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Developer Guide

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Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


💡 Tip: The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. Refer to the PlantUML Tutorial at se-edu/guides to learn how to create and edit diagrams.


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.)

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PatientListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Patient object residing in the Model.

Displaying Patient and Appointment Panels

The main UI parts of the MainWindow to display Patient and Appointment information are PatientListPanel and AppointmentListPanel, each holding a number of PatientCard's and AppointmentCard's.

Example of PatientCard

In the PatientCard part, we can see all the details that we store of the Patient.

Example of AppointmentCard

In the AppointmentCard part, appointments occurring today have a highlighted 'TODAY' indicator to help clinic staff easily identify appointments occurring today. Non-essential patient details are also omitted.

We can also toggle between the Archive and Upcoming tabs to view Appointments that are upcoming or have been archived. This is also the reason why MainWindow component holds two AppointmentListPanel's - One for upcoming appointments, and the other for archived appointments.

A multi-panel display is used because the user should be able to look for an Appointment's patient details without swapping back and forth between the Patient list and Appointments list. The tab display is used as archived appointments are likely to be referred to less than upcoming ones. The decision to separate the two into two tabs reduces visual clutter significantly and allows the user to view the more important information immediately.

Logic component


Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it uses the AddressBookParser class to parse the user command.
    • AddressBookParser categorises the command according to its format (using RegEx) and hands it off to either one of BasicAddressBookParser, PatientBookParser, or AppointmentBookParser.
  2. The chosen parser then parses the command and returns a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., AddPatientCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to add a patient).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component for the execute("pt delete 1") API call. The illustration has been split into two parts: (1) Parse User Input, (2) Execute command.

Parse User Input

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the pt delete 1 Command

ℹ️ **Note:** The lifeline for `PatientBookParser` and `DeletePatientCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Execute command

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the pt delete 1 Command

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

[comment]: Interactions between Command and Parser

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the AddressBookParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddPatientCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddPatientCommand) which the AddressBookParser returns back as a Command object.

  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddPatientCommandParser, DeletePatientCommandParser, ...) inherit from one of the three parser interfaces: BasicParser, PatientParser, or AppointmentParser so that they be treated appropriately based on the type of command issued.

  • The three types of parsers (BasicParser, PatientParser, AppointmentParser) inherit directly from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

Breakdown of Commands
In the original AB3, all commands extend the Command abstract class. Doc'it supports three types of commands – general, patient-related, and appointment-related. As such, we introduce three abstract classes BasicCommand, PatientCommand, and AppointmentCommand in place of Command.

As the names suggest, BasicCommand deals with whole application-related operations, PatientCommand deals with patient-related CRUD operations, and AppointmentCommand deal with appointment-related CRUD operations.

The following is a list of commands that extend the three abstract classes:

  • BasicCommand
    • ExitCommand
    • ClearCommand
    • HelpCommand
  • PatientCommand
    • AddPatientCommand
    • EditPatientCommand
    • DeletePatientCommand
    • ListPatientCommand
    • FindPatientCommand
    • AddMedicalEntryCommandParser
    • DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser
  • AppointmentCommand
    • AddAppointmentCommand
    • ArchiveAppointmentCommand
    • EditAppointmentCommand
    • DeleteAppointmentCommand
    • ListAppointmentsCommand
    • SortAppointmentsCommand
    • AddPrescriptionCommand
    • DeletePrescriptionCommand

This taxonomy of commands is further reflected on the Parser's side as well.

The Parser interface is broken into three sub-interfaces: BasicParser, PatientParser, and AppointmentParser, for the parsers related to application-related commands, patient-related commands, and appointment-related commands respectively. For all commands under PatientParser and AppointmentParser (ones that require any form of extra user input), we have a specific parser that tokenises the command:

  • PatientCommandParser
    • AddPatientCommandParser
    • EditPatientCommandParser
    • DeletePatientCommandParser
    • FindPatientCommandParser
    • AddMedicalEntryCommandParser
    • DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser
  • AppointmentParser
    • AddAppointmentCommandParser
    • EditAppointmentCommandParser
    • DeleteAppointmentCommandParser
    • AddPrescriptionCommandParser
    • DeletePrescriptionCommandParser

Model component


The Model component,

  • stores the address book data and appointment book data (both upcoming and archived) i.e., all Patient, Appointment objects (which are contained in UniquePatientList and UniqueAppointmentList objects).
  • stores the currently 'selected' Patient objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Patient> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components)
ℹ️ **Note:** An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below.

Storage component


The Storage component,

  • can save address book data, appointment book data, and user preference data in json format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from AddressBookStorage, AppointmentBookStorage and ArchivedAppointmentBookStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component's job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model)

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Medical History

Class Implementation details

  • The MedicalHistory class composes an EntryList<Entry<MedicalEntry>> class.
  • The EntryList class references the Entry<MedicalEntry> through an ArrayList.
  • The Entry<MedicalEntry> class is an abstract class that is either a Some<MedicalEntry> or an Empty<Object> class.
  • Each Patient class composes exactly one MedicalHistory class.
  • MedicalEntry is an inner static class of MedicalHistory
  • Each MedicalEntry has a description data attribute and a dateOfRecord data attribute. The description data is supplied by the user. The dateOfRecord is automatically generated based on the date the medical entry was recorded.

