The sequence of data preperation pipeline involve
- Downloading the data
- Pass the data through VAD pipeline (using
) - Pass the obtained data through SNR Filtering pipeline (using
) - Finally chunk the data (using
) All the 4 steps are automatically handled
Click here for more extended documentation on how to execute these individual steps.
For creating language-wise pretraining manifest
$ python path/to/ /path/to/wave/files --dest /manifest/path --ext $ext --valid-percent $valid
For /path/to/wav/files/
we expect the directory to have one folder per language under the parent directory
In our pretraing, we use a --valid-percent
as 0.03
For creating a combined validation file for all languages, we concatenate all individual *_valid.tsv
files to create a valid.tsv
import pandas as pd
import glob
filenames = glob.glob("*_valid.tsv")
combined = []
for f in filename:
df = pd.read_csv(f, skiprows=1, names=['f', 'd'], sep='\t')
df_combined = pd.concat(combined, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
df_combined.to_csv('valid.tsv', index=True, header=False, sep='\t')
We then add the /path/to/wav/files/
to the first line of the valid.tsv file
For pretraining the model we do multi-node training and schedule the runs with slurm.
Following is the invocation script for training IndicWav2Vec base starting from Wav2Vec2.0 English base ckeckpoint
$ sbatch --job-name <NAME> --gres gpu:<N_GPU_PER_NODE> --cpus-per-task <N_CPUS> \
--nodes <N_NODES> --ntasks-per-node <N_TASKS> \
--wrap "srun --output train.log.node%t --error train.stderr.node%t.%j \
$(which fairseq-hydra-train) \ \
common.wandb_project=<wandb project name> \
task._name=temp_sampled_audio_pretraining \
+task.sampling_alpha=0.7 \
common.log_interval=200 \
common.log_format=tqdm \
dataset.max_tokens=3000000 \
common.user_dir=/path/to/custom_task/directory \
checkpoint.save_dir=/path/to/save/model/checkpoints \
checkpoint.restore_file=/path/to wav2vec2-english-base/ \
+optimization.update_freq='[2]' \
optimization.clip_norm=0.5 \
checkpoint.reset_optimizer=true \
distributed_training.distributed_world_size=<total GPUs> \
distributed_training.distributed_port=$PORT \
--config-dir /path/to/configs/directory \
--config-name wav2vec2_base_librispeech"
For Large model we override the above configuration with
checkpoint.restore_file=/path/to wav2vec2-english-large/ \
+optimization.update_freq='[6]' \
lr_scheduler.warmup_updates=0 \
--config-name wav2vec2_large_librivox"
Configs for both the models are provided in the configs directory
The scripts for the same can be found here link
Following is the invocation script for finetuning IndicWav2Vec large on a particular language
sbatch --job-name <NAME> --gres gpu:<N_GPU_PER_NODE> --cpus-per-task <N_CPUS> \
--nodes <N_NODES> --ntasks-per-node <N_TASKS> \
--wrap "srun --output finetune.log.node%t --error finetune.stderr.node%t.%j \
$(which fairseq-hydra-train) \ \
common.wandb_project=<wandb project name> \
model.w2v_path=/path/to/pretrained/ \
common.log_interval=50 \
common.log_format=tqdm \
dataset.max_tokens=1000000 \
checkpoint.save_dir=/path/to/save/model/fine_tune_checkpoints \
+optimization.update_freq='[1]' \
distributed_training.distributed_world_size=<total GPUs> \
--config-dir /path/to/configs/directory \
--config-name ai4b_xlsr"
For IndicWav2Vec Base model we override the above configuration with
model.w2v_path=/path/to/pretrained/ \
--config-name ai4b_base"
Configs for both the models are provided in the finetune_configs directory
Scripts for installing, preparing data and training language model is present in lm_training folder.
Evaluation Scripts with complete documentation are present in w2v_inference folder.
The link to arXiv can be found here
Please cite as:
title = {Towards Building ASR Systems for the Next Billion Users},
author = {Tahir Javed and Sumanth Doddapaneni and Abhigyan Raman and Kaushal Santosh Bhogale and Gowtham Ramesh and Anoop Kunchukuttan and Pratyush Kumar and Mitesh M. Khapra},
booktitle = "Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
year = "2022 (to appear)",
IndicWav2Vec is MIT-licensed. The license applies to all the pretrained, fine-tuned and language models