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This package enables the creation of ROS robot environments in OpenAI Gym.

This is a fork of the original openai_ros package from The Construct, found here:


Installation is similar to other ROS packages. Simply clone it into a catkin workspace and build.

Execute the following commands:
cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/ros_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosdep install openai_ros

New environments

The utexas fork is meant to represent UT-specific robots and environments for training of ROS robots in Gazebo simulation. As of now, there are two new robot environments and three new task environments, described below.

Robot environments

  • walrus: A robot environment for the Walrus robot. It launches a typical Walrus robot with two LIDAR scanning rangefinders, an IMU, and odometry. The file is stored at robot_envs/

  • walrus_upright: A robot environment for the Walrus robot, which spawns the robot in an upright position. This is used for the self-balancing task described below. The robot has the same sensor suite as in walrus_env, and the only difference is the spawn orientation as specified by the launch file. The file is stored at robot_envs/

Both Walrus environments depend on the walrus_description and walrus_gazebo packages (openai branch):

Task Environments

  • WalrusBalance-v0 - An inverted pendulum/self-balancing robot task.

    • Defined in task_envs/walrus/
    • Parameters in task_envs/walrus/config/walrus_balance.yaml
    • Observations
      • 16 Scans: 8 each from the LIDAR scan messages on /scan and /scan_1 topics.
      • 2 IMU measurements. Pitch attitude (imu/data/orientation/y) and pitch rate (imu/data/angular_velocity/y)
      • 1 Odometry measurement: Horizontal position (/odom/pose/pose/position/x)
    • Actions
      • Commanded linear velocity (/cmd_vel/linear/x), with speed range defined by [linear_speed_(min/max)] values in the .yaml file
    • Rewards
      • [stay_up_reward] value is awarded each timestep.
      • [position_penalty] is subtracted for every meter of nonzero position in x. For example, a penalty of 10 results in -10 reward if the x-position is 1m.
      • [ang_velocity_reward] is designed to keep the rotation slow, and avoid jerky or sudden movements. It is awarded when the pitch velocity is less than [ang_velocity_threshold].
    • Completion conditions
      • "Crash" when robot acceleration exceeds [max_linear_acceleration] parameter.
      • "Rollover" when pitch attitude (imu/data/orientation/y) is out of bounds of [min_pitch_orient, max_pitch_orient] OR
      • Pitch rate (imu/data/angular_velocity/y) is out of bounds of [min_pitch_rate, max_pitch_rate]
  • WalrusStairs-v0 - A task environment designed to teach the robot to climb and descend stairs without rolling over. The stairs and motion are entirely along the x-axis.

    • NOTE: This one needs tuning. Inertial parameters of the Walrus, and friction of the ground_plane and stairs need adjusting so that the robot can gain traction.
    • Defined in task_envs/walrus/
    • Parameters in task_envs/walrus/config/walrus_stairs.yaml
    • Observations
      • 16 Scans: 8 each from the LIDAR scan messages on /scan and /scan_1 topics.
      • 2 IMU measurements. Pitch attitude (imu/data/orientation/y) and pitch rate (imu/data/angular_velocity/y)
      • 1 Odometry measurement: Horizontal position (/odom/pose/pose/position/x)
    • Actions
      • Commanded linear velocity (/cmd_vel/linear/x), with speed range defined by [linear_speed_(min/max)] values in the .yaml file
    • Rewards
      • [stay_alive_reward] value is awarded each timestep.
      • [ang_velocity_reward] is designed to keep the rotation slow, and avoid jerky or sudden movements. It is awarded when the pitch velocity is less than [ang_velocity_threshold].
      • [forward_velocity_reward] is given as a multiple of forward linear speed. If this reward value is positive, forward motion gives a reward. Rearward motion does not give a penalty, but it isn't rewarded.
      • [position_reward] is awarded at each timestep as a multiple of forward progress in the x-direction. For example, a value of 10 gives a reward of 100 if the robot is 10m from the origin, and a reward of 10 if the robot is 1m away from the origin.
      • TO DO: Add a completion reward when the robot reaches [max_x_disp].
    • Completion Conditions
      • "Crash" when robot acceleration exceeds [max_linear_acceleration] parameter.
      • "Rollover" when pitch attitude (imu/data/orientation/y) is out of bounds of [min_pitch_orient, max_pitch_orient] OR
      • Pitch rate (imu/data/angular_velocity/y) is out of bounds of [min_pitch_rate, max_pitch_rate]
      • x-position exceeds [max_x_disp] parameter (i.e., it's completed the entire course of stairs).
  • WalrusNav-v0 - a simple 2D nav task.

    • NOTE: sometimes the barriers in the clearpath_playpen environment spawn in an incorrect orientation. Needs to be fixed.
    • Defined in task_envs/walrus/
    • Parameters in task_envs/walrus/config/walrus_nav.yaml
    • Observations
      • 16 Scans: 8 each from the LIDAR scan messages on (/scan) and (/scan_1) topics.
      • 1 yaw orientation measurement (imu/data/orientation/z)
      • 2 Odometry measurements to describe the 2D position: (/odom/pose/pose/position/x) and (/odom/pose/pose/position/y)
    • Actions
      • Commanded velocity (/cmd_vel/linear/x) and (/cmd_vel/angular/y), with speed range defined by [linear_speed_(max/min)] and [angular_speed_(max/min)] values in the .yaml file
    • Rewards
      • [stay_alive_reward] value is awarded each timestep.
      • [forward_velocity_reward] is given as a multiple of linear speed. If this reward value is positive, forward motion gives a reward, and rear motion gives a penalty.
      • [position_reward]/(distance to goal in m) is awarded at each timestep. For example, a value of 10 gives a reward of 1 if the robot is 10m from the goal, and a reward of 10 if the robot is 1m away from the goal.
      • [goal_reached_reward] is given if the robot position is within [success_radius] meters of [x_goal, y_goal].
    • Completion conditions
      • "Crash" when robot acceleration exceeds [max_linear_acceleration] parameter.
      • "Out of bounds" when robot exceeds [(min/max)_(x/y)_disp] parameters.
      • Robot position is within [success_radius] meters of [x_goal, y_goal].