The provided code is a simple task management program that uses a JSON file to store and retrieve task information. It includes features such as adding, viewing, marking tasks as completed, and deleting tasks. Here's a detailed explanation of the code:
- Importing Modules:
- json: To handle reading and writing data in JSON format.
- datetime: Imported but not used. It can be helpful for validating or comparing dates in future enhancements.
- TASKS_FILE Variable:
- Defines the name of the file where tasks will be stored. This file will be created in the program's directory.
- load_tasks Function:
- Attempts to open the task file and load tasks from it.
- If the file doesn’t exist, it returns an empty list.
- save_tasks Function:
- Saves the list of tasks into the JSON file.
- Data is stored with proper indentation for better readability.
- add_task Function:
- Prompts the user to enter the task name and due date.
- Creates a dictionary containing task details (name, due date, and completion status) and adds it to the task list.
- Updates the JSON file and displays a success message.
- view_tasks Function:
- Displays all the tasks in the list.
- Each task is shown with its number, name, due date, and completion status (✓ for completed, ✗ for not completed).
- If there are no tasks, an appropriate message is displayed.
- complete_task Function:
- First, displays all tasks for the user.
- Prompts the user to input the task number to mark it as completed.
- Updates the completion status of the selected task to True and saves the changes to the file.
- delete_task Function:
- Similar to complete_task, it displays the tasks first.
- Prompts the user for the task number to delete.
- Removes the specified task from the list and updates the JSON file.
- main Function:
- The main loop of the program displays the task management menu.
- Options include adding, viewing, marking, deleting tasks, and exiting.
- Depending on the user’s choice, the corresponding function is called
- How It Works:
- The program starts by executing the main function.
- The user interacts with the program by selecting numbered options to manage tasks.
- Choosing the exit option ends the program.
- Tasks are saved persistently in a JSON file.
- Tasks can be added with a due date and completion status.
- The user can view, complete, or delete tasks.
- The program doesn’t validate due dates or sort tasks by them.
- Features like filtering tasks by completion status or due date can be added.
- Input handling could be improved to prevent errors (e.g., invalid task numbers or empty inputs).
This simple task manager is easy to use and serves as a foundation for more complex task management applications.
import json
import datetime
TASKS_FILE = "tasks.json"
# Load tasks from a file if it exists
def load_tasks():
with open(TASKS_FILE, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file) # Load the tasks from the file
except FileNotFoundError:
return [] # Return an empty list if the file doesn't exist
# Save tasks to a file
def save_tasks(tasks):
with open(TASKS_FILE, 'w') as file:
json.dump(tasks, file, indent=4) # Save tasks to the JSON file with proper indentation
# Add a new task
def add_task(tasks):
task_name = input("Enter the task: ") # Prompt the user to enter the task name
due_date = input("Enter due date (YYYY-MM-DD): ") # Prompt the user to enter the due date
task = {
'name': task_name, # Task name
'due_date': due_date, # Due date
'completed': False # Completion status (default: not completed)
tasks.append(task) # Add the new task to the list
save_tasks(tasks) # Save the updated tasks list to the file
print(f"Task '{task_name}' added successfully!") # Success message
# View all tasks
def view_tasks(tasks):
if not tasks:
print("No tasks available.") # If no tasks exist
print("\nYour Tasks:")
for idx, task in enumerate(tasks):
status = "✓" if task['completed'] else "✗" # Display completion status of each task
print(f"{idx + 1}. {task['name']} | Due: {task['due_date']} | Completed: {status}")
# Mark a task as completed
def complete_task(tasks):
view_tasks(tasks) # Display all tasks
task_number = int(input("Enter the task number to mark as completed: ")) # Prompt for task number
if 1 <= task_number <= len(tasks):
tasks[task_number - 1]['completed'] = True # Mark the selected task as completed
save_tasks(tasks) # Save the updated tasks list
print(f"Task '{tasks[task_number - 1]['name']}' marked as completed!") # Success message
print("Invalid task number.") # If the task number is invalid
# Delete a task
def delete_task(tasks):
view_tasks(tasks) # Display all tasks
task_number = int(input("Enter the task number to delete: ")) # Prompt for task number to delete
if 1 <= task_number <= len(tasks):
removed_task = tasks.pop(task_number - 1) # Remove the selected task from the list
save_tasks(tasks) # Save the updated tasks list
print(f"Task '{removed_task['name']}' deleted successfully!") # Success message
print("Invalid task number.") # If the task number is invalid
# Main program loop
def main():
tasks = load_tasks() # Load tasks from the file
while True:
print("\nTask Manager") # Display task manager menu
print("1. Add a Task") # Option to add a new task
print("2. View Tasks") # Option to view existing tasks
print("3. Mark Task as Completed") # Option to mark a task as completed
print("4. Delete Task") # Option to delete a task
print("5. Exit") # Option to exit the program
choice = input("Choose an option: ") # Prompt the user to choose an option
if choice == "1":
add_task(tasks) # Add a new task
elif choice == "2":
view_tasks(tasks) # View all tasks
elif choice == "3":
complete_task(tasks) # Mark a task as completed
elif choice == "4":
delete_task(tasks) # Delete a task
elif choice == "5":
print("Exiting Task Manager. Goodbye!") # Exit message
print("Invalid option. Please try again.") # If the option is invalid
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # Run the main function