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Aidbox .NET SDK Roadmap


Mappings from FHIR resources to C# classes

Typed Search Params


Read Resource by Id

Create Resource

Delete Resource

Update Resource

Search / List Resource


FHIR to C# Mappings

Use appropriate field types for storing fhir dates, date times (and other types)

var patient = new Patient();
// instead of string
patient.BirtDate = "2000-01-01";
// use Date type
patient.BirthDate = new DateOnly(2000, 1, 1);

FHIR "primitive" datatypes

var fhirBool = new FhirBoolean(true);
var fhirString = new FhirString("sample string");
var fhirDate = new FhirDate("2024-01-01");

Instead of using one of the fields like here

var patient = new Patient();
patient.DeceasedBoolean = true;
// or
patient.DeceasedDateTime = new DateOnly("2024-01-01") 

Use polymorphic field

var patient = new Patient();
patient.Deceased = new FhirBoolean(true);
// or
patient.Deceased = new FhirDateTime("2024-01-01T100:00:00") 

Value sets as enums

enum AdministrativeGender 

var patient = new Patient();
patient.Gender = AdministrativeGender.Unknown;

Or value sets as union types

public abstract record AdministrativeGender
    private AdministrativeGender(){ }
    public record Male(): AdministrativeGender;
    public record Female() : AdministrativeGender;
    public record Other() : AdministrativeGender;
    public record Unknown() : AdministrativeGender;

var patient = new Patient();
patient.Gender = AdministrativeGender.Unknown();

FHIR extensions

Make it possible to add extensions.

var patient = new Patient();
var mothersName = new Extension("", "Doe");


List / circular structure / recursive structure

There are fields with the same name as resources in FHIR. It is not allowed to have the same property name as a class name. Come up with a workaround.

Reference [re-design Reference class] (aidbox format)

Problem: we don't want to concat string every time "Patient" + "/" + ""

// FHIR: { reference: "Patient/<uuid>" }
// AIDBOX: { resourceType: Patient, id: <uuid> }

patient.managingOrganization = new Reference<Organization>() { id:<uuid> }

JsonParse(patient) => { "name": [], "managingOrganization": { "reference": "Organization/<uuid>" } } 

First-Class extensions (aka aidbox format)

It is hard to reach the exact extension in array with nested extensions. Implement a convenient way of extractting data from extension.

Given example of patient data:

  "resourceType" : "Patient",
  "id" : "child-example",
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : ["|7.0.0"]
  "extension" : [
      "extension" : [
          "url" : "ombCategory",
          "valueCoding" : {
            "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238",
            "code" : "2028-9",
            "display" : "Asian"
          "url" : "text",
          "valueString" : "Asian"
      "url" : ""
      "url" : "",
      "valueCode" : "M"
      "url" : "",
      "valueCode" : "248153007"

Instead of extracting patient extension data like in the next example:

var raceExtension = patient.extension.FirstOrDefault(e => e["url"].ToString() == "");

var raceText = raceExtension.extension.FirstOrDefault(e => e["url"].ToString() == "text")["valueString"];

We would like to provide a more convenient way:

var raceName = patient.Race.Text;


Implement FHIR Profiles Patterns

  "code": {
    "pattern": {
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "29549-3",
          "display": "Medication administered Narrative"
class CodeableConcept1 : CodeableConcept {
  readonly coding: [new Conding295493() { System = "", Code = "29549-3"}]

Bindings (resource code type suggestion from CodeSystem)

patient.gender = male | female

Client methods

PATCH method

Link to aidbox doc:

var (result, error) = await aidbox.Patch<Patient>(newData);

Batch/Transaction Operation

Link to aidbox doc:

Chaining of params, pagination, sorting (like in TypeScript SDK)

var search = aidbox.Search<Patient>(params)

Request exceptions

Handle HTTP exceptions with appropriate C# classes.

OperationOutcome example in Aidbox:

resourceType: OperationOutcome
  status: generated
  div: Invalid resource

  - severity: fatal
    code: invalid
      - Appointment.participant
        diagnostics: ':participant is required'
  - severity: fatal
    code: invalid
      - Appointment.status
        diagnostics: ':status is required'

Model Validation

Exceptions during runtime based on type-system [c# serialize/parse out of box]

Example TBD

Constraint on properties / cross-properties [transformation to validation functions]

Example TBD

Slicing (min/max; order; pattern; open/close) [transformation to validation functions]

Example TBD

Value-set / reference to a specific version of the resource [fhir-server]

Example TBD

Custom operations


It might not be so trivial, considering there are numerous FHIR profiles and each client would need its own set.