From e898aca52972ef31f49726725d42e679c913d226 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 21:48:56 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 01/17] add class planet and main file for wave1

 main.rb   | 14 ++++++++++++++
 planet.rb | 15 +++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 main.rb
 create mode 100644 planet.rb

diff --git a/main.rb b/main.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cacd252a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require_relative 'planet'
+def main
+  # this method should create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
+  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
+  puts "#{ } is #{ earth.color }"
+  puts earth.summary  
+  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')  
+  puts "#{ } is #{ mars.color }"
+  puts mars.summary  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/planet.rb b/planet.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68944cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planet.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class Planet
+  attr_reader :name, :color, :mass_kg, :distance_from_sun_km, :fun_fact
+  def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)  
+    @name = name
+    @color = color
+    @mass_kg = mass_kg
+    @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
+    @fun_fact = fun_fact
+  end
+  def summary
+    return "#{ @name } is #{ @color }, and it weights #{ @mass_kg } kg and #{ @distance_from_sun_km } km away from sun. The fun fact about it: #{ @fun_fact }"
+  end

From df3c62aac98dfe2e675757e10ecce80b8ef3574c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 23:54:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 02/17] revise summary format

 planet.rb | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/planet.rb b/planet.rb
index 68944cce..4a6ecd83 100644
--- a/planet.rb
+++ b/planet.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)
   def summary
-    return "#{ @name } is #{ @color }, and it weights #{ @mass_kg } kg and #{ @distance_from_sun_km } km away from sun. The fun fact about it: #{ @fun_fact }"
+    return "#{ @name } is #{ @color }, and it weights #{ @mass_kg } kg and #{ @distance_from_sun_km } km away from sun. \nThe fun fact about it: #{ @fun_fact.downcase }\n\n"

From 8b12c08112efe6edf86c3457108624c8268bb721 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 23:54:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 03/17] add class solar_system and revise main file for wave2

 main.rb         | 18 ++++++++++++++++--
 solar_system.rb | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 solar_system.rb

diff --git a/main.rb b/main.rb
index cacd252a..46814bef 100644
--- a/main.rb
+++ b/main.rb
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
 require_relative 'planet'
+require_relative 'solar_system'
 def main
-  # this method should create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
+  # Create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
   earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
   puts "#{ } is #{ earth.color }"
   puts earth.summary  
   mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')  
-  puts "#{ } is #{ mars.color }"
+  puts "#{ } is #{ mars.fun_fact.downcase }"
   puts mars.summary  
+  # create an instance of SolarSystem, add all your Planets to it, and then print the list
+  solar_system ="Sol")
+  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
+  list = solar_system.list_planets
+  puts list
+  # Exercise SolarSystem#find_planet_by_name
+  found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name('saturn')
+  puts found_planet
+  puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solar_system.rb b/solar_system.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d7f0fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solar_system.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+class SolarSystem
+  attr_reader :star_name, :planets
+  def initialize(star_name)
+    @star_name = star_name
+    @planets =
+  end
+  def add_planet(planet)
+    @planets.push(planet)
+  end
+  def list_planets
+    my_string = "Planets orbiting <#{ @star_name }>\n"
+    @planets.each_with_index do |planet, index|
+      my_string += "#{ index + 1 }  #{ }\n"
+    end
+    return my_string
+  end
+  def find_planet_by_name(planet_name)
+    array_planet = { |planet| == planet_name.downcase}
+    found_planet = nil
+    array_planet.each { |element| found_planet = element }
+    return found_planet
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From 5d2518061535fd1229d5bb78d178b556a9f56fb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 11:28:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 04/17] revise main file for wave3

 main.rb | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+)

