The framework includes an extended possibility to execute custom processes in case of arbitrary defined events.
The Alert
is a basic interface used to trigger a process on a passed object.
DSS provides an AbstractAlert
implementation of the interface with a clearly defined structure. The class must be instantiated with two attributes:
- used to detect an event/state of the object and trigger a process; -
- defines a process to be executed on an object.
In its basic module, framework provides a few alerts based on a Status
- throws anAlertException
(RuntimeException) when the status reports an issue; -
- logs a message with the defined log level; -
- ignores the reported issue and does nothing.
The usage of alerts is available in the following classes:
XML securities configurators from
module :TransformerFactoryBuilder
(see chapter [xmlSecurities] for more information); -
CertificateVerifier - to handle the unexpected situation(s) in a custom way (introduced
to re-throw exceptions, see section [certificateVerifier] for more information); -
TLValidationJob - to process custom actions on change/state on loading of LOTL/TLs (see
in the [AlertingTL] section).
[.portrait] <<< According to ETSI EN 319 102-1 (cf. [R09]), the signature validation process can be separated to different levels: * Validation process for basic signatures - validates the signature at the validation (current) time; * Validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material - verifies the signature against its best-signature-time (i.e. against the signature time-stamp’s production time); * Validation process for Signatures providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material - verifies the signature with all available Long-Term Availability material (i.e. including the validation of archive time-stamps). DSS allows the user to choose the validation level when performing a signature validation, i.e. to specify the validation process to be used for validation (cf. [R09]). By default, the highest level (with LTA enabled) is used. ===== Basic AdES validation Below you can find a signature validation example with a basic signature validation level: [source,java,indent=0] .B-level AdES validation ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/validate/ ---- ===== Long Term AdES validation [source,java,indent=0] .LTV-level AdES validation ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/validate/ ---- ===== Long Term Availability AdES validation [source,java,indent=0] .LTA-level AdES validation ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/validate/ ---- ==== Trusted list validation A validation of a Trusted List is similar to a signature validation, with the only difference that the validation of a Trusted List can be done in offline mode. Additionally, a validation against the XSD schema should be performed. [source,java,indent=0] .Validation of a trusted list ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- === Caching use cases ==== Caching revocation data (CRL, OCSP) ===== CRL An example for JdbcCacheCRLSource: [source,java,indent=0] .JdbcCacheCRLSource usage ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- ===== OCSP An example for JdbcCacheOCSPSource: [source,java,indent=0] .JdbcCacheOCSPSource usage ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- ==== Caching certificates (AIA certificates) An example for JdbcCacheOCSPSource: [source,java,indent=0] .Caching of certificates ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- ==== Caching trusted lists Trusted Lists and List(s) of Trusted Lists are cached automatically as a part if To load Trusted Lists from a cache, the offline loader shall be configured, and the action can be performed with the method: [source,java,indent=0] .Trusted Lists update from a cache ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- === Complete examples of Signature creation
==== XAdES
Below is an example of the [source,java,indent=0] .Create a XAdES-BASELINE-B signature ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ----
==== CAdES
Below is an example of the [source,java,indent=0] .Signing a file with CAdES ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ----
==== PAdES
Below is an example of code to perform a [source,java,indent=0] .Signing a PDF file with PAdES ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- DSS provides a large set of utilities for PDF visible signature creation (see [PAdESVisibleSignature] for more information). Below there is an example of code to perform a [source,java,indent=0] .Add a visible signature to a PDF document ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- Additionally, DSS also allows you to insert a visible signature to an existing field : [source,java,indent=0] .Add a visible signature to an existing field ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- The following sections present examples of existing parameters for creation of visible signatures with DSS. DSS provides a set of functions allowing to place the signature field on a specific place in the PDF page : [source,java,indent=0] .Visible signature positioning ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- DSS framework provides a set of functions to manage the signature field size : [source,java,indent=0] .Visible signature dimensions ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- The available implementations allow placing of a visible text to a signature field : [source,java,indent=0] .List of available visible text parameters ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- ====== Text and image combination DSS provides a set of functions to align a text respectively to an image. The parameters must be applied to a [source,java,indent=0] .Combination of text and image parameters ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- The result of applying the foregoing transformations is provided on the image below: image::visual-sig-text-parameters.jpg[] You can create a custom font as following, for a physical font: [source,java,indent=0] .Add a custom font as a file ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- For a logical font: [source,java,indent=0] .Java font usage ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- For a native font: [source,java,indent=0] .Native font usage ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ----
==== JAdES
A typical example of a [source,java,indent=0] .Signing a file with JAdES ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ----
===== ASiC-S
This is an example of the source code for signing a document using [source,java,indent=0] .Sign a file within an ASiC-S container ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ----
===== ASiC-E
This is another example of the source code for signing multiple documents using [source,java,indent=0] .Sign multiple files within an ASiC-E container ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- === Examples of SCA and SCDev Topology and Workflows ==== Hash computation In order to avoid transfer of original or sensitive information, and also to reduce the amount of data by online protocols, a hash of a document or data to be signed can be computed. [source,java,indent=0] .Hash computation ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/snippets/ ---- ==== Detached signature based on digested document When you want to keep your original documents private, a signature can be created in a detached way, by providing the digest of an original document only. You can find an example of a use case below: [source,java,indent=0] .Detached signature based on digested document ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- ==== Client-side signature creation with server-side remote key activation When a private key signing is operated remotely, i.e. on an external server, then the document preparation and the actual signing can be separated. The signature document is created on client’s side and the actual signature is made remotely. Refer to section [ClientServerSeparation] for a detailed description and visual illustration of the