##Release Instructions
Affected variables:
- project.parent.version
- project.version (SELF)
Affected sub-modules
- kmdp-core
- maven-dependency-plugin (plugin)
- unpack-xmi (execution)
- configuration.artifactItems.artifactItem.version
- unpack-xmi (execution)
- maven-dependency-plugin (plugin)
- Set root POM's version and parent.version to desired fixed version
- The version MUST match the ${kmdp.impl.version} variable in the BOM
- Set the plugin execution version to a fixed version
- The version MUST match the ${api4kp.version} variable in the BOM
- Set parent and project to the next desired version
- Use mvn versions:set and update-child-modules to ensure all children are updated
- Set the 'unpack-xmi' version to ${org.omg.spec:API4KP:jar.version}