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MoE Jetpack

From Dense Checkpoints to Adaptive Mixture of Experts for Vision Tasks

Xingkui Zhu*, Yiran Guan*, Dingkang Liang, Yuchao Chen, Yuliang Liu, Xiang Bai

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

* Equal Contribution      Corresponding Author

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📣 News

  • 2024.09.26: MoE Jetpack has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024. 🎉
  • 2024.06.07: MoE Jetpack paper released. 🔥

⭐️ Highlights

  • 🔥 Strong performance. MoE Jetpack boosts accuracy across multiple vision tasks, outperforming both dense and Soft MoE models.
  • Fast Convergence. Leveraging checkpoint recycling, MoE Jetpack speeds up convergence, achieving target accuracies significantly faster than training from scratch.
  • 🤝 Strong generalization. MoE Jetpack achieves significant performance improvements on both Transformer and CNN across 8 downstream vision datasets.

  • 😮 Running Efficiency. We provide an efficient implementation of expert parallelization, whereby the FLOPs and training wall time remain nearly identical to those of a dense model.

⚡ Overview

We present MoE Jetpack, a framework that fine-tunes pre-trained dense models into Mixture of Experts with checkpoint recycling and SpheroMoE layers, improving convergence speed, accuracy, and computational efficiency across several downstream vision tasks.

📦 Download URL

File Type Description Download Link (Google Drive)
Checkpoint Recycling Sampling from Dense Checkpoints to Initialize MoE Weights
Dense Checkpoint (ViT-T) Pre-trained ViT-T weights on ImageNet-21k for checkpoint recycling 🤗 ViT-T Weights
Dense Checkpoint (ViT-S) Pre-trained ViT-S weights on ImageNet-21k for checkpoint recycling 🤗 ViT-S Weights
MoE Jetpack Init Weights Initialized weights using checkpoint recycling (ViT-T/ViT-S) MoE Init Weights
MoE Jetpack Fine-tuning initialized SpheroMoE on ImageNet-1k
Config Config file for fine-tuning SpheroMoE model using checkpoint recycling weights MoE Jetpack Config
Fine-tuning Logs Logs from fine-tuning SpheroMoE MoE Jetpack Logs
MoE Jetpack Weights Final weights after fine-tuning on ImageNet-1K MoE Jetpack Weights

📊 Main Results

Comparisons between MoE Jetpack, Densely activated ViT, and Soft MoE

🚀 Getting Started

🔧 Installation

Follow these steps to set up the environment for MoE Jetpack:

1. Install PyTorch v2.1.0 with CUDA 12.1

pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url

2. Install MMCV 2.1.0

pip install mmcv==2.1.0 -f

3. Install MoE Jetpack

Clone the repository and install it:

git clone
cd path/to/MoE-Jetpack
pip install -U openmim && mim install -e .

For more details and prepare datasets, refer to MMPretrain Installation

4. Install Additional Dependencies

pip install timm einops entmax python-louvain scikit-learn pymetis

Now you're ready to run MoE Jetpack!

📁 Project Directory Structure

Below is an overview of the MoE Jetpack project structure with descriptions of the key components:

├── data/
│   ├── imagenet/
│   │   ├── train/
│   │   ├── val/
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── moejet/                          # Main project folder
│   ├── configs/                     # Configuration files
│   │   └── timm/                    
│   │       ├── 
│   │       └── ...                 
│   │
│   ├── models/                      # Contains the model definition files
│   │   └── ...                      
│   │
│   ├── tools/                       
│   │   └──    # Script to convert ViT dense checkpoints into MoE format
│   │       
│   │
│   ├── weights/                     # Folder for storing pre-trained weights
│   │   └── gen_weight/              # MoE initialization weights go here
│   │       └── ...                  
│   │
│   └── ...                          # Other project-related files and folders
├──                        # Project readme and documentation
└── ...                              

🗝️ Training & Validating

1. Initialize MoE Weights (Checkpoint Recycling)

Run the following script to initialize the MoE weights from pre-trained ViT weights:

python moejet/tools/

2. Start Training

# For example, to train MoE Jet on ImageNet-1K, use:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 PORT=29500 ./tools/ moejet/configs/timm/ 4

By default, we use 4 GPUs with a batch size of 256 per GPU. Gradient accumulation simulates a total batch size of 4096.

To customize hyperparameters, modify the relevant settings in the configuration file.

🖊️ Citation

  title={MoE Jetpack: From Dense Checkpoints to Adaptive Mixture of Experts for Vision Tasks},
  author={Xingkui Zhu, Yiran Guan, Dingkang Liang, Yuchao Chen, Yuliang Liu, Xiang Bai},
  journal={Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},

👍 Acknowledgement

We thank the following great works and open-source repositories: