An example about how to build, test, and deploy a simple Counter contract to Acala EVM+.
install foundry if you haven't.
generate remapping for VScode (optional)
forge remappings > remappings.txt
- install deps
- build
forge build
- test
forge test
- first start a local mandala
docker run -it --rm -p 9944:9944 --dev --rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --rpc-methods=unsafe -levm=debug --pruning=archive --instant-sealing
- then start an eth rpc adapter
npx @acala-network/eth-rpc-adapter@latest --localMode
- deploy to local mandala with the pre-funded account
forge create src/Counter.sol:Counter \
--private-key 0xa872f6cbd25a0e04a08b1e21098017a9e6194d101d75e13111f71410c59cd57f \
--rpc-url http://localhost:8545 \
in order to deploy to public network, we can skip step 1 and 2 in previous section, and switch to public eth rpc endpoint for step 3. For example, to deploy to public mandala, substitute http://localhost:8545
For more complex deployments or tests (for example if your tests need to make axios call), you might want to write a JS script. In such case you can easily integrate foundry with hardhat by following the instructions here. You can still write, test, and build contracts with foundry.