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Max for Live Production Guidelines

Considerations for sharing your Max for Live device.


Welcome to the Max for Live Production Guidelines! If you make your own Max for Live devices, and are interested in sharing your work with others, then this guide is for you. It is a collection of suggestions that we recommend keeping in mind in order to be considerate to anyone who will be using your device. In the case that you do not necessarily want to share your device, but will still be using your own device, these recommendations are also applicable!

Besides the technical knowledge that one must have in order to make a functioning Max for Live patch, there are a few other aspects for developers to consider that can make or break the experience of using a Max for Live device. This guide will provide you with suggestions to effectively avoid common pain points for Max for Live device users, so that your Max for Live instrument or effect may be enjoyed to the fullest extent.

That being said, the recommendations are merely considerations to be made, and you can of course ultimately patch however you see fit! These suggestions are not always applicable, so use your own judgement on whether or not it feels right to you as the device developer to implement the advice. Keep in mind, for example, that dismissing some of the recommendations could break device functionality, while others only refer to aesthetic preferences.

Please note that this document does not aim to explain what Max for Live is, nor is it a beginner’s guide on how to patch in Max. Anyone reading this guide should already have a solid understanding of how Max works. If you don’t know much about Max for Live, and are curious to know more, please check Appendix B - Learning for a list of resources.

This document assumes you are using the latest versions of Max and Live.


Max objects will be denoted with brackets, i.e [live.path].

Chapter Overview

Concepts: A spotlight on some Max concepts that are specific to Max for Live. It is good to be aware of these concepts when intending to share or distribute a device.

Parameters: Recommendations for the effective use of device parameters. By providing consistency with the way that Live parameters work natively, the Max for Live device will feel familiar and easy to use.

Design: Suggestions for a consistent and flexible device UI. This is also about how the device communicates itself, in order for it to appear professional.

Robustness: How to avoid common pitfalls, for a device that is reliable and performant.

Patch Formatting: Note about the organization of patches. If someone were to press the Edit button on your Max for Live device in Live, they should ideally be presented with a clean, legible patch, that can be clearly understood, learned from, and even re-used.

Final Checklist: A checklist for QA testing.

Appendix A - Help and Support: Finding help with usability topics, and technical support.

Appendix B - Learning: Helpful resources for beginners.


A spotlight on some Max concepts that are specific to Max for Live. It is good to be aware of these concepts when intending to share or distribute a device.

Freezing and Dependencies

Once you have finished patching your Max for Live device and are ready to distribute it, remember to freeze it.

Freezing a Max device is similar to Live’s Collect All and Save function. It prepares the device for distribution, by making sure that it contains all the files it needs to operate, its dependencies.

Max analyzes your device to find any files it uses, and consolidates these files within your device. When a frozen device is then loaded on another user’s computer, the files used by the device are referenced correctly. These files are most commonly abstractions, audio files, and image files, but can also include Javascript code or third-party Max externals.

To get a list of all dependencies of a device, the File menu in Max has an option called List Externals and Subpatcher Files.

Failing to freeze a device before sharing or distributing it can often result in a device malfunctioning due to broken file references.

To freeze your device, click the snowflake icon in the device toolbar, then save the device, ideally under a different name.

The Freeze button

The Freeze button.

Preferably continue developing from the unfrozen version instead of unfreezing an frozen device, see Version Management.


You can set your device to always Open in Presentation mode in the following way:

In an unlocked patcher with no objects selected, right-click the patcher background and select Inspector Window. This will open the Inspector window for the patch. Then, go to View > Open in Presentation.

Open in presentation

‘Open in Presentation’ in the ‘View’ section of the Patch Inspector.

Note that this option is only available in the Inspector window that pertains to the whole patch. You can toggle the Inspector window for individual objects by selecting the object first, then using the key command Cmd+I / Ctrl+I.

Project Window

You can view your device’s dependencies in a dedicated file manager window by clicking Show Containing Project in the toolbar.

The Project Window button

The ‘Show Containing Project’ icon.

Local and Global Naming

The ‘name space’ in Max is global - when you have objects that have names associated with them such as [send], [receive], [coll], or [buffer~], you can share data between Max for Live devices. The ‘signal processing space’ is independent - each Max for Live device processes its audio data separately.

If you want a named object to be local to a device, use three dashes (---) to start the name of your [buffer~], [coll], or [send]/[receive] pair (e.g. [s ---Cutoff]). When your patch is initialised, it will replace the three dashes with a number that is unique to your device, for example [s 024Cutoff].