Below is a class diagram illustrating the relationship between Patient and MedicalHistory. Note: other details within the Model component are omitted.

Class diagram of MedicalHistory

Design Considerations

Alternative Considered Current implementation Rationale for current implementation
Using a list of medical entries as an attribute of a Patient class Multiple or zero MedicalEntry objects can be stored by a single MedicalHistory. Each Patient class has exactly one MedicalHistory reference. Patient and MedicalHistory share a whole-part relationship: when a Patient object is destroyed, the corresponding MedicalHistory object is also destroyed. If the Patient does not have any medical records, this means that the MedicalHistory is empty, which is reflected by a single EMPTY_MEDICAL_HISTORY (instantiation of a MedicalHistory object with an EntryList<Entry<MedicalEntry>> containing exactly one Entry that is an Empty). Hence, there is a 1...1 multiplicity relationship between Patient and MedicalHistory, as one patient can have exactly one medical history. Following OOP Principles, it is more apt to encapsulate medical history records (or medical entries) as a MedicalHistory class than using a collection of medical entries, e.g. List<MedicalEntry>.
Using null to reflect an empty MedicalHistory for patients that do not have any recorded medical history An empty MedicalHistory object is instantiated (EMPTY_MEDICAL_HISTORY), and this object is referenced in every Patient object that does not have any medical history records. It is not a mistake for a patient to have zero medical history records. If we were to use null to reflect an empty medical history, there would be many scenarios where by running a blanket command on a patient, NullPointerException would be thrown at runtime if we do not check for null. Hence, as part of our defensive programming efforts, we created a single EMPTY_MEDICAL_HISTORY object that is an instantiation of a MedicalHistory object with an EntryList<Entry<MedicalEntry>> containing exactly one Entry that is an Empty. This allows us to bypass NullPointerException due to the additional null safety built in and exploit polymorphism.
Using the Optional interface to reflect an Entry Entry class is implemented to reflect an Entry that is either Some or Empty, such that all null or empty inputs into the factory of method generate an Entry.Empty, and every other input generates an Entry.Some When the Optional::of takes in null, a runtime exception is thrown. But null is a valid input. While Optional provides an ofNullable method, we wanted to take an active defensive programming approach. We thus constructed the Entry class, whereby there is only one factory of method, where null inputs are taken care of.
Using the List interface to reflect a list of entries EntryList class is implemented to reflect an EntryList that contains the Entry We want to limit the methods available for an EntryList to only add, delete, size, get, toStream. Each Entry and their position within the EntryList should not be modifiable. After all, at our current stage of production, we do not want the MedicalEntry to have a different order from their time of input. Iterator functions of the List interface allow for modification of contents of an Entry at a specified position in the List, which violates this invariant. As part of defensive programming, we thus chose to create an EntryList class that exposes only the immutable functions of a List.
Having MedicalEntry as a separate class from MedicalHistory MedicalEntry is an inner static class of MedicalHistory A MedicalEntry can only exist if there is a MedicalHistory. There should be no instantiation of a MedicalEntry without a MedicalHistory instantiated. We also do not want MedicalEntry to implement any interface that MedicalHistory does not. Thus, we opted to have MedicalEntry as an inner class of MedicalHistory.

Add Medical Entry feature


The Add Medical Entry feature allows users to add medical entries into the MedicalHistory of a Patient. Each new MedicalEntry must have the data field description, which is the description of the medical record (e.g. diabetes).

Below is a class diagram of the components involved in the Add Medical Entry feature.

Class diagram of Add Medical Entry Feature

Implementation details of feature

The Add Medical Entry feature is implemented via the AddMedicalEntryCommand, which is supported by the AddMedicalEntryCommandParser. The AddMedicalEntryCommandParser implements the PatientParser interface.

  1. LogicManager receives the user input which is parsed by the AddressBookParser.
  2. The AddressBookParser invokes the PatientBookParser based on the regex pattern of the user input, splitting the user input into commandWord and arguments.
  3. The PatientBookParser invokes the AddMedicalEntryCommandParser based on the commandWord, calling the method parsePatientCommand with arguments as the method argument.
  4. AddMedicalEntryCommandParser takes in the argument string and invokes an ArgumentMultiMap, which tokenizes the arguments.
  5. If the required preamble and PREFIX_MEDICAL is present, the AddMedicalEntryCommandParser will invoke the AddMedicalEntryCommand after calling the parseMedicalHistory method provided by ParserUtil, which returns a MedicalHistory based on the description data field. The preamble identifies the Index of the Patient to add the medical entry to, while the string after PREFIX_MEDICAL specifies the description data field required for adding a new MedicalEntry.
  6. LogicManager calls the execute method of the AddMedicalEntryCommand, which calls the addMedicalHistory of the Patient specified by the Index.
  7. The AddMedicalEntryCommand will then call the methods setPatient, updateAppointmentBook, updateFilteredPatientList and updateFilteredAppointmentList provided by the Model, editing the patient's medical history information.
  8. The AddMedicalEntryCommand returns a CommandResult, which will be returned to the LogicManager.