steps that take place in such a situation. See the code below for a code illustration: [source,java,indent=0] .Creation of the signature envelope on client side and signature value on server side ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- === Interpreting a detailed report We will illustrate here how to read a detailed validation report where the validation succeeds even though the signing certificate has been revoked. This will illustrate how to look up at which check failed and how the overall validation process can succeed even when a sub-process failed. First, as explained in [DetailedReport] the structure of the detailed validation report is based on ETSI EN 319 102-1 ([R09]). This means that the detailed report is structured in terms of: * Validation processes; and * Building blocks. There are three validation processes specified in ETSI EN 319 102-1: * The Validation process for Basic Signatures; * The Validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material; * The Validation process for Signatures providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material, abbreviated in the report as "Validation Process for Signatures with Archival Data". Those validation processes in turn rely on building blocks, which are denoted in ETSI EN 319 102-1 as: * The basic building blocks; * The time-stamp validation building block; * The additional building blocks. DSS groups the basic building blocks and the additional building blocks related to the validation of a particular signature together. However, it separates the time-stamp validation builiding block from the rest and present it alongside the validation processes because this building block essentially consists in applying the validation process for basic signatures to a timestamp token taken as a CMS object. Now let’s see how this looks in a validation report (we use here the HTML representation provided by the demonstration). First, as mentioned, are the validation processes and the time-stamp validation building block, which are numbered in the figure below with: . The validation process for Basic Signatures; . The time-stamp building block in which appears the validation process of the timestamp; . The validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material; . The validation process for Signatures with Archival Data. image::DetailedReport-Illustration-SigProcesses.png[width="100%", height="100%", align="center"] As further illustrated in the figure above: * The validation process for Basic signature is executed against the first time which is the (current) validation time; * The validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material is executed against a second time which is the "best signature time" that is determined using the signature timestamp; * The validation process for Signatures with Archival Data is executed against a third time which is the "best signature time" determined using all time assertions present in the signature. Additionally, each process has an associated indication, here: . Each of those indications is determined using the result of the associated building blocks, and applying additional checks. Here we can see that the Now delving into the building blocks themselves, we can see in the figure below that the building blocks are grouped by the signed objects to which they relate: * image::DetailedReport-Illustration-BB.png[width="100%", height="100%", align="center"] We saw previously that the "validation process for basic signature" resulted in the To check what went wrong, we must therefore look at the "X.509 Certificate Validation" building block associated to the signature, that is the "X.509 Certificate Validation" building block that is in BBB SIG. We see there that the check "Is the certificate validation conclusive?" has failed. Therefore, we now need to look at the "Certificate" sub-block of BBB SIG. In the "Certificate" sub-block we can see that all checks succeeded except for "Is the certificate not revoked?". We can thus conclude that the validation process for basic signature resulted in the indication That being said, we saw before that although the validation process for basic signature failed with To understand why that is so, we need to look back at the signature validation processes. There we can see in the "validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material" that specific checks differing from the building blocks are executed. Which checks are executed depends on the indication determined during the "validation process for basic signatures". In the present case, because the indication was As mentioned before, best-signature-time is determined, for that validation process, using the signature timestamp. Because here the validation of the signature timestamp succeeded, the time indicated in the timestamp is used as best-signature-time, and because this time is indeed before the time of revocation of the signing certificate, the check succeeds, and the whole "validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material" succeeds. Now to understand why the overall result of the validation is * The "validation process for Signatures providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material" calls the "validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material"; and * The "validation process for Signatures with Time and Signatures with Long-Term Validation Material" itself calls the "validation process for basic signatures". The overall validation result is then provided as the indication returned by the validation process against which the validation was performed. Although it is possible to only run the validation process for basic signature, in our case the process that was run was the "validation process for Signatures providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material" which required to run the other two validation processes. Therefore, because that validation process returned Finally, the report contains information on the determination of the qualification of the signature. image::DetailedReport-Illustration-Qualification.png[width="100%", height="100%", align="center"] This determination is not specified in ETSI EN 319 102-1 ([R09]), but rather in ETSI TS 119 172-4 ([R10]). Essentially, a signature can be determined as qualified if: . The result of running the "validation process for Signatures providing Long Term Availability and Integrity of Validation Material" defined in ETSI EN 319 102-1 is We discussed above the validation processes defined in ETSI EN 319 102-1. The determinations of point 2 and 3 on the other hand rely on the procedures specified in ETSI TS 119 615 ([R14]). Without going into details, ETSI TS 119 615 specifies procedures for interpreting the content of EUMS trusted lists, including procedures for validating EUMS trusted lists. Illustrated in the figure above are the results of the main steps defined in that standard. Since DSS v5.11 the framework provides a possibility to merge ASiC containers of the same type (e.g. The possibility is provided with introduction of [source,java,indent=0] .Sign multiple files within an ASiC-E container ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- The following implementations of * NOTE: The merging classes are able to resolve conflicts between container entries, when feasible. If the extension is not possible, a corresponding exception will be thrown. In order to use a selected class, the corresponding module shall be loaded within the project. When using provided implementations of the In order to customize file naming within ASiC containers, DSS introduces For each container entry being created, the underlying service is making a call to the factory providing the current content of an ASiC container using an The following implementations are provided within DSS framework: * NOTE: When using Below you can find an example of a [source,java,indent=0] .SimpleASiCWithXAdESFilenameFactory use for a a custom signature filename ---- ../../../test/java/eu/europa/esig/dss/cookbook/example/sign/ ---- |