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Aam Digital - Reporting / Query API

An API to calculate "reports" (e.g. statistical, summarized indicators) based on entities in the primary database of an Aam Digital instance.

This service allows to run SQL queries on the database. In particular, this service allows users with limited permissions to see reports of aggregated statistics across all data (e.g. a supervisor could analyse reports without having access to possibly confidential details of participants or notes).


(the following steps are automatically handled by the interactive setup script (ndb-setup) also)

  1. Create additional databases in CouchDB: report-calculation and notification-webhook (used to store details)
  2. Set up necessary environment variables (e.g. using an application.env file for docker compose under config/aam-backend-service/application.env from the root folder where the "docker-compose.yml" exists):
    • see example .env
    • CRYPTO_CONFIGURATION_SECRET: a random secret used to encrypt data
  3. Enable the backend in the overall docker compose setup as described in the ndb-setup README here
    • or, if it was already enabled, re-up the docker compose and confirm the new containers and environment are running
  4. Create ReportConfig: entities to define specific reports
  5. Make sure the users who are supposed to access the reports in the frontend have permission to view ReportConfig entities
  6. Within the app, users can now execute sql-based reports and see calculated results (configuration for the view in Config:CONFIG_ENTITY "view:report": {"component": "Reporting"})

API access to reports

Reports and their results are available for external services through the given API endpoints (see OpenAPI specs). Endpoints require a valid JWT access token, which can be fetched via OAuth2 client credential flow.

Initial setup of an API integration

  1. Create a Keycloak "Client" (--> admin has to create new client grant in Keycloak)
    1. check "Client authentication" toggle
    2. for "Authentication flow" only "Service accounts roles" needs to be checked
    3. after saving the Client, go to "Client Scopes" section and create two scopes:
      1. reporting_read (Access to reporting-api GET endpoints)
      2. reporting_write (Access to reporting-api POST endpoints)
    4. in the Client section, edit the newly created client and add these two scopes in the "Client scopes" tab
    5. from the "Credentials" tab of the client you can now copy the secret: Keycloak Client Setup
  2. For integration with TolaData:
    • In TolaData, navigate to Data Tables or User Profile and add Aam Digital credentials
    • Get the client_id and client_secret (from the "Credentials" tab of the client created in Keycloak)
    • also see Support Guide: Integration with TolaData for details of the required URLs

Access a reporting via API (after setup)

  1. Get valid access token using your client secret:
curl -X "POST" "<your_realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     --data-urlencode "client_id=<your_client_id>" \
     --data-urlencode "client_secret=<your_client_secret>" \
     --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
     --data-urlencode "scopes=reporting_read reporting_write"

Check API docs for the required "scopes". This returns a JWT access token required to provided as Bearer Token for any request to the API endpoints. Sample token:

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI...",
  "expires_in": 300,
  "refresh_expires_in": 0,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "not-before-policy": 0,
  "scope": "reporting_read reporting_write"
  1. Request the all available reports: GET /v1/reporting/reports (see OpenAPI specs for details)
  2. Trigger the calculation of a reports data: POST /v1/reporting/report-calculation/report/<report-id>
  3. Get status of the report calculation: GET /v1/reporting/report-calculation/<calculation-id>
  4. Once the status shows the calculation is completed, get the actual result data: GET /v1/reporting/report-calculation/<calculation-id>/data

Subscribe to continuous changes of a report

  1. Create an initial webhook (if not already registered): POST /v1/reporting/webhook
  2. Register for events of the selected report: POST /v1/reporting/webhook/{webhookId}/subscribe/report/{reportId}
  3. You will receive Event objects to your webhook, including an initial event directly after you subscribe, pointing to the current report data
  4. Use the report-calculation-id in the event to fetch actual data from /v1/reporting/report-calculation/<calculation-id> endpoint