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File metadata and controls

151 lines (129 loc) · 7.53 KB

Annotations format compatibility


  1. Introduction
  2. Supported formats
  3. Adding another annotations format

1. Introduction

To train Mask R-CNN, you need to get annotations for your dataset images. As we based our model on navidyou's Mask R-CNN implementation for cell nucleus detection, we used the same mask loading system. Instead of a masks folder where to get every mask as an image, we are using a folder per class containing all its corresponding masks. You can generate your dataset using the datasetFormator script which requires all the datasetTools folder's files.

If you want to be able to read directly the annotations file from Mask R-CNN, without generating an image per mask, you will need to rewrite a custom dataset Class. You should read Waleed Abdulla's article on Mask R-CNN where he explains how to do this.

Annotations files are also generated from predictions, so you can generate new data for future training. However, you may have to fix some of the predicted annotations.

To sum up, to be able to train using a specific annotation format, the model needs to read and write this format. This work is done by adapter classes.

2. Supported formats

Current supported annotations format are the following :

3. Adding another annotations format

You can add support to a currently unsupported annotations format by writing an adapter class inheriting from abstract classes AnnotationAdapter, XMLAdapter, or JSONAdapter and implementing all abstract methods.
You can use ASAPAdapter or LabelMeAdapter as examples to help you.

Custom Adapter Class Template

Here is the custom adapter template :

class CustomAdapter(JSONAdapter):
    In this example, this adapter would create and read JSON files. You can also 
    inherits from XMLAdapter if using XML files. If you are using an unique 
    annotations format, that is not used for anything else (not a basic extension
    for example), you should inherits directly from AnnotationAdapter and also 
    overwrite __str__(self), getSaveFileName(self, fileName) and 

    def __init__(self, imageInfo: dict, verbose=0):
        super().__init__(imageInfo, verbose=verbose)
        Annotations format can have information about the version of the format,
        about the image itself (height, width, name...) that are present only 
        once in the file. This information should be formatted and added here.

        imageInfo parameter contains at least "name", "height" and "width" values
        for the current image. To access to information, use imageInfo['name'] 
        for example

    def addAnnotation(self, classInfo: {}, points):
        Here is the method adding an annotation, this is where you have to
        format the data to get the correct annotations format. Using the
        same keywords and structures as you custom format.

        classInfo parameter contains the name, id and other information you
        may have added for the given annotation/mask. For example, use
        classInfo['name'] to get access to the class name of the current mask

    def addAnnotationClass(self, classInfo: {}):
        Some annotations formats are saving informations about each detection
        class. You should implement that part here. If nothing has to be done
        keep the method and use the pass keyword as done here.

        You can access to class information with classInfo parameter. For 
        example, to get access to the class ID, use classInfo['id']

    def saveToFile(self, savePath, fileName):
        If you have specific tasks to realize before saving, you should do them 
        super().saveToFile(savePath, fileName)
        Except the saving is different than just writing the data 
        (object.__str__()) into a file, you may just call 
        super().saveToFile() has written before.

    def getPriorityLevel():
        Return an integer here representing the priority level of the adapter.
        When datasetWrapper has to create the masks of an image and it has not
        received any Adapter class in parameters, it will automatically choose
        the Adapter class that can read one of all annotations files available
        with the highest priority level.

        Example :
        There are a Label Me Annotations file and an ASAP Annotations file for
        the same image when you started the inference. There is no choice for a
        specific adapter. The Wrapper will check for compatible annotations files
        extensions (so .xml and .json). For each file, it will test each Adapter
        and it will keep one file with an Adapter that can read it. This choice
        is made using the priority level. If two adapters are available, the one
        with the highest priority level.

    def canRead(filePath):
        canRead = JSONAdapter.canRead(filePath)
        if canRead:
            You can validate the json file to check it has the schema/structure 
            you want
            with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
                data = json.load(file)
                    sch.validate(instance=data, schema=CUSTOM_FORMAT_SCHEMA)
                    canRead = True
                except sch.exceptions.ValidationError as err:
                    canRead = False
            You can also check by other methods if it is a file is readable
        return canRead

    def readFile(filePath):
        canRead = CustomAdapter.canRead(filePath)
        assert canRead
        masks = []
        with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
            Here is the part where you get all annotations information saved in the 
            For each annotation, append a tuple (classIdorName, [[x, y]]) to masks.
        return masks

Making your custom Adapter Class available automatically

Finally, you should add your custom Adapter class at the end of the AnnotationAdapter script. You just have to import the class (do it at the end like for ASAPAdapter and LabelMeAdapter) and adding it to ANNOTATION_ADAPTERS list.

Here is an example of what it should be with the CustomAdapter class :

from datasetTools.ASAPAdapter import ASAPAdapter
from datasetTools.LabelMeAdapter import LabelMeAdapter
from datasetTools.CustomAdapter import CustomAdapter

ANNOTATION_ADAPTERS = [ASAPAdapter, LabelMeAdapter, CustomAdapter]