diff --git a/main.rb b/main.rb
index 46814bef..b3115cb7 100644
--- a/main.rb
+++ b/main.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 require_relative 'solar_system'
 def main
+  # For wave 1 
   # Create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
   earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
   puts "#{ } is #{ earth.color }"
@@ -19,10 +21,61 @@ def main
   list = solar_system.list_planets
   puts list
+  # For wave 2
   # Exercise SolarSystem#find_planet_by_name
   found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name('saturn')
   puts found_planet
   puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+  # For wave 3
+  solar_system ="Sol")
+  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
+  solar_system.add_planet(earth)
+  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(mars)
+  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
+  options = ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"]
+  stop_loop = false
+  until stop_loop
+    puts "\nWhat do you want to see?"
+    options.each { |option| puts "- #{ option }" }
+    user_response = gets.chomp.downcase
+    if user_response == "list planets"
+      puts "\n", list = solar_system.list_planets 
+    elsif user_response == "planet details"
+      puts "\nYay, let's see more details about the planets. Which planet do you want to see?"
+      puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
+      user_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+      found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
+      puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet." if found_planet.nil?
+      puts "\n", found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+    elsif user_response == "add planet"
+      puts "\nSo exciting, you're to add a new planet!"  
+      new_planet =
+      elements_to_give = ["name", "color", "mass_kg", "distance_from_sun_km", "fun_fact"]
+      elements_to_give.each do |element|
+        print "What's the #{ element } of this planet: "
+        user_new_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        new_planet[element] = user_new_planet
+      end
+      user_planet =["name"].capitalize, new_planet["color"], new_planet["mass_kg"], new_planet["distance_from_sun_km"], new_planet["fun_fact"])
+      solar_system.add_planet(user_planet)
+      puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\""
+    elsif user_response == "exit"
+      stop_loop = true 
+    else
+      puts "Please enter the options listed."
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From 2a7e6bd411a4f6744669bd3f11310ad142f8b67a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 18:51:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 05/17] add a test for class planet for wave1

 planet.rb => lib/planet.rb |  8 +++-
 main.rb                    | 81 --------------------------------------
 solar_system.rb            | 27 -------------
 test/planet_test.rb        | 38 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
 rename planet.rb => lib/planet.rb (52%)
 delete mode 100644 main.rb
 delete mode 100644 solar_system.rb
 create mode 100644 test/planet_test.rb

