ARM mbed OS is an open source project. We welcome contributions and bug reports.
If you want to submit a bug report, please follow our reporting guidelines.
If you want to submit a patch, please read the contribution guide. Note that we have a Contributor Agreement that you must agree to before we can merge your contributions. To agree to the contributor agreement, you need to have a account and be logged in. We only accept bug reports and pull requests via GitHub.
If you have a question about how to use mbed OS, please search the mbed forums, and if you still need help, post a new topic there.
Before contributing an enhancement (such as a new feature or port), please start by discussing it on the forums to avoid duplication of work. This will help streamline your pull request for a quick merge.
If you work for an mbed Partner company, the partner manager assigned to you can help you navigate the process and get the most out of your partnership.
Thanks! ❤️
mbed Team @ ARM