Below is a sequence diagram illustrating the interactions between the Logic and Model components when the user inputs pt ma 1 m/diabetes command. Note that the full command string has been abbreviated to .... The illustration has been split into two parts: (1) Parse User Input, (2) Execute command.

Parse User Input

Sequence diagram of Add Medical Entry Feature

ℹ️ **Note:** The lifeline for `PatientBookParser` and `AddMedicalEntryCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Execute a:AddMedicalEntryCommand

Sequence diagram of Add Medical Entry Feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens within AddMedicalEntryCommandParser when the user executes an Add Medical Entry command.

Activity diagram of Add Medical Entry Feature

Design considerations

Alternative Considered Current implementation Rationale for current implementation
Implementing a MedicalHistoryBookParser to invoke the AddMedicalEntryCommandParser Having PatientBookParser invoke AddMedicalEntryCommandParser Since MedicalHistory is an attribute of Patient, it makes sense to use the PatientBookParser. It also takes more effort to implement a new Parser that requires an entirely new command word prefix to add a MedicalEntry.

Delete Medical Entry feature


The Delete Medical Entry feature allows users to delete medical entries from the MedicalHistory of a Patient.

Below is a class diagram of the components involved in the Delete Medical Entry feature.

Class diagram of Delete Medical Entry Feature

Implementation details of feature

The Delete Medical Entry feature is implemented via the DeleteMedicalEntryCommand, which is supported by the DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser. The DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser implements the PatientParser interface.

  1. LogicManager receives the user input which is parsed by the AddressBookParser.
  2. The AddressBookParser invokes the PatientBookParser based on the regex pattern of the user input, splitting the user input into commandWord and arguments.
  3. The PatientBookParser invokes the DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser based on the commandWord, calling the method parsePatientCommand with arguments as the method argument.
  4. DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser takes in the argument string and invokes an ArgumentMultiMap, which tokenizes the arguments.
  5. If the required patientIndex and medicalIndex is present, the DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser will invoke the DeleteMedicalEntryCommand after calling the parseIndex method provided by ParserUtil, which returns an Index to specify the patient and the medicalEntry to be deleted.
  6. LogicManager calls the execute method of the DeleteMedicalEntryCommand, which calls the deleteMedicalHistory of the Patient specified by the Index.
  7. The DeleteMedicalEntryCommand will then call the methods setPatient, updateAppointmentBook, updateFilteredPatientList and updateFilteredAppointmentList provided by the Model, editing the patient's medical history information.
  8. The DeleteMedicalEntryCommand returns a CommandResult, which will be returned to the LogicManager.

Below is a sequence diagram illustrating the interactions between the Logic and Model components when the user inputs pt md 1 i/1 command. Note that the full command string has been abbreviated to .... The illustration has been split into two parts: (1) Parse User Input, (2) Execute command.

Parse User Input

Sequence diagram of Delete Medical Entry Feature

ℹ️ **Note:** The lifeline for `PatientBookParser` and `DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser` should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Execute d:DeleteMedicalEntryCommand

Sequence diagram of Delete Medical Entry Feature

The following activity diagram summarises what happens within DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser when the user executes a DeleteMedicalEntry command.

Activity diagram of Delete Medical Entry Feature

Design Considerations

Alternative Considered Current implementation Rationale for current implementation
Implementing a MedicalHistoryBookParser to invoke the DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser Having PatientBookParser invoke DeleteMedicalEntryCommandParser Since MedicalHistory is an attribute of Patient, it makes sense to use the PatientBookParser. It also takes more effort to implement a new Parser that requires an entirely new command word prefix to delete a MedicalEntry.

Appointment composed of a Valid Patient when added, loaded and stored

How Appointment is implemented


Each Appointment in memory contains a reference to a valid Patient object. To ensure this valid reference is maintained while the app is running and between different running instances, Appointment is stored in JSON with the index of the Patient in the corresponding AddressBook.

Major changes involved to implement this feature:

  • Add a new appointment
  • Load appointments on app launch
  • Save appointments after every command
  • Delete a patient that has made an appointment

Add a new Appointment


AddAppointmentCommand#execute() gets patient at the given index in the address book to create a new appointment referencing that patient.

Detailed Implementation

The user executes apmt add i/1 d/2021-10-19 1800 to add an appointment to the first patient of the address book. The apmt add command calls Model#getFilteredPatientList()to receive a list of patients and gets the Patient object at the inputted index. A new Appointment of that patient is instantiated, and the AddAppointmentCommand calls Model#addAppointment() to add this appointment to the appointment book. A CommandResult is instantiated and returned.


Design considerations

Aspect: How Appointments are instantiated

Design Choice Justification Pros Cons
Appointment is composed of a Patient (current choice) Appointment can only be instantiated with a Patient, and without Patients, Appointments cannot exist. Hence, for an appointment to be instantiated, it requires a reference to the related Patient object.
  • Enforces 1 multiplicity requiring one Appointment to be associated with exactly one Patient.
  • Easy to find the patient of the appointment.
  • Need to locate corresponding Patient before Appointment can be instantiated. Thus, AddressBook must be loaded to memory before AppointmentBook.
    Patient and Appointment have an association such that Patient has a link to Appointment and Appointment only requires date and time to instantiate. - Able to load AppointmentBook without loaded AddressBook.
  • Appointments may not be unique objects as there may be patients with multiple appointments at the same date and time at the same clinic that can be served by different doctors.
  • Difficult to find Patient of each Appointment when Appointment is extracted from Patients and listed because Appointment has no Patient field.
  • Load Appointments on App Launch


    • The app first loads address book, then passes the address book as argument to Storage#readAppointmentBook().
    • Storage#readAppointmentBook() gets the corresponding patient from the patient index in JSONAdaptedAppointments and instantiates appointments.