diff --git a/planet.rb b/lib/planet.rb
similarity index 52%
rename from planet.rb
rename to lib/planet.rb
index 4a6ecd83..cd616dd7 100644
--- a/planet.rb
+++ b/lib/planet.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ class Planet
   attr_reader :name, :color, :mass_kg, :distance_from_sun_km, :fun_fact
   def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)  
-    @name = name
-    @color = color
     @mass_kg = mass_kg
+    raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @mass_kg }") if (@mass_kg.to_i != @mass_kg || @mass_kg.to_f != @mass_kg) || @mass_kg <= 0
     @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
+    raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @distance_from_sun_km }") if (@distance_from_sun_km.to_i != @distance_from_sun_km || @distance_from_sun_km.to_f != @distance_from_sun_km) || @distance_from_sun_km <= 0
+    @name = name
+    @color = color
     @fun_fact = fun_fact
diff --git a/main.rb b/main.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b3115cb7..00000000
--- a/main.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'planet'
-require_relative 'solar_system'
-def main
-  # For wave 1 
-  # Create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
-  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
-  puts "#{ } is #{ earth.color }"
-  puts earth.summary  
-  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')  
-  puts "#{ } is #{ mars.fun_fact.downcase }"
-  puts mars.summary  
-  # create an instance of SolarSystem, add all your Planets to it, and then print the list
-  solar_system ="Sol")
-  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
-  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
-  list = solar_system.list_planets
-  puts list
-  # For wave 2
-  # Exercise SolarSystem#find_planet_by_name
-  found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name('saturn')
-  puts found_planet
-  puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
-  # For wave 3
-  solar_system ="Sol")
-  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
-  solar_system.add_planet(earth)
-  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')
-  solar_system.add_planet(mars)
-  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
-  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
-  options = ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"]
-  stop_loop = false
-  until stop_loop
-    puts "\nWhat do you want to see?"
-    options.each { |option| puts "- #{ option }" }
-    user_response = gets.chomp.downcase
-    if user_response == "list planets"
-      puts "\n", list = solar_system.list_planets 
-    elsif user_response == "planet details"
-      puts "\nYay, let's see more details about the planets. Which planet do you want to see?"
-      puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
-      user_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
-      found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
-      puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet." if found_planet.nil?
-      puts "\n", found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
-    elsif user_response == "add planet"
-      puts "\nSo exciting, you're to add a new planet!"  
-      new_planet =
-      elements_to_give = ["name", "color", "mass_kg", "distance_from_sun_km", "fun_fact"]
-      elements_to_give.each do |element|
-        print "What's the #{ element } of this planet: "
-        user_new_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
-        new_planet[element] = user_new_planet
-      end
-      user_planet =["name"].capitalize, new_planet["color"], new_planet["mass_kg"], new_planet["distance_from_sun_km"], new_planet["fun_fact"])
-      solar_system.add_planet(user_planet)
-      puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\""
-    elsif user_response == "exit"
-      stop_loop = true 
-    else
-      puts "Please enter the options listed."
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solar_system.rb b/solar_system.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7f0fe2..00000000
--- a/solar_system.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-class SolarSystem
-  attr_reader :star_name, :planets
-  def initialize(star_name)
-    @star_name = star_name
-    @planets =
-  end
-  def add_planet(planet)
-    @planets.push(planet)
-  end
-  def list_planets
-    my_string = "Planets orbiting <#{ @star_name }>\n"
-    @planets.each_with_index do |planet, index|
-      my_string += "#{ index + 1 }  #{ }\n"
-    end
-    return my_string
-  end
-  def find_planet_by_name(planet_name)
-    array_planet = { |planet| == planet_name.downcase}
-    found_planet = nil
-    array_planet.each { |element| found_planet = element }
-    return found_planet
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/planet_test.rb b/test/planet_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d269820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/planet_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'minitest'
+require 'minitest/spec'
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'minitest/reporters'
+require 'minitest/pride'
+require_relative '../lib/planet'
+describe 'tests for planet class' do
+  it 'mass_kg and distance_from_sun_km are both a number greater than zero' do
+    # Arrange && Act
+    tiny_planet ='Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, 10000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')
+    # Assert 
+    expect(tiny_planet.mass_kg).must_equal 1
+    expect(tiny_planet.distance_from_sun_km).must_equal 10000
+  end
+  it 'raises an ArgumentError for mass_kg is not a number greater than 0' do
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 'super tiny planet', 10000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', -100, 10000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', '', 10000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+  end
+  it 'raises an ArgumentError for distance_from_sun_km is not a number greater than 0' do
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, 'not so far away', 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, 0, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+    expect {'Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, nil, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')}.must_raise ArgumentError
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From fe0fe92e6b441c33624b673332588a6247b4bb88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 19:55:46 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 06/17] add distance_between method in solar_system

 lib/solar_system.rb | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/solar_system.rb

diff --git a/lib/solar_system.rb b/lib/solar_system.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20ecf9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/solar_system.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+class SolarSystem
+  attr_reader :star_name, :planets
+  def initialize(star_name)
+    @star_name = star_name
+    @planets =
+  end
+  def add_planet(planet)
+    @planets.push(planet)
+  end
+  def list_planets
+    my_string = "Planets orbiting <#{ @star_name }>\n"
+    @planets.each_with_index do |planet, index|
+      my_string += "#{ index + 1 }  #{ }\n"
+    end
+    return my_string
+  end
+  def find_planet_by_name(planet_name)
+    array_planet = { |planet| == planet_name.downcase}
+    found_planet = nil
+    array_planet.each { |element| found_planet = element }
+    return found_planet
+  end
+  def distance_between(planet1, planet2)
+    first_planet = find_planet_by_name(planet1)
+    second_planet = find_planet_by_name(planet2)
+    distance_between_two_planets = (first_planet.distance_from_sun_km - second_planet.distance_from_sun_km).abs
+    return distance_between_two_planets
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From 467efab324015e01199b57336b7067383ea8df39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 19:56:14 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 07/17] add a test for class solar_system for wave2

