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File metadata and controls

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A library for loading various Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) file formats into Python. This library is primarily intended for use with TopoStats.

Supported file formats

File format Description
.asd High-speed AFM
.ibw WaveMetrics
.spm Bruker's Format
.jpk Bruker
.topostats TopoStats
.gwy Gwydion
.stp WSXM AFM software files

Support for the following additional formats is planned. Some of these are already supported in TopoStats and are awaiting refactoring to move their functionality into AFMReader these are denoted in bold below.

File format Description Status
.nhf Nanosurf To Be Implemented.
.aris Imaris Oxford Instruments To Be Implemented.
.tiff Park Systems To Be Implemented.


If you wish to process AFM images supported by AFMReader it is recommend you use TopoStats to do so, however the library can be used on its own.


You can open .topostats files using the load_topostats function. Just pass in the path to the file.

from AFMReader.topostats import load_topostats

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor, metadata = load_topostats(file_path="./my_topostats_file.topostats")


You can open .spm files using the load_spm function. Just pass in the path to the file and the channel name that you want to use. (If in doubt use one of the following: "Height", "ZSensor", "Height Sensor").

from AFMReader.spm import load_spm

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor = load_spm(file_path="./my_spm_file.spm", channel="Height")


You can open .gwy files using the load_gwy function. Just pass in the path to the file and the channel name that you want to use. (If in doubt use one one of the following: "Height", "ZSensor", "Height Sensor").

from AFMReader.gwy import load_gwy

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor = load_gwy(file_path="./my_gwy_file.gwy", channel="Height")


You can open .asd files using the load_asd function. Just pass in the path to the file and the channel name that you want to use. (If in doubt use the "TP" topography channel).

Note: For .asd files, there seem to only ever be two channels in one file. "TP" (topography) is the main one you will want to use unless you know you specifically want something else.

Other channels: "ER" - Error, "PH" - Phase

from AFMReader.asd import load_asd

frames, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor, metadata = load_asd(file_path="./my_asd_file.asd", channel="TP")


You can open .ibw files using the load_ibw function. Just pass in the path to the file and the channel name that you want to use. (If in doubt, use HeightTracee (yes, with the extra 'e'), ZSensorTrace, or ZSensor).

from AFMReader.ibw import load_ibw

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor = load_ibw(file_path="./my_ibw_file.ibw", channel="HeightTracee")


You can open .jpk files using the load_jpk function. Just pass in the path to the file and the channel name you want to use. (If in doubt, use height_trace or measuredHeight_trace).

from AFMReader.jpk import load_jpk

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor = load_jpk(file_path="./my_jpk_file.jpk", channel="height_trace")


You can open .stp files using the load_stp function. Just pass in the path to the file you want to use.

from AFMReader.stp import load_stp

image, pixel_to_nanometre_scaling_factor = load_stp(file_path="./my_stp_file.stp")


Bug reports and feature requests are welcome. Please search for existing issues, if none relating to your bug/feature are found then feel free to create a new issue detailing what went wrong or the feature you would like to see implemented.

Pull requests are also welcome, please note that we have a Code of Conduct.


We use pre-commit to apply linting via ruff and pylint pre-commit hooks and use the Black and Flake8 code styles. To set yourself up for contributing after cloning the package and creating a Python virtual environment you should install the development dependencies and pre-commit as shown below.

# Activate your virtual environment, this will depend on which system you use e.g. conda or virtualenvwrapper
# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:AFM-SPM/AFMReader.git
# Change directories into the newly cloned directory
cd AFMReader
# Install the package along with the optional development (dev) dependencies
pip install -e .[dev]
# Install pre-commit
pre-commit install

This will ensure that any commits and pull requests you make will pass the Pre-commit Continuous Integration. Where possible ruff will correct the changes it can, but it may require you to address some issues manually, before adding any changes and attempting to commit again.


If you use or depend on AFMReader in your software please consider citing it in any derivative work that is published. Citation details can be found in the CITATION.cff file in this repository.

Also, please let us know if you use AFMReader in your software. You can either make a Pull Request to add it to the list below or you can email us at [email protected] with details of your package.

Used By

AFMReader is a dependency of the following packages.