    Detailed Implementation

    The user launches the application. MainApp runs MainApp#initModelManager to initialize the model. First, the address book of patients is loaded to memory in StorageManager#readAddressBook(). Referencing the order of patients in this loaded address book, StorageManager#readAppointmentBook() loads the appointment book. Under Storage, the JSON file is loaded to JsonAdaptedAppointment object and its JsonAdaptedAppointment#toModelType() is executed. JsonAdaptedAppointment#toModelType() runs AddressBook#getPatientOfIndex() to get the patient of the appointment at the index loaded from the JSON file. The Appointment object is then instantiated.


    Save Appointments after every command


    • The app runs LogicManager#saveAppointmentBook().
    • LogicManager#saveAppointmentBook() gets the index of the patient referenced by the appointment, that is to be stored as JSONAdaptedAppointments in JSON file.

    Detailed Implementation

    After every command that the user makes, appointments are saved. In LogicManager#executes, after every command is executed, LogicManager calls StorageManager#saveAppointmentBook, passing in the appointment book and address book from Model as arguments. In converting model-type Appointments to JSONAdaptedAppointment, AddressBook#getIndexOfPatient() is called to get the corresponding index of the patient for storage.


    The diagram below is a more in-dcannnepth look at how JSONAdaptedAppointment is instantiated.


    Design considerations

    Aspect: How Appointments are loaded and saved

    Design Choice Justification Pros Cons
    Save Appointment as the index of corresponding patient in AddressBook and datetime. (current choice) The order of AddressBook does not change when saving or loading AppointmentBook. The order of AddressBook is saved each time AppointmentBook is saved.
  • Index of patient requires less code then implementing a unique ID and fits with our theme of using indices in commands.
  • Index of patient is guaranteed to be a unique identifier.
  • Order of the AddressBook is important. If the order of patients is changed in the json file, the appointments will become incorrect.
    Implement a hash or Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) to for each Patient and Appointment object. Save Appointment with Patient UUID and save Patient with Appointment UUID. - Changing the order of appointments and patients in saved JSON file will not change affect loading of data.
  • Requires more code to implement a unique hash or UUID and find the corresponding Patient and Appointment by traversing the AddressBook and AppointmentBook respectively.
  • Takes more computational work when loading compared to finding the Patient at an index at O(1) time.
  • Delete Patient that has made an Appointment


    Delete all Appointments containing that Patient object when Patient object is deleted.

    Detailed Implementation

    The user executes pt delete 1 to delete the first patient in the address book. The patient is deleted and the corresponding appointments and archive appointments with that patient are deleted. The pt delete command calls AddressBook#deleteAppointmentsWithPatient() to delete all appointments to that patient before deleting the patient.


    Design considerations

    Aspect: When a patient that has appointment is deleted

    Design Choice Justification Pros Cons
    Delete all appointments that the patient has (current choice) Appointments is a class that is instantiated with a Patient object. When that corresponding Patient object is deleted, the Patients appointment objects should be deleted as well so there will be no reference to deleted Patient objects.
  • Ensures Patient object is deleted completely from the system, and no objects holds references to deleted Patient objects.
  • No Appointment objects will reference an invalid Patient object.
  • Accidental deleting of a Patient will delete all corresponding Appointments which may cause extra hassle to enter in all the Appointment details again.
  • No past appointment data of deleted Patients can be kept because their Appointment objects are deleted to garbage collect and truly delete Patient objects.
  • Delete patient without deleting the patient's appointments - Past appointment data of Patient object can be kept as archives in the system. Patient object is not truly deleted and can be restored if needed.
  • Requires more code to implement an indicator if Patient of an Appointment has been deleted to safeguard against Upcoming Appointments made for deleted Patients.
  • Deleted Patient object will need to be saved and loaded from JSON which would require corresponding storage classes such as DeletedPatientBook to be created.
  • Archiving an Appointment


    A user is able to archive an appointment when the appointment is expired, i.e. the patient has either missed his/her appointment or already attended the scheduled appointment. In this case, the appointment should be archived, so that clinic staff are able to view what medicine was prescribed to the patient during previous appointments.

    Implementation Details

    Sequence diagram of Archive Command

    Users may archive specific appointments manually to remove visual clutter. This is done through the ArchiveAppointmentCommand.

    The above sequence diagram displays how the archive command works. The parsing mechanism has been abstracted out from the above diagram as it has been covered in previous diagrams. An example input can be viewed in our User guide. It first retrieves the Appointment to archive from the appointment index parsed through the user input, removes the appointment from upcoming appointments, and adds it to archived appointments.