 test/solar_system_test.rb | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/solar_system_test.rb

diff --git a/test/solar_system_test.rb b/test/solar_system_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ff5d95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/solar_system_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+require 'minitest'
+require 'minitest/spec'
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'minitest/reporters'
+require 'minitest/pride'
+require_relative '../lib/planet'
+require_relative '../lib/solar_system'
+describe 'tests for solar_system class' do
+  it 'has the distance between two planets' do
+    # Arrange 
+    first_planet ='Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, 10_000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')
+    second_planet ='Huge planet', 'green and blue', 100_000_000, 100_000, 'The biggest volumn of planet')
+    # Act
+    space_system ="Sol")
+    space_system.add_planet(first_planet)
+    space_system.add_planet(second_planet)
+    distance_between_them = space_system.distance_between(,
+    # Assert 
+    expect(distance_between_them).must_equal 90_000
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From 1496c9343b39ded2e57c87fe2bea6ee41a8b46e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 21:12:27 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 08/17] address a number in string data type

 test/planet_test.rb | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/planet_test.rb b/test/planet_test.rb
index 8d269820..3672d525 100644
--- a/test/planet_test.rb
+++ b/test/planet_test.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@
     # Assert 
     expect(tiny_planet.mass_kg).must_equal 1
     expect(tiny_planet.distance_from_sun_km).must_equal 10000
+    tiny_planet2 ='Tiny planet', 'pale pink', "4", 10000, 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')
+    expect(tiny_planet2.mass_kg.to_f).must_equal 4.0
+    tiny_planet3 ='Tiny planet', 'pale pink', 1, "40000", 'Pale pink color is becuase of cherry blossom')
+    expect(tiny_planet3.distance_from_sun_km.to_f).must_equal 40000.0
   it 'raises an ArgumentError for mass_kg is not a number greater than 0' do

From c5e79683ca046180d4a6f89cf3f453cfa2323778 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 21:13:26 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 09/17] revise if statement for ArgumentError

 lib/planet.rb | 5 +++--
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/planet.rb b/lib/planet.rb
index cd616dd7..28f336a8 100644
--- a/lib/planet.rb
+++ b/lib/planet.rb
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ class Planet
   def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)  
     @mass_kg = mass_kg
-    raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @mass_kg }") if (@mass_kg.to_i != @mass_kg || @mass_kg.to_f != @mass_kg) || @mass_kg <= 0
+    raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @mass_kg }") if !(@mass_kg.to_f > 0)
     @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
-    raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @distance_from_sun_km }") if (@distance_from_sun_km.to_i != @distance_from_sun_km || @distance_from_sun_km.to_f != @distance_from_sun_km) || @distance_from_sun_km <= 0
+    raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @distance_from_sun_km }") if !(@distance_from_sun_km.to_f > 0)
     @name = name
     @color = color

From a3cd6e041abfef40e1e6a38bdb12d6d17ef86c0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 21:45:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 10/17] add rescue if user enters a bad value