Three dashes

A [send] object name prepended with three dashes will keep events local to the device.


Recommendations for the effective use of device parameters. By providing consistency with the way that Live parameters work natively, the Max for Live device will feel familiar and easy to use.

Parameter Names

There are several ways to name a parameter in a device, which can be set using an object’s Inspector:

  • Short Name: for the UI object label.
  • Long Name: for automation and MIDI mapping.
  • Scripting Name (optional): for use with the [pattr] preset objects or scripting.

Parameter names

‘Long Name’ and ‘Short Name’ in Max’s object Inspector.

Keep the Short Name short enough to avoid the label being truncated, whereas the Long Name can be more descriptive and use full words. An example of this distinction would be ‘Env’ and ‘Envelope’, or ‘Freq’ and ‘Frequency’.

Both the Long Name and the Scripting Name have to be unique within your device.

If your device uses multiple copies of an abstraction that contains parameter objects, note that Max wil automatically append an integer like [1] to duplicate Long Names.

Parameters Window

In Max, go to View > Parameters to open a window in which you can edit attributes for all parameters at once.


Parameters can be made available for automation in Live, by setting the Parameter Visibility to Automated and Stored in the Parameter section of the object Inspector.

Parameter visibility

Set an object’s ‘Parameter Visibility’ to ‘Automated and Stored’ to make it available for automation in Live.

By default, automation parameters in new Max for Live devices are called live.numbox[1] or live.dial[3]. These default parameter names should be changed to meaningful names (ideally the parameter name as displayed within the UI itself), so that a user can identify them easily in the list of automation parameters in Live.

You can check the automation parameters by loading the Max for Live device in Live. Switch to Arrangement View, toggle Automation mode (key command A), and open the list of automation parameters for the track that contains the device.

Automatable Parameters

Automatable parameters listed in Live’s Arrangement view.

Parameter Type and Unit Style

[live.*] UI parameters can be set to one of three main Types in the object Inspector:

  • Int: Integer values in the range of 0 - 255
  • Float: Floating point values (no range restriction)
  • Enum: An enumerated list of items

Parameter type

Parameter Type in the object Inspector.

Keep in mind that Enum-type values will display a stepped automation lane in Live’s automation view and Int-type parameters display a tall grid with a continuous automation line, but the resulting value will be rounded.

Furthermore, parameters have a Unit Style setting, which determines how the parameter value is displayed.

It is possible to set a parameter’s Type to Float while setting its Unit Style to Int. In doing so, the parameter value will be stored as a floating-point number, but displayed as an integer.

The Custom Unit Style allows adding a custom unit in the Custom Units field. Additionally, it supports printf-style strings. For more information, see the Setting a custom unit style section in the Max reference.

If you don't want a parameter's automation lane to show as a grid but you do want its value to display as an integer without decimals and you want to use a percentage sign as its unit, it is possible to set a parameter's Type to Float while setting its Unit Style to Custom and its Custom Units to "%.0f %".

Saving Parameters

Usually, users of Max for Live devices expect all devices parameters to be stored and recalled correctly with the Live Set or Live preset, otherwise the device is of limited use when customized.

To check this, open the AMXD file in Live, change some parameter values, then save and close the Live Set. Re-open the saved Live Set to verify that parameter settings are recalled correctly.

If a parameter is not being saved with the Live Set, it could be one of two issues:

  1. The UI object is not a [live.*] UI object — Try using the designated Live UI objects instead, since they have been designed to work seamlessly with Live’s mapping capabilities, can be automated in Live, and allow for an initial value to be saved when a device is instantiated (Initial Enable/Initial Value in the object Inspector).
  2. Parameter Visibility is set to Hidden — Check that it is set to either Automated and Stored or Stored Only. This attribute can be found in the UI object’s Inspector window in the Parameter section.

Note that there are some cases in which you may want to have a parameter set to Hidden, usually when it affects other Max for Live parameters. This will prevent problems with overloading Live’s undo buffer, and will also limit issues with preset storage.

Tip: In Max, go to View > Parameters to open a window in which you can edit attributes for all parameters at once.


What your device is and what it does may seem obvious to you as the device developer, but it is helpful for everyone else to be shown more explicitly in case they don’t fully understand its capabilities right away.

Try providing some versatile presets, or even a demo Live Set that showcases your device. This will help other users to understand the purpose and characteristics of your device.

