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Configuration Files

Aizistral edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 30 revisions

No Chat Reports has four configuration files - NCR-Client.json, NCR-ServerWhitelist.json, NCR-Encryption.json and NCR-Common.json, all of which are located in NoChatReports folder inside config folder in .minecraft directory or server installation directory.

  • NCR-Client.json contains options that are effective on client side, and thus it will not be generated on dedicated servers;
  • NCR-ServerWhitelist.json stores whitelist of unsafe servers that player agreed to not receive warnings for when joining them. This is also effective only on client;
  • NCR-Encryption.json stores encryption settings, most of which can be tweaked with the help of in-game GUI. All encryption-related functionality is explained in a dedicated article, and thus those options will not be touched upon here: To Encrypt or Not to Encrypt.
  • NCR-Common.json contains options that affect server or both sides. Server options are present on client too since they are relevant when hosting LAN servers.

Available Options

Option: demandOnClient

Side: Server
Description: Makes the server require all joining clients to have No Chat Reports installed.

Option: demandOnClientMessage

Side: Server
Description: Disconnect message that the server sends when demandOnClient is enabled and someone tries to join without No Chat Reports installed.

Option: demandOnServer

Side: Client
Description: Prevents the client from joining servers that don't have No Chat Reports installed.

Option: enableDebugLog

Side: Both
Description: Enables logging of certain debug information. This is generally useless for non-developers.

Option: convertToGameMessage

Side: Server
Description: Makes the server convert all player messages into system messages. System messages don't have any signatures attached and cannot be reported; on unmodified clients they will display with gray bar to the left.

Option: showServerSafety

Side: Client
Description: Allows the client to display server safety status in bottom-right corner of chat screen. The icon is hoverable for additional information:


Currently, there are 6 safety levels:

  1. question mark on blue Unknown. The state of chat reporting is not yet known, you must send one message for No Chat Reports to detect it.
  2. green ✅ Secure. The server has No Chat Reports installed, or prevents chat reporting on entire server in some other way.
  3. yellow ℹ️ Unintrusive. Server itself does not prevent chat reports, but has enforce-secure-profile disabled and allows players to send unsigned messages. Players on vanilla clients are still at risk, but No Chat Reports can protect you and them if installed on client.
  4. red ⚠️ Insecure. Server does not prevent chat reports and has enforce-secure-profile enabled, not allowing anyone to send unsigned messages. Every message you send can be reported.
  5. red eye Realms. Realms enforces chat signing and monitors all chat, taking actions against players even if nobody reports others.
  6. exclamation on black-purple Undefined. Likely indicates that mod has encountered a bug, please report it and include your logs.

Option: hideInsecureMessageIndicators

Side: Client
Description: Prevents the client from displaying "Not Secure" indicators, in the form of red bar to the left and (!) icon to the right of chat message:


Option: hideModifiedMessageIndicators

Side: Client
Description: Prevents the client from displaying "Modified" indicators, in the form of yellow bar to the left and (?) icon to the right of chat message:


Option: hideSystemMessageIndicators

Side: Client
Description: Prevents the client from displaying special indicators for system messages, in the form of gray bar to the left:


Option: hideWarningToast

Side: Client
Description: Removes a warning toast that is displayed when entering servers with disabled enforce-secure-profile:


Option: alwaysHideReportButton

Side: Client
Description: Prevents the client from ever showing report button in Social Interactions screen. This is disabled by default, and mod simply makes button inactive on servers that have No Chat Reports installed, adding an explanation to the tooltip of the button.

Option: disableTelemetry

Side: Client
Description: Allows the mod to disable built-in telemetry, similar to how No Telemetry does.

Option: removeTelemetryButton

Side: Client
Description: If enabled and disableTelemetry is set to true - removes telemetry button from vanilla options menu.

Option: showReloadButton

Side: Client
Description: Adds a button for config reloading to Multiplayer menu: image

Option: whitelistedServers

Side: Client
Description: Contains servers for which "Unsafe Server" warning screen should never display. Servers are added to this list automatically when you check "Do not show again for this server" box in that screen. Format is that of a common JSON array, each entry is a string that is formatted as <server-ip>:<port>.

Option: whitelistAllServers

Side: Client
Description: Makes the mod behave as if all servers were added to whitelistedServers list.

Option: verifiedIconEnabled

Side: Client
Description: Allows the mod to display special icon in multiplayer menu for servers that have No Chat Reports or some other anti-chat-reporting measures installed: image

Option: verifiedIconOffsetX

Side: Client
Description: Defines X-axis offset for rendering of "Safe Server" icon.

Option: verifiedIconOffsetY

Side: Client
Description: Defines Y-axis offset for rendering of "Safe Server" icon.

Option: addQueryData

Side: Server
Description: Allows the server to send additional data to client when handling pings. This is used for displaying "Safe Server" icon, as well as some other technical purposes.

Option: showNCRButton

Side: Client
Description: Adds a button that toggles most of the mod's client-sided functionality to multiplayer menu: image

Option: enableMod

Side: Client
Description: Responsible for enabling most of the mod's client-sided functionality; see showNCRButton.

Option: hideSigningRequestMessage

Side: Client
Description: Hides message that shows up when server reject unsigned chat message, in cases where No Chat Reports sucessfully intercepts it to show "Chat Signing Requested" screen.

Removed Options

Option: versionEasterEgg

Side: Client
Description: In 1.19.1 builds of the mod, was responsible for replacement of "1.19.1" with "1.19.84" in title screen and window title.

Option: suppressVanillaSecurityNotices

Side: Client
Description: Formerly combined hideRedChatIndicators, hideYellowChatIndicators, hideGrayChatIndicators and hideWarningToast as a single option.

Option: reconnectAwaitSeconds

Side: Client
Description: Number of seconds which client should wait before automatic reconnect once server rejects connection without chat signing key, assuming user agreed to enter unsafe server.

Option: postDisconnectAwaitSeconds

Side: Client
Description: Similar to reconnectAwaitSeconds, but countdown starts as soon as player disconnects from the server normally. If this delay is greater than reconnectAwaitSeconds when they try to re-join the server - then it will apply instead.

Option: signingCheckDelaySeconds

Side: Client
Description: Delay for checking whether whitelisted servers still enforce chat signing, in seconds. Setting this to 0 will cause check to be performed on every login attempt, similar to non-whitelisted servers.

Option: serverSigningChecks

Side: Client
Description: Map of whitelisted servers to last signing enforcement check times, in epoch seconds. This typically does not have to be edited manually.

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