 lib/main.rb | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/main.rb

diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af03cf61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+require_relative 'planet'
+require_relative 'solar_system'
+def main
+  # For wave 1 
+  # Create two different instances of Planet and print out some of their attributes  
+  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
+  puts "#{ } is #{ earth.color }"
+  puts earth.summary  
+  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')  
+  puts "#{ } is #{ mars.fun_fact.downcase }"
+  puts mars.summary  
+  # For wave 2
+  # create an instance of SolarSystem, add all your Planets to it, and then print the list
+  solar_system ="Sol")
+  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
+  list = solar_system.list_planets
+  puts list
+  # Exercise SolarSystem#find_planet_by_name
+  found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name('saturn')
+  puts found_planet
+  puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+  # For wave 3
+  solar_system ="Sol")
+  earth ='Earth', 'blue-green', 5.972e24, 1.496e8, 'Only planet known to support life')
+  solar_system.add_planet(earth)
+  mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(mars)
+  saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
+  solar_system.add_planet(saturn)
+  options = ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"]
+  stop_loop = false
+  until stop_loop
+    puts "\nWhat do you want to see?"
+    options.each { |option| puts "- #{ option }" }
+    user_response = gets.chomp.downcase
+    if user_response == "list planets"
+      puts "\n", list = solar_system.list_planets 
+    elsif user_response == "planet details"
+      puts "\nYay, let's see more details about the planets. Which planet do you want to see?"
+      puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
+      user_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+      found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
+      puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet." if found_planet.nil?
+      puts "\n", found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+    elsif user_response == "add planet"
+      puts "\nSo exciting, you're to add a new planet!"  
+      new_planet =
+      elements_to_give = ["name", "color", "mass_kg", "distance_from_sun_km", "fun_fact"]
+      elements_to_give.each do |element|
+        print "What's the #{ element } of this planet: "
+        user_new_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        new_planet[element] = user_new_planet
+      end
+      rescue_status = false
+      begin
+        user_planet =["name"].capitalize, new_planet["color"], new_planet["mass_kg"], new_planet["distance_from_sun_km"], new_planet["fun_fact"])
+      rescue ArgumentError => exception
+        puts "\n#{ exception.message }"
+        puts "Your new planet is not added, please try again."
+        rescue_status = true
+      end 
+      solar_system.add_planet(user_planet)
+      puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\"" if rescue_status == false
+    elsif user_response == "exit"
+      stop_loop = true 
+    else
+      puts "Please enter the options listed."
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

From 5977046346b4f08bf732e6fd291a64d82d740265 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 22:27:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 11/17] revise the data dype for mass_by & distance_from_sun_km

 lib/planet.rb | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/planet.rb b/lib/planet.rb
index 28f336a8..30dc96c7 100644
--- a/lib/planet.rb
+++ b/lib/planet.rb
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)
     @mass_kg = mass_kg
     raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @mass_kg }") if !(@mass_kg.to_f > 0)
+    @mass_kg = mass_kg.to_f
     @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
     raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @distance_from_sun_km }") if !(@distance_from_sun_km.to_f > 0)
+    @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km.to_f
     @name = name
     @color = color

From d3dc287b9975f61e021f95daa2516ec3aa484d38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 22:28:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 12/17] add distance_between option

 lib/main.rb | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
index af03cf61..5f4bae85 100644
--- a/lib/main.rb
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def main
   saturn ='Saturn', 'pale yellow', 5.683e26, 92.802e8, 'The second-largest planet in the solar system')
-  options = ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"]
+  options = ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "distance between planets", "exit"]
   stop_loop = false
   until stop_loop
     puts "\nWhat do you want to see?"
@@ -76,6 +76,23 @@ def main
       puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\"" if rescue_status == false
+    elsif user_response == "distance between planets"
+      puts "\n Which two planets do you want to see their distance?"
+      puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
+      two_planet = 1
+      planets_for_distance =
+      until two_planet == 3
+        print "Planet #{two_planet}: "
+        distance_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(distance_planet)
+        if found_planet.nil?
+          puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet: #{ distance_planet }" 
+        else
+          planets_for_distance.push(distance_planet)
+          two_planet += 1
+        end
+      end      
+      puts "The distance between #{ planets_for_distance[0] } and #{ planets_for_distance[1] } is #{solar_system.distance_between(planets_for_distance[0], planets_for_distance[1])}km." 
     elsif user_response == "exit"
       stop_loop = true 

From 229054fd0d7c211219949e5b24faaba4352ec4f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 14:18:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 13/17] debug add planet

 lib/main.rb | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
index 5f4bae85..30d2496f 100644
--- a/lib/main.rb
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def main
         rescue_status = true
-      solar_system.add_planet(user_planet)
+      solar_system.add_planet(user_planet) if rescue_status == false
       puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\"" if rescue_status == false
     elsif user_response == "distance between planets"
       puts "\n Which two planets do you want to see their distance?"