    Archiving is facilitated by the ArchivedAppointmentBook. As opposed to the regular AppointmentBook, it does not allow users to directly modify the data of appointments as archived data should not be edited. Hence, the following operations have the private access modifier:

    • ArchivedAppointmentBook#setAppointment(Appointment target, Appointment editedAppointment) - edits the target Appointment to be replaced with editedAppointment.
    • ArchivedAppointmentBook#removeAppointment(Appointment key) - removes the target Appointment key.

    The reason these methods exist in the class is so to support the methods ArchivedAppointmentBook#updatePatient(Patient target, Patient editedPatient) and ArchivedAppointmentBook#removePatient(Patient target), which are called to accurately reflect any updates/removals of patient details.

    Class diagram of Archive Storage

    In the Storage component, the addition of ArchivedAppointmentBook also necessitates the implementation of a separate storage system for archived appointments. This forms under ArchivedAppointmentBookStorage, alongside AddressBookStorage and AppointmentBookStorage. The .json file for archived appointments is named 'archivedappointmentbook.json'.

    Design Considerations

    Alternative Considered Current implementation Rationale for current implementation
    Implementing archived appointments as a second UniqueAppointmentList attribute under the AppointmentBook class Have a separate class ArchivedAppointmentBook Having a separate class ArchivedAppointmentBook separates the two types of appointments better to facilitate data management. It ties in better with our Storage framework, and archivedappointmentbook.json files can be easily used by the user, instead of having to split one appointmentbook.json files into two segments.

    Auto-Archiving Feature

    The archiving implementation involves scanning through all appointments in a day and comparing it to the current date and time of the user system. If the current date and time is 24 hours ahead of the scheduled appointment time (24-hour buffer), i.e. by our definition, expired, the appointment is automatically archived. This auto-archiving implementation is handled by the ModelManager class in two ways.

    Sequence diagram of Auto-Archive Feature

    1. Upon initialisation of the application, the application automatically archives expired appointments (24-hours past their scheduled time). This is called through ModelManager#archivePastAppointments().

    2. A ScheduledExecutorService object schedules the task AutoArchiveApmts which implements the Runnable interface. Every day at the ModelManager.UPDATE_HOURth hour, the Runnable object executes the ModelManager#archivePastAppointments() method.

    In the case where there are many scheduled appointments, this saves the user trouble of archiving past appointments when they are already over.

    Recording a Patient's Prescription feature

    During appointments, the doctor can provide prescription of drugs for patients. Recording this information together with appointment information helps clinic staff to keep track of prescriptions given to a patient. Past prescriptions can also be viewed with past appointments.

    How Prescription is implemented

    Prescription derives from the original Tags class from AB3 and is modified with extra fields and checks.

    • Each Prescription class contains fields recording Medicine, Volume and Duration.
    • Each Appointment class contains 0 or more Prescription objects.

    Class diagram of Prescription

    The implementation of the Prescription class is done with a Prescription class. The Prescription class keep records of the medicine given, volume of medicine, and the duration which the medicine is taken. Prescription objects are composed under Appointment objects, and will be deleted along with the parent Appointment object. Within each Appointment class, a collection of these Prescription objects are stored.

    The following commands are available from the Appointment class to interact with Prescription objects.

    • addPrescription(Prescription prescription)- adds a new prescription for that appointment.
    • deletePrescription(String medicineName)- removes an existing prescription based on the name of the medicine.

    Reason for implementation of Prescription

    Prescription and Appointment forms a whole-part relationship and hence Prescription is suitable to be stored as a field of Appointment. Prescription will also be deleted when appointment is deleted due to this whole-part relationship. As an Appointment can have multiple Prescription objects, the multiplicity is many to one.

    Prescription commands

    The flow of how a command for prescription is processed is shown in the diagram below. Activity diagram of Prescription commands

    Add Prescription command

    The command structure for add prescription command follows the sequence diagram below. Sequence diagram diagram of Add Prescription commands

    Delete Prescription command sequence

    The command structure for delete prescription command follows the sequence diagram below. Sequence diagram diagram of Delete Prescription commands

    General Prescription command sequence

    When execute() is called upon the prescriptionCommand object, the prescriptionCommand object checks if the appointment to be targeted exists by calling the getAppointmentBook() function of the model, which returns a list of available appointments. Once verified that the appointment to be targeted exists, the respective add/delete prescription command is called in the Model object. The Model object then checks for the validity of the prescription command by checking for existence of the same prescription in the targeted appointment. Once the check has been done, the prescription in question is added/removed and a CommandResult is returned.

    Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

    Appendix: Requirements

    Product scope

    Target user profile:

    • Authorised staff from small family clinics (both receptionist and doctors)
    • Clinic staff from clinics that lack access to cloud and are undeveloped compared to hospitals
    • Clinic staff from young clinics that do not have technological capabilities
    • Prefer a type-first experience, and can type fast

    Value proposition:

    • Provide a centralised platform for clinic staff to manage patient records, reducing man hours from managing paper documents

    Today, small family clinics often record patient information using paper application forms. Such recording of patient information results in the clinic having a messy and inefficient patient record information; the family clinic will have to flip through files and documents in order to find the patient. Doc’it aims to provide a centralised platform for authorised staff from small family clinics to view, update and onboard patients. With Doc’it, small family clinics are able to reduce man hours from managing paper documents, and translate these ‘saved’ hours into providing better frontline service to patients, focusing on what they do best.

