Subquery services that index and query Acala EVM+ transactions and logs.
- install dependencies
- generate the required types from the GraphQL schema, and build code
yarn build
This will run all 4 services together:
- A Mandala node with
in development mode - A Postgres database
- A SubQl indexer that indexes data into Postgres
- A SubQl query that wraps the data with GraphQl interface
docker-compose down -v # clean docker volume (optional)
docker-compose up
Please note that the indexer won't start until we feed some transactions to the node if the node is running with --instant-sealing
Optionally, if you don't want to use the Docker, you can also run each service separately in the CLI (official documentation).
NOTE: using CLI is for local testing only, so you can get familiar with each service. For production please use docker setup instead.
- Install SubQl globally
npm i -g @subql/[email protected] @subql/[email protected]
- Run an Acala node locally and listen to port number
(in the first terminal)
If you already have a node running elsewhere, you can skip this step.
docker run -it --rm -p 9944:9944 --dev --rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --rpc-methods=unsafe -levm=debug --pruning=archive --instant-sealing
- Run a Postgres service and listen to port number 5432 (in the second terminal)
docker run -it -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:12-alpine
Feed some transactions to node if the node is running with
Run a subquery indexer (in the third terminal)
export DB_USER=postgres
export DB_PASS=postgres
export DB_DATABASE=postgres
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_PORT=5432
yarn index
- Run the Query service (in the fourth terminal)
export DB_USER=postgres
export DB_PASS=postgres
export DB_DATABASE=postgres
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_PORT=5432
yarn query
If the acala node is running with --instant-sealing
, it won't start producing blocks without transactions coming in, and subquery indexer won't start either without any new blocks. So we need to feed some transactions to it.
For example we can run any of the evm examples.
cd ../../examples/waffle/dex
yarn build
yarn test
If there are any transactions in the node, we should see the subquery indexer log something similar to this:
<BlockDispatcherService> INFO Enqueing blocks 3...12, total 10 blocks
<BlockDispatcherService> INFO fetch block [3,12], total 10 blocks
Now we can explore the GraphQl data at http://localhost:3001/
For example we can query:
query {
transactionReceipts {
nodes {
logs {
nodes {
logs {
nodes {
receipt {
The health check can be performed like this:
query {
_metadata {
Previous examples are examples of the local development setup, which uses the example configuration that is tailored to local development node.
For production deployment, there are a couple differences:
In local setup we can run all of the services together with one single docker compose. However, in prod we usually need to start each of the { node, postgres, indexer, query }
seperately with Docker or k8s.
In the local example, we use onfinality/subql-node:v1.17.0
as indexer image, which requires local mounted project path. For prod we should use acala/evm-subql instead, which already has all the required files encapsulated, so we don't need to mount local files anymore.
An example is here
Latest stable versions:
One trick is that we don't have to start indexing from block 0, since Acala and Karura didn't enable EVM+ until a certain block. In particular we can use these two configs for production (change the endpoint
value to your custom one if needed):
- Acala production, by setting
- Karura production, by setting
It usually takes 1 to 3 days to index all of the data, depending on the node latency and performance.
To upgrade the production subql, we usually need to do a full re-index. In order not to interrupt the currnetly running subql, we can run another indexer in parallel to the old one, and hot replace the old one once the full re-index is finished.
Below are the detailed steps:
- start a new indexer service
that uses a difference--db-schema
, for example,--db-schema=evm-karura-2
. It can share the same DB with the old indexer - wait until the new indexer finish indexing
- update the config of graphql service
to use the new indexer. In particular, change the--name
command, such as--name=evm-karura-2
, and--indexer=<new indexer url>
- delete the old indexer service, as well as the old db schema
- upgrade is finished! No need to modify
Note: for acala/evm-subql:v2.5.9
please add --disable-historical
command. (example)
Sometimes it's useful to take a snapshot of the database, so that we can restore it when needed. We can also pass it along to others, so that they can quickly setup a copy of the same evm subql project, without needing to index from the beginning.
Below are CLI commands to do it, you can also use pgAdmin GUI to achieve the same thing.
make sure you have pg_dump
and pg_restore
commands available.
- for Mac:
brew install libpq
- for other OS:
you are on your own
suppose we have an evm-karura
schema in postgres
db, and we want to dump it to a tar file evm-karura.tgz
export PGPASSWORD=<password>
pg_dump \
--host <db-host-url> \
--port 5432 \
--dbname postgres \
--username postgres \
--format tar \
--file ./evm-karura.tgz \
--schema evm-karura \
in previous step we dumped data from evm-karura
schema in database postgres
, so when restoring data, we need to first make sure a db called postgres
exists, and it does NOT have evm-karura
schema. Then we can restore the database with the following command
export PGPASSWORD=<password>
pg_restore \
--host <db-host-url> \
--port 5432 \
--dbname postgres \
--username postgres \
--verbose \
Since we dumped evm-karura
schema, the restore process will create a new schema with the same name. If you want to use a different name, you can simply rename evm-karura
schema to the desired name after the restore process.
This can be done with pgAdmin by:
- right click the schema name
- select "properties"
- enter a new name and save