From 8253afd49f6183423dd7df30bf80fdad012ef668 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:05:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 14/17] delete redundant lines

 lib/planet.rb | 7 ++-----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/planet.rb b/lib/planet.rb
index 30dc96c7..aced9783 100644
--- a/lib/planet.rb
+++ b/lib/planet.rb
@@ -2,13 +2,10 @@ class Planet
   attr_reader :name, :color, :mass_kg, :distance_from_sun_km, :fun_fact
   def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)  
-    @mass_kg = mass_kg
-    raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @mass_kg }") if !(@mass_kg.to_f > 0)
+    raise"Mass(kg) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ mass_kg }") if !(mass_kg.to_f > 0)
     @mass_kg = mass_kg.to_f
-    @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
-    raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ @distance_from_sun_km }") if !(@distance_from_sun_km.to_f > 0)
+    raise"Distance from sun (km) should be a number that greater than zero: #{ distance_from_sun_km }") if !(distance_from_sun_km.to_f > 0)
     @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km.to_f
     @name = name

From 3aad36af695795fa0483e86b846d4ab5ce49f686 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:23:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 15/17] revise find_planet_by_name method

 lib/solar_system.rb | 10 +++-------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/solar_system.rb b/lib/solar_system.rb
index 20ecf9ee..1317628b 100644
--- a/lib/solar_system.rb
+++ b/lib/solar_system.rb
@@ -12,23 +12,19 @@ def add_planet(planet)
   def list_planets
     my_string = "Planets orbiting <#{ @star_name }>\n"
-    @planets.each_with_index do |planet, index|
-      my_string += "#{ index + 1 }  #{ }\n"
-    end
+    @planets.each { |planet| my_string += "- #{ }\n" }
     return my_string
   def find_planet_by_name(planet_name)
-    array_planet = { |planet| == planet_name.downcase}
-    found_planet = nil
-    array_planet.each { |element| found_planet = element }
+    found_planet = { |planet| == planet_name.downcase }
     return found_planet
   def distance_between(planet1, planet2)
     first_planet = find_planet_by_name(planet1)
     second_planet = find_planet_by_name(planet2)
-    distance_between_two_planets = (first_planet.distance_from_sun_km - second_planet.distance_from_sun_km).abs
+    distance_between_two_planets = (first_planet[0].distance_from_sun_km - second_planet[0].distance_from_sun_km).abs
     return distance_between_two_planets
\ No newline at end of file

From 050a8f21e4567d62bee9afe2a3cca22978750a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:23:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 16/17] revise planet details

