplicate market_summary fields.
- 1199 Move all queries which require address input (e.g.
) into aggregate queriesacccount_summary
. - 1236 Add more response fields to leverage messages.
- 1222 Add leverage parameter DirectLiquidationFee.
- 1333 Remove first (addr) argument on all CLI commands, using
flag instead.
- 1147 Add SlashWindow oracle query.
- 913 Add LendEnabled, BorrowEnabled, and Blacklist to Token struct.
- 913 Changed update registry gov proposal to add and update tokens, but never delete them.
- 918 Add MarketSummary query to CLI.
- 1068 Add a cache layer for token registry.
- 1096 Add
to the x/leverage token registry. - 1094 Added TotalCollateral query.
- 1099 Added TotalBorrowed query.
- 1157 Added
util function optimizing the CLI code flow. - 1118 MsgLiquidate rewards base assets instead of requiring an addtional MsgWithdraw
- 1159 Add
to the x/leverage token registry. - 1188 Add
, andutoken_supply
fields to market summary. - 1203 Add Swagger docs.
- 1212 Add
utility package providing common check / validation functions. - 1217 Integrated Cosmos SDK v0.46
- Adding Cosmos SDK x/group module.
- Increased Gov
from 255 to 800 characters.
- 1220 Submit oracle prevotes / vote txs via the CLI.
- 1222 Liquidation reward_denom can now be either token or uToken.
- 1238 Added bad debts query.
- 1323 Oracle cli - Add validator address override option.
- 1329 Implement MaxCollateralShare.
- 1330 Implemented MaxSupplyUtilization.
- 1319 Implemented MaxSupply.
- 1331 Implemented MinCollateralLiquidity.
- 1343 RepayBadDebt and Liquidate automatically clear blacklisted collateral.
- 1379 Add
update to all validators. - 1395 Require compile-time flag to enable liquidation_targets query.
- 935 Fix protobuf linting
- 940(x/leverage) Renamed
(see #926) - 959 Improve ModuleBalance calculation
- 962 Streamline AccrueAllInterest
- 967 Use taylor series of e^x for more accurate interest at high APY.
- 987 Streamline x/leverage CLI tests
- 1012 Improve negative time elapsed error message
- 1236 Improve leverage event fields.
- 1294 Simplify window progress query math.
- 1300 Improve leverage test suite and error specificity.
- 1322 Improve complete liquidation threshold and close factor.
- 1332 Improve reserve exhaustion event and log message.
- 1362 Remove inefficent BorrowAmounts and CollateralAmounts leverage invariants.
- 1363 Standardize leverage KVStore access andincrease validation.
- 1385 Update v1.1-v3.0 upgrade plan name
- 1018 Return nil if negative time elapsed from the last block happens.
- 1156 Propagate context correctly.
- 1288 Safeguards LastInterestTime against time reversals and unintended interest from hard forks.
- 1357 Interptex x/0 collateral liquidity as 100%
- 1383 Remove potential panic during FeeAndPriority error case.
- 1405 No longer skip MinCollateralLiquidity < 1 validation.
v2.0.2 - 2022-05-13
- 866 Make the x/oracle keeper's GetExchangeRateBase method more efficient.
- 870 Move proto v1beta1 to v1.
- 903 (leverage) Renamed
v2.0.1 - 2022-04-25
- 835 Add miss counter query to oracle cli.
- 829 Fix
umeed tx leverage liquidate
command args.
- 781 Oracle module unit test cleanup.
- 782 Add unit test to
. - 786 Add unit test to
. - 798 Increase
unit test coverage. - 803 Add
command to makefile.
v2.0.0 - 2022-04-06
- 754 Update go.mod to use
import path. - 723 Add leverage parameter SmallLiquidationSize, which determines the USD value at which a borrow is considered small enough to be liquidated in a single transaction.
- 711 Clarify error message for negative elapsed time case.
- Convexity upgrade!!!
v1.1.0 - 2022-09-08
- 1358 Disable Gravity Bridge bridge messages.
- #1355 Update tooling to go1.19 and CI to the latest setup (based on v3).
v1.0.4 - - 2022-09-08
- #1353 Gravity Bridge update
v1.0.3 - 2022-02-17
- #560 Use Gravity Bridge fork that disables slashing completely.
v1.0.2 - 2022-02-16
- #556 Refactor the
debug addr
command to convert addresses between any Bech32 HRP.
v1.0.1 - 2022-02-07
- #517 Fix makefile
targets to support Ledger devices.
v1.0.0 - 2022-02-07
- Initial release!!!