This project is for me to learn an OOP through Java.
The requirement for tihs project is for me to play a game.
Part I: the basic game
When you start a game, the program shows you a random letter from the alphabet
There is a textbox for you to type in the correct phonetic word for that letter, and press enter.
if you get it right it goes hooray!and takes you to a new letter
if you get it wrong it quickly shows you the correct answer before moving to a new letter
when a round is complete it shows your score (you can decide the length of a round).
Part II: test for speed
You're not truly trained in the phonetic alphabet until you have instantaneous recall. So don't count an answer correct unless the user types in the correct answer quickly enough. I think I set mine to something like 2-3 seconds or something like that.
Part III: close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and this game
The point is to know the phonetic word that matches the letter, not to be an excellent typist. If the user makes a spelling mistake, but it's obvious what word they were going for, that should count right?
So, implement the Levenshtein distance algorithm so that if the user gets one or two letters wrong, their answer will still count.
Improve it further by also implementing Soundex Part IV: Ultimate Phonetic Tester
A neural algorithm that models your own thinking process exactly. You don't have to type anything as the program already knows what you will type before you even begin the test.
Ok I'm just kidding about this one but the others are all very good ways to get going.