Consider what the default sound of the device should be when first loaded, in order to best showcase the capabilities or personality of the instrument.

Default parameter values can be set in the object Inspector in the Parameter section, by using the Initial Enable option and setting an Initial Value.

Info Text

Info text is displayed in the Live Info View when hovering the mouse over a parameter. This helps users understand the meaning of individual functions of the device.

Info Text can be added for UI objects in the object Inspector in the Description section. Annotation Name refers to the header of the Info Text, and Annotation refers to the contents of the Info Text.

Check that it works by loading the device, then hover the mouse over parameters to check that the Info Text shows up correctly in Live’s Info View.


Edit ‘Annotation’ and ‘Annotation Name’ in Max’s object Inspector to set Info Text in Live.

MIDI Mapping

Making parameters MIDI-mappable will allow users to control parameters with any MIDI controller.

This is most important for all parameters seen in the UI when the AMXD file is first opened in Live. The secondary parameters that are not immediately visible on instantiation (because they appear in a pop-up window or a fold-out view or a tab) could also be considered for MIDI Mapping.

To check this, load the device, enable MIDI Map mode in Live with the key command Cmd+M / Ctrl+M, and check that all device parameters have a blue overlay.

MIDI map button

Live’s MIDI Map mode button, and the blue overlay on mappable parameters in MIDI Map mode.

If the parameters are not mappable, it may be that you are not using [live.*] objects.

Push Support

Device parameters can be mapped to Push by using the [live.banks] system. See the [live.banks] help patcher or reference for more information.

For example it may require some work to make the parameters of a device appear in the same order as they appear in the GUI.


Suggestions for a consistent and flexible device UI. This is also about how the device communicates itself.

Live Color Themes

We recommend making sure that your device works with all Live color themes. Consider that making your device look like native Live devices helps provide users with a consistent experience in Live.

For an object color to automatically follow Live themes, it needs to be set to a dynamic color, a feature introduced in Max with Live 11. By default, [live.*] UI objects have their colors set to dynamic colors.

Dynamic colors

Dynamic colors will follow the Live color themes.

For more information, see the dynamic colors reference.

To make sure a color property has its original dynamic color value, you can set it to its default value.

Default color value

A color can be returned to its default value explicitly via the Inspector.

Notice that many [live.*] objects have separate colors for when the device is active and for when the device is inactive. When using the dynamic inactive colors, these too will follow themes.

Note that for a [live.*] object that is not a parameter object, like [live.scope~] and [live.meter~], currently its inactive colors are shown only when the active attribute of the object itself is set to 0. To make an object like this follow the device enabled state, you can control its active attribute with the second outlet of [live.thisdevice].

If you choose to not follow Live themes, be mindful of the fact that there are some cases in which it may impair legibility, i.e certain UI elements being visible in some themes but not others.

Notice, for example, that in the screenshots below the black text changes to white text when darker themes are used.

Default color value

The LFO device in different color themes.

Device colors can also be adjusted to the current Live themes with the [live.colors] object. See the [live.colors] help patcher or reference for more information.

You can check that this has been correctly implemented by loading your device, opening the Look/Feel tab in Live’s Preferences, and cycling through the selection of color themes.


Ableton Sans is included as a standard font in Max. It can be selected from the Inspector for any object that displays text, i.e. a [comment] or [live.dial] label. Use this type face for a look that is consistent with Live’s devices.

For non-UI objects, notice that when objects are encapsulated instead of kept in the top level patch, by default they change to the standard Max font for a better patching experience.

Device Width

Live’s Device View has a fixed height, which can increase the inconvenience of horizontal scrolling. You can accommodate for this by reducing the width of each device as much as possible.

One way to judge whether the width of your device is potentially problematic or not, is to compare it to functionally-similar existing devices.

For example, is your Max for Live device a synth with a lot of included features and parameters? If so, it can have a large device width like Poli from the Creative Extensions Pack. Is your device more of a utility? Then it might make more sense for it to be as narrow as Live's built-in LFO. If you have a complex audio effect, you could use the width of Convolution Reverb Pro from the Convolution Reverb Pack as a reference.