    User stories

    Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

    Priority As a … I want to … So that I can…
    * * * clinic staff create new patient details add data of new patients in our clinic
    * * * clinic staff add medical history to patient details have a background on the patient
    * * * clinic staff view patient details better prescribe medication and treatments to my out-patients
    * * * clinic staff delete patient details manage patients’ need for privacy when patients no longer visit the clinic
    * * * clinic staff view the prescriptions currently prescribed to my patients provide correct prescriptions to them
    * * * clinic staff create new appointments from patients track upcoming appointments
    * * * clinic staff view appointments from patients know at-a-glance what are the upcoming appointments and the patients involved
    * * * clinic staff delete appointments from patients re-organise appointments when either side cancels their appointments
    * * * clinic staff have appointments moved to appointment history separate what are the upcoming appointments from past appointments
    * * * clinic staff view past appointments track their medical history
    * * clinic staff edit appointments from patients ensure appointment records are up-to-date
    * * clinic staff modify patient details ensure that any changes in their information are up-to-date
    * * clinic staff edit prescriptions ensure my patients’ current prescriptions are up-to-date
    * * clinic staff view the duration of prescriptions decide whether they should be given additional prescriptions
    * * clinic staff move prescriptions to prescription history when patients have finished that prescription
    * * clinic staff view the prescription history of patients know what drugs my patients have taken before
    * * clinic staff cannot edit past prescriptions prevent erroneous edits
    * * clinic staff verify that the patient has paid for his appointment record that the patient has paid the bills
    * * clinic staff input the bill and price of the patient appointment record the amount that the patient has paid
    * * clinic staff prevent editing past appointments ensure past records cannot be incorrectly modified
    * * clinic staff filter patients by name pull up patient records easily when requested
    * * clinic staff filter patients by the date of their appointment know the list of patients per appointment day
    * * clinic staff filter patients by their prescriptions gauge the demand of prescription_drug needed by the clinic
    * * new clinic staff go through a tutorial at the beginning familiarise myself with how the app works and what it can do
    * * new clinic staff type a command to get all available commands and how they work easily refer to the commands I can make
    * * clinic staff purge all current data delete any experimental records
    * * long term clinic staff use shortened command aliases speed up my work
    * * clinic staff easily make changes to the patient records without too many commands my work can be done faster
    * * clinic staff view information on an appealing GUI view information that is neatly organised
    * * clinic staff share a single patient database with other clinic staff ensure all changes are synced

    {More to be added}

    Use cases

    (For all use cases below, the System is the Doc'it and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

    Use case: UC01 - List all patients


    1. User requests to list patients.

    2. Doc'it displays all patients.

      Use case ends.


    • 1a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC02 - Add a patient


    1. User requests to add a patient.

    2. Doc'it adds the patient with necessary information.

      Use case ends.


    • 1a. Necessary details of patient are absent (name, address, phone number).

      • 1a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

    • 1b. Patient details conflict with existing patient list.

      • 1b1. Doc'it shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

    Use case: UC03 - Delete a patient


    1. Doc'it shows a list of patients.

    2. User requests to delete a specific patient in the list.

    3. Doc'it deletes the patient.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

    • 2b. The given index is invalid.

      • 2b1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 2.

    Use case: UC04 - List all appointments


    1. User requests to list appointments.

    2. Doc'it displays all appointments.

      Use case ends.


    • 1a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC05 - Add an appointment


    1. Doc'it displays all patients.

    2. User adds an appointment, matching the appointment to the specific patient.

    3. Doc'it adds the appointment and associates it to the patient.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The date of the appointment AND/OR the specified patient are invalid.

      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 2.

    Use case: UC06 - Edit an appointment


    1. Doc'it displays all patients and appointments.

    2. User edits an appointment, specifying new appointment details to replace old appointment details.

    3. Doc'it edits the appointment details.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The date of the appointment AND/OR the specified patient are invalid.

      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 2.

    Use case: UC07 - Delete an appointment


    1. Doc'it displays all appointments.

    2. User requests to delete a specific appointment in the list.

    3. Doc'it deletes the appointment and removes the appointment association from the originally associated patient.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

    • 2a. The given index is invalid.

      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 2.

    Use case: UC08 - Archive an appointment


    1. Doc'it displays all appointments.

    2. User requests to archive all appointments that are past its date.

    3. Doc'it archives all appointments that are past its date.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. There are no appointments in the Appointment panel.

      Use case ends.

    • 2b. No appointments are past its date.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC09 - Add a prescription


    1. User requests to list appointments.

    2. Doc'it displays all appointments.

    3. User adds a prescription, matching the prescription to the specific appointment by index.

    4. Doc'it adds the prescription and associates it to the appointment.

      Use case ends.


    3a. The index of the appointment is invalid.

    • 3a1. Doc'it shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 3.
    • 3b. The input field of medicine name, volume or duration is invalid.
      • 3a1. Doc'it shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 3.

