diff --git a/fechas-progreso.md b/fechas-progreso.md index 38ea38c8..be20592f 100644 --- a/fechas-progreso.md +++ b/fechas-progreso.md @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ Short Introduction to Programming in Python | _episodes/01-short-introduction-to Starting With Data | _episodes/02-starting-with-data.md | @jmbarrios | nov 10 | nov 19 | @LUS24 | nov 20 | nov 22 Indexing, Slicing and Subsetting DataFrames in Python | _episodes/03-index-slice-subset.md | @welozano | nov 10 | nov 22 |@orchid00 | nov 11 | nov 22 Data Types and Formats | _episodes/04-data-types-and-format.md | @fergarciafer | nov 10 | nov 15 | @orchid00 | nov 12 | nov 17 -Combining DataFrames with Pandas | _episodes/05-merging-data.md | @spencerbh | nov 12 | nov 15 | @arredondo23 @raynamharris | nov 16 | +Combining DataFrames with Pandas | _episodes/05-merging-data.md | @spencerbh | nov 12 | nov 15 | @arredondo23, @raynamharris | nov 16 | nov 23 Data Workflows and Automation | _episodes/06-loops-and-functions.md | @miguelgondu | nov 9 | nov 18 | @fergarciafer | nov 19 | nov 22 Making Plots With plotnine | _episodes/07-visualization-ggplot-python.md | @orchid00 | nov10 | nov 12 | @LauCIFASIS | nov 12 | nov 20 -Data Ingest and Visualization - Matplotlib and Pandas | _episodes/08-putting-it-all-together.md | @enricescorsa | nov 11 | nov 12 | @chekos | nov 13 | +Data Ingest and Visualization - Matplotlib and Pandas | _episodes/08-putting-it-all-together.md | @enricescorsa | nov 11 | nov 12 | @chekos, @raynamharris | nov 13 | nov 23 Accessing SQLite Databases Using Python and Pandas | _episodes/09-working-with-sql.md | @orchid00 | nov 9 | nov10| @rzayas, @nohemihuanca | nov 13, nov 20 | nov 22 , nov 21 Glossary | _extras/reference.md | @chekos | nov 12 | nov 13 | @arredondo23 | nov 13 | nov 15 Index | _extras/index.md | @agbeltran | nov 9 | nov 11 | @orchid00 | nov 12 | nov 12