If you find that your device takes up too much horizontal space to your liking, there are several ways to reduce its width:

  • Fold-out view: Set the device width dynamically by clicking an arrow button. This works particularly well for separating the main device parameters from device configurations. For example, Surround Panner from the Surround Panner Pack provides the option to fold or unfold the I/O configuration section.
  • Tabbed view: Create several tabs in order to re-use the same area in the device multiple times. This can be useful when your device has a large number of parameters that can be grouped into individual categories that don’t need to be visually present all at once. For example, Convolution Reverb Pro from the Convolution Reverb Pack integrates tabs into its design, to control different aspects of the sound design such as EQ, Panning, and Modulation.
  • Overlay view: This refers to a button that toggles an overlay view over the entire device, which can be a useful way to introduce an advanced parameters section. For example, Live's built-in LFO has a button in the top-right corner of the device that toggles its Multi-map options as an overlay.

For each of these cited example devices, you can open the Max for Live Editor to see how this has been implemented.

Custom Device Width

There are two ways to set a device to load with a custom width:

  • Using Fixed Initial Window Location

    • Open the device for editing.
    • In Max, go to the Patcher Inspector
    • Find the Fixed Initial Window Location (openrect) property, for which the value is an array of four numbers.
    • For the third number, add the custom width of your device in pixels.
    • Save the device.
  • Using Set Device Width

    • Open the device for editing.
    • Make the patcher window width the same as the device's initial width.
    • In the menu go to View and choose Set Device Width.
    • Save the device.

    The patch below can help you set a device's patcher window to an exact width:


When your device has a dynamic width, for example when using a fold-out view, make sure that the initial device width matches the initial state of the device, to prevent a quick size flash upon loading the device.

[live.*] Objects

There are several settings in the Object Inspector that we recommend for best use of the [live.*] UI objects.

For the Presentation Rectangle setting, make sure that widgets are sized in whole pixels to avoid blurry shapes on non-retina screens, by using numbers like ‘4’ instead of ‘4.3562635’. Aligning objects with click-drag relative to the center other objects can result in these decimal point numbers, so be sure to check the Inspector for object dimensions and positions in Presentation Mode when fine-tuning the device UI.

Presentation Rectangle

The ‘Presentation Rectangle’ setting in the Object Inspector.

In Max 8.6.0 and higher, from the Arrange menu, you can choose the Apply Grid feature to snap all selected objects to a 1x1 pixel grid.

Enable Live mode for [], which was designed to mirror Live’s tab interfaces. This ensures that pixels snap to the pixel grid on non-retina screens.

Make sure that Mouse Up (in the Behavior section) is selected as the Output Mode for [live.text], since it will match Live’s native button behavior. Note that this Output Mode is not selected by default.

Output Mode

The ‘Output Mode’ setting in the [live.text] Object Inspector.

There is one exception to this rule: if this is a control you would use exclusively in a live performance, where accurate timing is required, we recommend using the Mouse Down option instead. An example of this is the Hold button in LFO.

Pop-out Windows

Although this is ideally avoided, if you need more interface real estate than the device view offers, you may want to add a pop-out window to your device by means of a sub patcher that is opened with a [pcontrol] object.

However, it is important to consider what happens when Live is in full-screen mode when this window is opened.

If the subpatcher window is not a floating window, opening it will take Live out of full-screen mode, which is undesirable in most cases.

Therefore it is recommended to always set pop-out windows like these to floating mode.


Using [pcontrol] and window messages to open a subpatcher as a new floating window.


How to avoid common pitfalls, for a device that is reliable and performant.

OS Compatibility

For everyone to be able to use your device, ideally it should work on both Mac, PC and Push 3 Standalone so that a Live Set using the Max for Live device is cross-compatible.

Note: Max external objects that are not included in the standard Max distribution need to be compiled separately for Mac, PC and Push 3 Linux platforms by their developers.

Max Console

It is recommended to try minimizing the output to the Max Console window as much as possible.

Although verbose output during development can be useful for debugging, seeing errors and other messages in the console could make the device appear untrustworthy to the user.

Open the AMXD file in Live, right-click on the device’s title bar and choose Open Max Window to check for any error messages being printed to the Console. To be safe, you can also double-check on a different computer.

Open Max Console

'Open Max Window' to view the Max Console without opening the Max for Live Editor.


If your patch is initialized with [loadbang] and / or [live.thisdevice], you might get to a point where you need to build a fix for an issue resulting from objects not getting initalized in the right order. The fix for this is usually not to use time- or stack-based objects like [delay] or [deferlow] to change the order. Rather, use the [trigger] object, which keeps initialization synchronous.

In the rare occasion that initialization involves an asynchronous process (such as waiting for a file to load from disk), whatever performs the asyncronous operation will likely have a way to report that the process is complete. You can then use this event to continue any initialization that depends on the asynchronous process to be completed.