 lib/main.rb | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
index 30d2496f..becc101d 100644
--- a/lib/main.rb
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def main
   mars ='Mars', 'red', 6.39e23, 14.16e8, 'The second-smallest planet in the solar system')  
   puts "#{ } is #{ mars.fun_fact.downcase }"
   puts mars.summary  
   # For wave 2
   # create an instance of SolarSystem, add all your Planets to it, and then print the list
   solar_system ="Sol")
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ def main
   # Exercise SolarSystem#find_planet_by_name
   found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name('saturn')
-  puts found_planet
-  puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+  # puts found_planet
+  # puts found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
+  puts "We couldn't find this planet, please try agian" if found_planet.nil?
+  found_planet.each { |planet| puts "#{ planet.summary }\n"}
   # For wave 3
@@ -43,19 +45,29 @@ def main
   stop_loop = false
   until stop_loop
     puts "\nWhat do you want to see?"
-    options.each { |option| puts "- #{ option }" }
+    options.each_with_index { |option, index| puts "#{ index+1 }. #{ option }" }
     user_response = gets.chomp.downcase
-    if user_response == "list planets"
+    case user_response
+    when "list planets", "1"
       puts "\n", list = solar_system.list_planets 
-    elsif user_response == "planet details"
+    when "planet details", "2"
       puts "\nYay, let's see more details about the planets. Which planet do you want to see?"
       puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
+      print "==> "
       user_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
       found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
-      puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet." if found_planet.nil?
-      puts "\n", found_planet.summary if found_planet.class == Planet
-    elsif user_response == "add planet"
+      while found_planet.count == 0
+        puts "\nSorry, we don't have this planet. Please try again.", list = solar_system.list_planets 
+        print "==> "
+        user_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
+      end
+      puts "\nWe have #{ found_planet.count } planet(s) named #{ user_planet.capitalize }"
+      found_planet.each_with_index { |planet, index| puts "#{ index+1 }. #{ planet.summary }"}
+    when "add planet", "3"
       puts "\nSo exciting, you're to add a new planet!"  
       new_planet =
       elements_to_give = ["name", "color", "mass_kg", "distance_from_sun_km", "fun_fact"]
@@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ def main
       solar_system.add_planet(user_planet) if rescue_status == false
       puts "\nNow, want to see your new planet on the main menu? Please go check \"list planets\"" if rescue_status == false
-    elsif user_response == "distance between planets"
+    when "distance between planets", "4"
       puts "\n Which two planets do you want to see their distance?"
       puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
       two_planet = 1
@@ -93,7 +105,7 @@ def main
       puts "The distance between #{ planets_for_distance[0] } and #{ planets_for_distance[1] } is #{solar_system.distance_between(planets_for_distance[0], planets_for_distance[1])}km." 
-    elsif user_response == "exit"
+    when "exit", "5"
       stop_loop = true 
       puts "Please enter the options listed."

From 81dae8ee503f670f58a3ba0ef077c1f6c91348dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Yi Liu <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:10:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 17/17] revise add planet & distance between planets

 lib/main.rb | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
index becc101d..a5c3be3b 100644
--- a/lib/main.rb
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ def main
         found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_planet)
-      puts "\nWe have #{ found_planet.count } planet(s) named #{ user_planet.capitalize }"
-      found_planet.each_with_index { |planet, index| puts "#{ index+1 }. #{ planet.summary }"}
+      puts "\nThe information for planet #{ user_planet.capitalize } is as below:"
+      found_planet.each { |planet| puts "#{ planet.summary }"}
     when "add planet", "3"
       puts "\nSo exciting, you're to add a new planet!"  
       new_planet =
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@ def main
       elements_to_give.each do |element|
         print "What's the #{ element } of this planet: "
         user_new_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        if element == "name"
+          check_name = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_new_planet)
+          until check_name.count == 0
+            print "Sorry, this name is used, please try another name ==> "
+            user_new_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+          end
+        end
         new_planet[element] = user_new_planet
@@ -92,19 +99,21 @@ def main
       puts "\n Which two planets do you want to see their distance?"
       puts list = solar_system.list_planets 
       two_planet = 1
-      planets_for_distance =
+      planets_for_distance = Hash(first: "", second:"")
       until two_planet == 3
         print "Planet #{two_planet}: "
-        distance_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
-        found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(distance_planet)
-        if found_planet.nil?
-          puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet: #{ distance_planet }" 
+        user_distance_planet = gets.chomp.downcase
+        found_planet = solar_system.find_planet_by_name(user_distance_planet)
+        if found_planet.nil? || found_planet.count == 0
+          puts "Sorry, we don't have this planet: #{ user_distance_planet }" 
-          planets_for_distance.push(distance_planet)
+          planets_for_distance[:first] = user_distance_planet if two_planet == 1
+          planets_for_distance[:second] = user_distance_planet if two_planet == 2
           two_planet += 1
-      puts "The distance between #{ planets_for_distance[0] } and #{ planets_for_distance[1] } is #{solar_system.distance_between(planets_for_distance[0], planets_for_distance[1])}km." 
+      puts "\nThe distance between #{ planets_for_distance[:first] } and #{ planets_for_distance[:second] } is #{ solar_system.distance_between(planets_for_distance[:first], planets_for_distance[:second]) }km." 
     when "exit", "5"
       stop_loop = true 