The Higgs boson mass can also be determined with the fully hadronic final state: e+e− → ZH → qq ̄bb ̄. The requirements on the detector design (b-tagging efficiency and purity, jet angular resolution), to achieve a precision on the Higgs boson mass of the same order as that obtained in the leptonic final state, will be studied in the context of a full 5C kinematic fit, as described for example in Ref. [6] for the W mass determination at FCC-ee. The feasibility of a calibration of the method – to reduce systematic effects due to, e.g., final-state jet-jet interaction – will be ascertained with the e+e− → ZZ → qq ̄bb ̄ process.
The need for calibration data at the Z pole will be estimated (frequency, number of events).
- Prospective Studies for LEP3 with the CMS Detector P. Azzi et al, arXiv:1208.1662 [hep-ex]