One example of an issue that can arise from using a [delay] to initialize in a certain order is that time-sensitive operations (such as delaying with a set amount of time) are not executed when Live's audio engine is off. So with audio off, with a [loadbang] => [delay 1000] => [print] patch, the [loadbang] does fire when the device loads but the [print] only happens a second after audio is turned on.

Undo History

Some Max for Live devices that use internal modulations may create a very large number of Undo events, rendering Live’s Undo function useless as a result. This can of course be frustrating for any Live user.

This happens when a live parameter object like [live.dial] has its Parameter Visibility attribute set to Automated and Stored (default) or Stored Only, and is then controlled internally by the patch, like this:

Controlling a live.dial creates undos

A live.dial set to Automated and Stored or Stored Only will flood the undo history when controlled from inside the patch.

Your device will now be sending a constant stream of the same Undo action to Live, so any other action you perform in the program can’t be undone because it is instantly ‘buried’ by this constant stream of Undo actions.

To check this, load the device, enable any modulations, and start Live’s playback. Perform an action in Live to create an undo event (e.g. create a new MIDI track). While Live is running, check that the Edit menu shows Undo Insert MIDI Track as the last Undo entry.

If you need to control a native-looking interface element from within your patch, you will likely need to change its Parameter Visibility setting to Hidden.

Another scenario where Hidden is the correct choice, is when using a [live.text] object in Button mode.


Frozen tracks with a Max for Live device should preferably sound the same as unfrozen playback. If this isn’t the case, then you may experience an issue in which the Live Set sounds different on playback than when you render the track as an audio file.

To check this, load your Max for Live device into Track 1 and create a simple clip. Create an audio Track 2 and route the audio from Track 1 into Track 2. Play clips in Track 1 and record the audio into Track 2. Finally, Freeze Track 1, play both Track 1 and 2 and compare output on both tracks.


Max for Live allows setting Defined Latency in the patch Inspector, Live compensates for this latency on playback. To make sure that your device plays in sync with the rest of the Live Set, it may be required to set the correct device latency.

To check device latency in Live, load your Max for Live device, then hover your mouse over the device title bar. The device latency amount will be displayed in the Live status bar.

CPU Load

Max for Live device performance should be measured in a Live Set within a musical context if possible, to avoid unwanted CPU usage spikes.

Check this by loading several instances of your device in a Live Set. Add some other Max for Live devices or Live instruments, and automate some parameters in your Max for Live device.

Sometimes the visual appearance of a device sets an expectation for its CPU load. For a device that looks like a simple utility, users are less likely to expect a high CPU usage than for a larger interface that looks like it does more complicated work.

If parameter automation causes high CPU load, try enabling Defer Automation Output in the object Inspector if the automation values are not time-sensitive, or try higher values for the Update Limit.


Live treats Max for Live devices in a similar way as sample files. Live Sets reference a Max for Live device (the AMXD file), meaning the device is not contained within the Live Set.

If you create a Live Set with a specific device and later change that device, the Live Set may not play back correctly. To assure that a Live Set always plays back correctly, you can store it with a frozen copy of your Max for Live device.

Live stores parameter values for each [live.*] parameter that is set to Automated and Stored or Stored Only. Live identifies the [live.*] parameter in a Max for Live device by its Long Name. Therefore, avoid changing the Long Name of any [live.*] object when updating the device, since this will break the parameter value recall.

If you do make significant changes to the device, we recommend publishing the AMXD file with a different file name, in most cases this is done by appending a version number to the file name.


Before distributing, it is recommended to ask one or more people who are not a device developer to test your device. Often, when developing a device you have blind spots for some specific functional checks.

Version Management

You may want to distribute new frozen versions of a plugin regularly. When continuing work on a plugin, it is recommended not to continue with the frozen, distributed version of a plugin but with the original unfrozen version.

When you unfreeze a plugin to continue editing it, new copies of the dependencies it contained are created in a new folder on disk (in ~/Documents/Max/Max for Live Devices/). This can cause confusion about which versions of your dependencies you are working on.

A good rule could be to always remove the frozen version of a plugin from your system after distributing it.

When working on multiple plugins and providing regular incremental updates, especially when working on them with multiple people, you may want to consider keeping the original versions (not the frozen copies) of your plugins and their dependencies in a version control system like git, optionally using our change formatting tool maxdiff.