    Use case: UC010 - Delete a prescription


    1. User requests to list appointments.
    2. Doc'it displays all appointments.
    3. User deletes a prescription, matching the prescription to the specific appointment by index and medicine name.
    4. Doc'it deletes the prescription


    • 3a. The index of the appointment is invalid.
      • 3a1. Doc'it shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 3.
    • 3b. The input field of medicine name is invalid.
      • 3a1. Doc'it shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 3.

    Use case: UC11 - Add a Medical Entry to Patient


    1. Doc'it displays all patients.

    2. User requests to add a medical entry to a specified patient.

    3. Doc'it adds the medical entry and records the date of entry.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The given index is invalid.
      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 1.

    Use case: UC12 - Delete a Medical Entry from a Patient


    1. Doc'it displays all patients.

    2. User requests to delete a specified medical entry from a specified patient.

    3. Doc'it deletes the specified medical entry from the patient.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. The given index specifying the medical entry is invalid.

      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 1.

    • 2b. The given index specifying the patient is invalid.

      • 2b1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 1.

    • 2c. The patient specified has an empty medical history.

      • 2c1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 1.

    Use case: UC13 - Find patient


    1. Doc'it displays all patients.

    2. User requests to find patients whose names or medical histories match the given set of keywords.

    3. Doc'it lists a filtered list of patients that satisfy the keywords given by the user.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC14 - Exit program


    1. User requests to exit the program.

    2. Doc'it saves and writes all files.

    3. Doc'it exits and closes.

      Use case ends.


    • 2a. Doc'it is unable to save file.

      • 2a1. Doc'it shows an error message.

        Use case resumes at step 1.

    Non-Functional Requirements

    1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
    2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 patients without noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
    3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
    4. Should not require an external installer or launcher.
    5. Data should be stored locally in an easily-editable text file.
    6. Should not depend on any cloud-based remote server.
    7. Data should not be stored in an external Database Management System (DBMS) or data warehouse.
    8. Clinic staff inexperienced in using computers should be able to easily use Doc'it.
    9. The GUI should work well and not result in resolution-related inconveniences to the user for screen resolutions 1920x1080 and higher, and screen scale at 100% and 125%.
    10. The GUI should be usable, defined as the ability to carry out all functions, even if resolution is not optimal, for resolutions 1280x720 and higher and screen scale at 150%.


    Term Definition
    Mainstream OS Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
    Appointment A scheduled consult between a patient and the clinic's doctor at an exact date and time. The doctor may or may not prescribe medication.
    Archive Storage for data that is non-urgent, e.g. appointment records that are past their date.
    Patient Record A record of a patient's name, phone number, address, email and medical history.
    Prescription The issued medication/treatment for a patient along with a duration and volume.
    Expired Appointment An appointment that is 24-hours past its scheduled time.
    Medical History A patient's set of recorded medical complications from the past.
    Medical Entry A specific past health complication of a patient. There can be multiple medical entries within a patient's medical history.

    Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

    Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

    ℹ️ **Note:** These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more *exploratory* testing.

    Launch and shutdown

    1. Initial launch

      1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
      2. Double-click the jar file Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

    Deleting a patient

    1. Deleting a patient while all patients are being shown

      1. Prerequisites: List all patients using the pt list command. Multiple patients in the list.
      2. Test case: pt delete 1
        Expected: First patient is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted patient shown in the status message.
      3. Test case: pt delete 0
        Expected: No patient is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect patient delete commands to try: pt delete, delete 1, pt delete x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.
    2. Deleting a patient that has an appointment

      1. Prerequisites: Add an appointment to that patient at index 1 e.g. apmt add i/1 d/2022-12-31 1200
      2. Test case: delete 1
        Expected: First patient is deleted from Patient Panel. Patient's appointments in Appointment panel is deleted as well.

    Adding a patient

    1. Adding a patient

      1. Test case: pt add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/[email protected] a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 m/diabetes.
        Expected: Patient is added to the end of the list. Details of the added patient shown in the status message.
      2. Test case: pt add p/98765432 e/[email protected].
        Expected: No patient is added. Error details shown in the status message.
      3. Other incorrect patient add commands to try: pt add, add 1, pt add m/diabetes, ... Expected: Similar to previous.

    Editing a patient

    1. Editing a patient
      1. Prerequisites: List all patients using the pt list command. Multiple patients in the list.
      2. Test case: pt edit 1 n/Joshen Lim
        Expected: Name of first patient is edited. Details of the edited patient shown in the status message.
      3. Test case: pt edit 1 n/
        Expected: No edit is executed. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect patient add commands to try: pt edit, edit 1 n/Joshen Lim, pt edit x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.

    Adding a Medical Entry to a Patient's Medical History

    1. Adding a medical Entry
      1. Prerequisites: List all patients using the pt list command. Multiple patients in the list.
      2. Test case: pt ma 1 m/diabetes
        Expected: Medical History of first patient has the new medical entry added to the back of the list. The medical entry should have the corresponding date recorded. Details of the patient shown in the status message.
      3. Test case: pt ma 1 i/
        Expected: No medical entry is added. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect patient add commands to try: pt ma, ma 1 m/high blood pressure, pt ma x m/lovesick, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.

