Acala Developers
IDEX Predeploy Contract
You can use this predeploy contract to call dex pallet
This contracts will interact with dex pallet
function addLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint256 maxAmountA, uint256 maxAmountB, uint256 minShareIncrement) external nonpayable returns (bool)
Add liquidity to the trading pair.
It'll emit an {AddedLiquidity} event.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
maxAmountA | uint256 | The maximum amount of currency_id_a is allowed to inject to liquidity pool. |
maxAmountB | uint256 | The maximum amount of currency_id_b is allowed to inject to liquidity pool. |
minShareIncrement | uint256 | The minimum acceptable share amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | bool | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. |
function getLiquidityPool(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (uint256, uint256)
Get liquidity pool of the currency_id_a and currency_id_b.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | Returns (liquidity_a, liquidity_b). |
_1 | uint256 | undefined |
function getLiquidityTokenAddress(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (address)
Get liquidity token address.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | address | Returns (liquidity_token_address). Return address(0x0) if the liquidity token address is not mapped. |
function getSwapSupplyAmount(address[] path, uint256 targetAmount) external view returns (uint256)
Get swap supply amount.
Name | Type | Description |
path | address[] | The trading path of the transaction. |
targetAmount | uint256 | The exact target amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | Returns (supply_amount). Returns 0 if getting the supply amount fails. |
function getSwapTargetAmount(address[] path, uint256 supplyAmount) external view returns (uint256)
Get swap target amount.
Name | Type | Description |
path | address[] | The trading path of the transaction. |
supplyAmount | uint256 | The exact supply amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | uint256 | Returns (target_amount). Returns 0 if getting the target amount fails. |
function removeLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, uint256 removeShare, uint256 minWithdrawnA, uint256 minWithdrawnB) external nonpayable returns (bool)
Remove liquidity from the trading pair.
It'll emit an {RemovedLiquidity} event.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB | address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
removeShare | uint256 | The liquidity amount to remove. |
minWithdrawnA | uint256 | The minimum acceptable withrawn for currency_id_a. |
minWithdrawnB | uint256 | The minimum acceptable withrawn for currency_id_b. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | bool | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. |
function swapWithExactSupply(address[] path, uint256 supplyAmount, uint256 minTargetAmount) external nonpayable returns (bool)
Swap with exact supply.
It'll emit an {Swapped} event.
Name | Type | Description |
path | address[] | The trading path of the swap transaction. |
supplyAmount | uint256 | The exact gsupply amount. |
minTargetAmount | uint256 | The acceptable minimum target amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | bool | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. |
function swapWithExactTarget(address[] path, uint256 targetAmount, uint256 maxSupplyAmount) external nonpayable returns (bool)
Swap with exact target.
It'll emit an {Swapped} event.
Name | Type | Description |
path | address[] | The trading path of the swap transaction. |
targetAmount | uint256 | The exact target amount. |
maxSupplyAmount | uint256 | The acceptable maximum supply amount. |
Name | Type | Description |
_0 | bool | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. |
event AddedLiquidity(address indexed sender, address indexed tokenA, address indexed tokenB, uint256 maxAmountA, uint256 maxAmountB)
Added liquidity event.
Name | Type | Description |
sender indexed |
address | The sender of the transaction. |
tokenA indexed |
address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB indexed |
address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
maxAmountA | uint256 | The maximum amount of currency_id_a is allowed to inject to liquidity pool. |
maxAmountB | uint256 | The maximum amount of currency_id_b is allowed to inject to liquidity pool. |
event RemovedLiquidity(address indexed sender, address indexed tokenA, address indexed tokenB, uint256 removeShare)
Removed liquidity event.
Name | Type | Description |
sender indexed |
address | The sender of the transaction. |
tokenA indexed |
address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_a. |
tokenB indexed |
address | The ERC20 address of the currency_id_b. |
removeShare | uint256 | The liquidity amount has been removed. |
event Swapped(address indexed sender, address[] path, uint256 supplyAmount, uint256 targetAmount)
Swapped event with DEX.
Name | Type | Description |
sender indexed |
address | The sender of the transaction. |
path | address[] | The trading path of the swap transaction. |
supplyAmount | uint256 | The exact supply amount. |
targetAmount | uint256 | The exact target amount. |