Note though that using git requires careful study, we will not cover that in this document.

Patch Formatting

If someone were to press the Edit button on your Max for Live device in Live, they should ideally be presented with a clean, legible patch, that can be clearly understood, learned from, and even re-used.

Max offers various tools to make a patch easy to understand, such as encapsulation, object coloring, naming, patching and presentation mode, segmented patch cords, [send]/[receive] pairs with local naming, inlet/outlet descriptions and comments. For an overview, check out the Organizing Your Patch chapter from the Max Reference Documentation.

What constitues a legible patch can be highly subjective. Here are the patch code guidelines that Ableton uses for built-in devices.

Final Checklist

Here is a checklist to recap the topics of this guide that can be tested, which you can use for Quality Assurance purposes for your device.


  • Error messages: There are no prints in the Max Console on load.
  • Undo History: After adding the device, there is only one new undo.
  • Undo History: Live's undo menu is never ‘flooded’.
  • Freezing: The device is frozen if it contains dependencies.
  • Presets: The device comes with a collection of presets.

Audio and MIDI

  • Clicks: There are no unintended audio clicks, when changing parameter values or otherwise.
  • Sample rate consistency: Everything continues to work and sound the same when changing the sample rate in Live's preferences.
  • Render consistency: The device sounds identical on playback, on a frozen track, and on rendering an audio file.
  • MPE: MIDI devices support MPE (is_mpe is set to active).
  • Latency: The device plays in sync with the rest of the Live Set.
  • MIDI Mapping: The main device parameters can be mapped to a MIDI controller.
  • MIDI Tools: Random number generators (e.g. random objects) in between and live.miditool.out must be reset using a seed value before being triggered. The seed value used should only change as a result of user input. This ensures a deterministic output when is repeatedly triggered by Live.


  • Live themes: All UI objects have theme-following colors, checked with all color themes.
  • Disabling: The UI colors are correct when the device is disabled.
  • Positioning: The left-most element in presentation mode is as far from the left side of the device as the right-most element is from the right side.
  • Default initialization: Colors and texts that are changed dynamically are saved in their default state to prevent a color or content flash after loading a new instance of the device.
  • Font consistency: All UI fonts are set to Live's font.
  • Tab stops: Comments don't include any tab stops. The result will look different per OS.
  • Device width: The device does not take up too much of the horizontal space in the Device view.
  • Device width: If the device can dynamically change its size, make sure the device's custom width setting matches its initial width.


Note: many of these things can be checked and changed in the View > Parameters window.

  • Info fields: All Info Title and Info fields are filled in.
  • Naming: All parameters have non-generic Long Name and Short Name fields. No names have auto-appended indexes, like [1].
  • Automation: The parameter dropdown for a device contains all intended automatable parameters.
  • Value editing: Parameter Types and Units correspond to the kind of data being represented, taking into account that using the Int type gives users a tall grid automation lane.
  • Enum labels: Unit / labels of automation for Enum parameters don't have generic values ("val1"/"val2" for buttons).
  • Modulation: All parameters have modulation active.
  • Defaults: All default parameter values are correct, i.e. the device works well after newly instantiating it.
  • Save and recall: All parameters are recalled correctly when opening a Live Set that contains the device with non-default values for all parameters.
  • Push: The parameters show up correctly on Push.


  • CPU Load: The device does not cause unexpectedly high CPU load in the context of a Live Set.
  • Version support: The device runs well with all Live and Max versions starting from the lowest versions set in the device.
  • Platform support: Ideally macOS, Windows and Push 3 Standalone all host the device well.
  • Independence: Multiple instances of the device run well simultaneously.
  • Testing: The device is tested by one or more people besides the device developer.

For new versions of existing devices

  • Name consistency: The parameter names are the same as the old version.
    • Take special care of auto-indexed names when there are parameters in abstractions (also in bpatchers) that are instantiated multiple times.
  • Value recall: Parameter values stored in a Live Set with an old version of the device are all recalled properly.
  • API ID recall: Persistent ids stored in a Live Set with an old version of the device are all recalled properly.

Appendix A - Help and Support

Finding help with usability topics, and technical support.




Appendix B - Learning

Helpful resources for beginners.

How to access built-in Max Documentation and Tutorials:

  • In Max, go to Help > Reference

How to access an object’s Help patcher:

  • In an unlocked patch, right-click the object and select Open Help. You can also hold down the Alt/Option key and click on the object.