    Deleting a Medical Entry from a Patient's Medical History

    1. Deleting a medical entry from a patient's non-empty medical history

      1. Prerequisites: List all patients using the pt list command. Multiple patients in the list.
      2. Test case: pt md 1 i/1
        Expected: Medical Entry of the specified index within the Medical History of first patient is deleted. If there are other entries within the Medical History, the list of entries will re-index from 1. If there are no other entries within the Medical History, "No medical history recorded." is shown on the Patient Card. Details of the patient shown in the status message.
      3. Test case: pt md 1 i/
        Expected: No medical entry is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect patient add commands to try: pt md, md 1 i/1, pt md x i/1, pt md 1 i/x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.
    2. Deleting a medical entry from a patient's with an empty medical history

      1. Prerequisites: List all patients using the pt list command. Multiple patients in the list.
      2. Test case: pt md 1 i/1
        Expected: Nothing is changed. Status message reflects that there is "No medical history record to delete from the patient".
      3. Test case: pt md 1 i/
        Expected: Nothing is changed. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect patient add commands to try: pt md, md 1 i/1, pt md x i/1, pt md 1 i/x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.

    Saving data

    1. Dealing with missing/corrupted data files
      1. If JSON files are missing, Doc'it will start with a sample AddressBook and AppointmentBook with sample Patients and sample Appointments respectively. 2. If JSON files are corrupted, Doc;it will start with a blank address book and blank appointment book.
      2. Save appointment
        1. Prerequisite: Create an appointment e.g. apmt add i/1 d/2022-12-31 1200
        2. Test case: Close and reopen the application
          Expected: Appointments reference the same patients as previous session before it was closed.

    Adding an appointment

    Prerequisites: Use sample addressbook or the same list of patients from index 1 to 2.

    1. Test case: apmt add i/1 d/2999-12-31 2359
      Expected: New appointment added in Upcoming tab of Appointments panel for Patient 1 on 31 Dec 2999 2359.
    2. Test case: Conduct test case 1, then enter apmt add i/2 d/2999-12-31 2359
      Expected: New appointment added in Upcoming tab of Appointments panel for Patient 2 on 31 Dec 2999 2359 even if test case 1 appointment exists.
    3. Test case: apmt add i/1 d/2000-1-1 0000
      Expected: New appointment added in Archived tab of Appointments panel for Patient 1 on 1 Jan 2000 0000.
    4. Test case: Conduct test case 3, then enter apmt add i/2 d/2000-1-1 0000
      Expected: New appointment added in Archived tab of Appointments panel for Patient 2 on 1 Jan 2000 0000 even if test case 3 appointment exists.
    5. Test case: apmt add i/1 d/2039-2-29 1200
      Expected: No new appointment is created because 2039 is not a leap year and Feb 2039 only has 28 days. Error message shown.

    Editing an appointment test cases are similar to adding an appointment except for an additional appointment index to be specified before Patient Index and Datetime.

    Deleting an appointment

    1. Deleting an appointment while all appointments are being shown

      1. Prerequisites: List all appointments in the Upcoming tab using the apmt list command. At least one appointment in list.
      2. Test case: apmt delete 1
        Expected: First appointment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted appointment shown in the status message.
      3. Test case: apmt delete 0
        Expected: No appointment is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.
      4. Other incorrect delete commands to try: apmt delete, apmt delete x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
        Expected: Similar to previous.

    Adding a prescription

    Prerequisites: All test cases below must be independent and fulfills these assumptions: All appointments listed using the apmt list command. 5 appointments shown in the list. All appointments have no prescriptions.

    1. Test case: apmt pa 1 n/Penicillin v/400 ml d/2 times a week
      Expected: First appointment now contains a prescription label penicillin | 400ml | 2 times a week.
    2. Test case: enter apmt pa 1 n/Penicillin v/400 ml d/2 times a week twice
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Operation would result in duplicate prescriptions is shown.
    3. Test case: apmt pa 1 n/PenicillinPenicillinPenicillin v/400 ml d/2 times a week
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Medicine name can only be 20 characters long. is shown.
    4. Test case: apmt pa 1 n/Penicillin v/400000000000000000000 ml d/2 times a week
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Volume can only be 20 characters long. is shown.
    5. Test case: apmt pa 1 n/Penicillin v/400 ml d/99999999999999999999999999999999 times a week
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Duration can only be 40 characters long. is shown.
    6. Test case: apmt pa 0 n/Penicillin v/400 ml d/2 times a week
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Index is not a non-zero unsigned integer. is shown.
    7. Test case: apmt pa 6 n/Penicillin v/400 ml d/2 times a week
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message The appointment index provided is invalid. is shown.

    Deleting a prescription

    Prerequisites: All test cases below must be independent and fulfills these assumptions: All appointments listed using the apmt list command. Multiple appointments shown in the list. First appointment has a single prescription penicillin | 400ml | 2 times a week. All other appointments have no prescriptions.

    1. Test case: apmt pd 1 n/Penicillin
      Expected: First appointment now do not contain any prescriptions.
    2. Test case: enter apmt pa 0 n/Penicillin twice
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Index is not a non-zero unsigned integer. is shown.
    3. Test case: apmt pa 1 n/Panadol
      Expected: No new prescription is created. Error message Medicine name not found in prescription list. is shown.