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executable file
85 lines (69 loc) · 4.54 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
85 lines (69 loc) · 4.54 KB
  • Version 1.1.0
  • Merged PR #98 : fix a complier error in SwiftyJSON - Class. Thanks @superk589
  • Merged PR #99 : Migrate to Swift 4. Thanks @serhii-londar
  • Merged PR #101 : Added Codable Option to make Codable Structs with forced up-wrapped properties. Thanks @mumer92
  • Merged PR #106 : Fix Xcode build-time error : Change generic type from 'AnyObject' to 'String' -> Fixes #105. Thanks @ankushkushwaha
  • Merged PR #108 : Java Gson for Android: Fix method name. Thanks @ty0521-fss
  • Merged PR #119 : Suuport for Outlaw. Thanks @LifetimeCode
  • Merged PR #123 : Update to Swift 4.2. Thanks @BrychanOdlum
  • Fixed an issue with trying to figure the selected language from an UI element outside the UI thread
  • Version 1.0.9
  • Merged PR #88 : Fix minor typo in the README.MD file. Thanks to @AlexxNica
  • Merged PR #93 Changed app icon and fix upside down text. Thanks to @narlei
  • Merged PR #96 Adding support for Swift 4 Codable. Thanks to @kashifshaikh
  • Version 1.0.8
  • Merged PR #72 App now remembers what language user selected last time. Thanks to @TParizek
  • Merged PR #75 Fix Error for Swift in Xcode 8.2.1 and replace NSDictionary. Thanks to @dimohamdy
  • Merged PR #76 NSCoding protocol - swift 3 compatible. Thanks to @gajjartejas
  • Version 1.0.7

    • Merged PR #70 to update unbox JSON file for Swift 3
    • Fixed issue #71 by disabiliing the handling of smart quotes and also fixing the source of this issue in the JSON inpute text view.
    • Removed SBJson dependency.
  • Version 1.0.6

    • Merged PR #69 to fix some issues with SwiftyJSON generated files
    • Merged PR #59 to auto fill the root class name from the imported JSON file.
  • Version 1.0.5

    • Merged pull request #58 to update ObjectMapper generated files to for Swift 3
  • Version 1.0.4

    • Merged pull request #47 to add support to open .json file from the app (thanks to RobinChao)
    • Merged pull request #50 (thanks king129)
    • Merged pull request #54 to complete the Swift 3 and Xcode 8 support
    • Fixed issue #48 that causes the app to produce empty files
    • Fixed issue #53 to call copy instead of copyWithZone method for the NSCopying implementation
  • Version 1.0.3

    • Merged pull request #45 to add support Android GSON (Thanks to forestsoftjpdev)
  • Version 1.0.2

    • Merged pull request #43 to add support for Swift 3 for Mappable classes (Thanks to amolgupta)
    • Merged pull request #44 to add support for Unbox structures (Thanks to baroqueworksdev)
  • Version 1.0.1

    • Merged pull request #38 to add support to Gloss (Thanks to CodeEagle help)
    • Add "author" section in the lang files, so when you contribute by adding a definition of a language, you can add your "name", "email", "website" on top of every generated file of the language you added. See the Swift-Struct-Gloss.json" author key for an example.
  • Version 1.0.0

    • Merged pull requests #28 and #31
    • The app seems to be stable enough at this point
  • Version 0.0.9

    • Merged pull request #25 for support to Xcode 7 and Swift 2.0
  • Version 0.0.8

    • Added reserved keywords for each language; json keys that has one of these keywords (eg: {"false": "This is false value"}), will be handled approperiately.
    • Fix for issue #10, whcih prevented the creation of some classes/structs in some cases.
    • Added NSCoding support for the following language definitions: Swift-Classes, Swift-Mappable, SwiftyJSON, Swift-Realm, Objective-C iOS, Mac and Realm.
  • Version 0.0.7

    • Few changes by tomkidd for xCode 6.3 and Swift 1.2
  • Version 0.0.6

    • JSONExport will first remove any control characters before parsing the JSON object. So it will able to parse your JSON even if it has control characters.
    • Double check property names to avoid unwanted spaces (issue #5 thanks to falcon2010).
    • Processing JSON now happens in background queue for better responsiveness.
    • For Java (with and without Realm) parsing of array of strings (issue #6 thanks to falcon2010)
  • Version 0.0.5:

    • Fixed an issue where float values would be generated into Int property (Thanks to jmonroe).
    • Updated SiwftyJSON language definition to match the current version (Thanks to jmonroe).
    • Fixed typo in CGGFloat instead of CGFloat.
    • In Objective-C check against NSNull values.
    • Swift realm, initialize using class methods instead of initializers.
    • Swift perimitive types now casted directly instead of cating to NSString first.
  • Version 0.0.4:

    • Sync multible classes with the same name or have the same exact properties.
    • Support to parse JSON arrays of objects.
  • Version 0.0.3:

    • Added support for Realm with Android.
    • Added support to specify parent class for all generated classes.