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Google your questions proactively.

The three projects, first-app, module-evolve and recipe-app, are built on Angular 4.

angular-new-tutorial-of-heroes built on Angular 7.

Angular is evolving rapidly, you'd better catch up!

custom-modal is about something deep in Angular, NgZone, ComponentFactoryResolver.

Concepts recap

An i18n localized demo project with more details.

Angular CLI

The official document is here, so you can find the all commands available.

ng command will use the angular-cli.json file (located in the project root) to generate or serve.

ng new my-project --style=scss make it posiible to use scss in the project. You can choose any other style language as you wish.

It is recommended to config the .angular-cli.json file in advance. A personal practice is here. In Angular 6 or later, the angular-cli.json schema has changed a lot, so this file is kind of out-of-date. You'd better configure properly.

config in package.json

# production build
npm run build ---> ng build --prod

# development
npm run start ---> ng serve --aot

# lint fix
npm run lint ---> ng lint --fix

In APP development

Search in the API document to find the interface of the APIs if you need it.

  • *ngIF can work like ternary statement, examples

  • the result in *ngIf condition statement can be stored as a local variable, the document has the examples.

  • *ngFor allows customized template and the iterator syntax is a little bit different. the doc of trackBy function. The whole document

  • one-way data binding has a different syntax like bind-${attr}, (event) works as well as on-${event}, check the document

  • the order of imports in app.module.ts matters, especially when dealing with the route navigation!

  • router guard, canActivate, canDeactivate, canLoad in lazy-loading (or asynchronousls routing)

  • when observe on params, query ... on some Observable, try to unsubsrcibe them on Destroy hook.

  • handleError function in http/Observable

  • debounceTime(500).distinctUntilChanged(). when listening to input and search

  • async pipe helps to Unwraps a value from an asynchronous primitive. doc

  • mock data with rxjs. observable, operators

  • --aot helps uglify the code.


  • ng build --base-href helps you to define the js refered when the index.html is not in the website root folder. And the image assets should be written in relative mode like assets/a.img rather than beginning with / which is an absolute path.

  • ng build --prod to build production with --aot in default.

Angular Components


Developer Conduction


Building tools


@bazel/bazelisk: A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.

Bazel watcher: A source file watcher for Bazel projects.

Linting and formatting tools for Bazel.




NPM scripts


Start development server. The project source is under src/dev-app.

// in root package.json
"scripts": {
  // run bazel in watch mode
  // sart devserver
  "dev-app": "ibazel run //src/dev-app:devserver",


Run tests.

"scripts": {
  * Script that simplifies the workflow of running unit tests for a component
  * using Bazel.
  * Supported command line flags:
  *   --local    | If specified, no browser will be launched.
  *   --firefox  | Instead of Chrome being used for tests, Firefox will be used.
  *   --no-watch | Watch mode is enabled by default. This flag opts-out to standard Bazel.
  "test": "node ./scripts/run-component-tests.js",
  "test-local": "yarn -s test --local",
  "test-firefox": "yarn -s test --firefox",

  "e2e": "bazel test //src/... --build_tag_filters=e2e --test_tag_filters=e2e --build_tests_only",
  "integration-tests": "bazel test --test_tag_filters=-view-engine-only,-linker-integration-test --build_tests_only -- //integration/... -//integration/size-test/...",
  "integration-tests:view-engine": "bazel test --test_tag_filters=view-engine-only --build_tests_only -- //integration/... -//integration/size-test/...",
  "integration-tests:partial-ivy": "bazel test --//tools:partial_compilation=True --test_tag_filters=partial-compilation-integration --build_tests_only -- //integration/... //src/...",
  "integration-tests:size-test": "bazel test //integration/size-test/...",


"scripts": {
   * incremental builds of the packages, output dist/release
   * Script that builds the release output of all packages which have the "release-package
   * bazel tag set. The script builds all those packages and copies the release output to the
   * distribution folder within the project.
  "build": "node ./scripts/build-packages-dist.js",

   * incremental builds of components-examples, output dist/docs-content-pkg
   * Script that builds the docs content NPM package and moves it into an conveniently
   * accessible distribution directory (the project `dist/` directory).
  "build-docs-content": "node ./scripts/build-docs-content.js",

   * Script that builds the dev-app as a static web package that will be
   * deployed to the currently configured Firebase project.
  "deploy-dev-app": "node ./scripts/deploy-dev-app.js"


"scripts": {
   * lint
  "lint": "yarn -s tslint && yarn -s stylelint && yarn -s ownerslint && yarn -s ng-dev format changed --check",
  "tslint": "tslint -c tslint.json --project ./tsconfig.json",
  "stylelint": "stylelint \"src/**/*.+(css|scss)\" --config .stylelintrc.json --syntax scss",

  // display breaking changes in comments
  "breaking-changes": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/breaking-changes.ts",

   * You can register gulp tasks dynamically,
   * checkout "tools/gulp/gulpfile.ts" and "tools/package-tools/gulp/build-tasks-gulp.ts"
   * task(name, [dependencies], callback)
  "gulp": "gulp",

   * stage a new release
  "stage-release": "ts-node --project tools/release/tsconfig.json tools/release/stage-release.ts",

   * create a new release
  "publish-release": "ts-node --project tools/release/tsconfig.json tools/release/publish-release.ts",

  * Script that detects and validates entry-points. The script walks through all
  * source files in the code base and ensures that determined entry-points are
  * configured. The list of configured entry-points in Starlark is passed to the
  * script through a manifest file (generated by Bazel)
  "check-entry-point-setup": "node ./scripts/check-entry-point-setup.js",

  * Checks the release output by running the release-output validations for each release package.
  * version, LICENSE files
  "check-release-output": "ts-node --project tools/release/tsconfig.json tools/release/check-release-output.ts",
  "check-rollup-globals": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/check-rollup-globals.ts",

   * update change log
  "changelog": "ts-node --project tools/release/tsconfig.json tools/release/changelog.ts",
   * format files, prettier
  "format": "yarn ng-dev format changed",
  "cherry-pick-patch": "ts-node --project tools/cherry-pick-patch/tsconfig.json tools/cherry-pick-patch/cherry-pick-patch.ts",

  * Script that lints the CODEOWNERS file and makes sure that all files have an owner.
  "ownerslint": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/ownerslint.ts",

  "resync-caretaker-app": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/caretaking/resync-caretaker-app-prs.ts",
  "ts-circular-deps:check": "yarn -s ng-dev ts-circular-deps check --config ./src/circular-deps-test.conf.js",
  "ts-circular-deps:approve": "yarn -s ng-dev ts-circular-deps approve --config ./src/circular-deps-test.conf.js",
  "merge": "ng-dev pr merge",
  "approve-api": "node ./scripts/approve-api-golden.js",
  "approve-size-tests": "node ./scripts/approve-size-golden.js",
  "check-tools": "yarn tsc --project tools/tsconfig-ci.json",

   * Goes through all the unit tests and flags the ones that don't exist in the MDC components.
  "check-mdc-tests": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/check-mdc-tests.ts",

   * Script which ensures that a particular MDC package exports all of the same symbols as its
   * non-MDC counterparts. Only looks at symbol names, not their signatures. Exceptions
   * can be configured through the `check-mdc-exports-config.ts` file.
  "check-mdc-exports": "ts-node --project scripts/tsconfig.json scripts/check-mdc-exports.ts",

  "prepare": "husky install"

Instance tools/release/git/git-client.ts of a wrapper that can execute GitCommands.