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Developers Guide

This guide steps through the process to develop the ACCESS-OM2 model using spack, the build from source package manager that is used to build and deploy the model. Spack automatically downloads package sources to a cache, compiles and installs them. However spack also supports model development using a modified environment where the components that are being actively developed are compiled in a local source directory, and the rest built in the normal spack manner.

This guide is to assist developers who wish to modify one or more of the model components of ACCESS-OM2 and compile the modified code. Typically there is a development cycle, where the code is modified, compiled, tested and further modified based on testing.

It is assumed the modifications and compilation will be done on the NCI HPC system gadi.

Much of this is adapted from the spack Developer Workflows Tutorial.

Initial set-up

You will first need to Set up Spack for building ACCESS models.

Enable spack

For every new login or new shell it is necessary to add your local copy of spack to your shell, as well as some other settings.

. spack-config/spack-enable.bash


There is a space between the . and the path, as we are not treating spack-enable.bash as an executable

Development environment

Spack has environments, which is similar to many other related implementations such as conda environments and python virtual environments.

Environments create an isolated operating environment within which spack can only see and access packages that are added to the environment. In this repository, the model to be built is defined using the spack.yaml environment file.

Source code

There are two options for local source directory location:

  1. Use a path to an existing source code repository
  2. Let spack clone the code for you and place it in the environment directory

If option 1 is preferred the source code for the component(s) to be modified has to be available on the filesystem, e.g. using git clone, before the next steps. For more details, see the Notes section below.


The choice of where the source code for an environment should reside depends on use case and personal prefrence. If an existing source code repository location is used in more than one environment it requires the code repository be kept in sync with the purpose of the development environment, e.g. two separate feature branches utilising two different development environments would require the developer to check out the correct branch when switching between development environments. It would also preclude building both environments simultaneously.

Creating an environment

These instructions use independent environments rather than managed environments. The main difference is that managed environments live within the spack directory structure, independent environments are outside it, and must be referenced directly by their path.

First step is choose a location for your development environment directory: it will only contain text files and possibly source code repositories. All compiled packages will be put in the directories defined in spack-config (defined with install_tree in config.yaml).

Choose a name that suits the aim of the work. Make a directory with that name, cd into that directory then type the command spack env create -d .. This creates a spack independent environment in the current directory.

Modifying an environment

Once the environment is created type spack env activate . from within the environment directory to activate the environment.

Add packages that are required, and use spack develop to indicate which packages will be modified and recompiled.

By default spack will clone the source code automatically, but it is possible to use an existing source code repository directory if that is preferred.

It is necessary after spack develop to call spack concretize -f to force spack to update the concretization so that it picks up the changes to the packages that are being developed.

Compiling Modified Code

Now the source code can be modified, and then compiled by invoking spack install


The instructions above are best understood by example.

Developing a single model component

In this example the mom5 component will be modified but all other components and dependencies remain the same.

This example also uses the ACCESS-OM2 spack.yaml environment file as an argument to the spack env create command. This makes the development environment the same as that for the released ACCESS-OM2 model that is referenced in the local copy of the repo. So it is necessary to clone this repository.

  1. Create an environment with a name that reflects the purpose, activate, and set the mom5 package to be a development environment:
$ git clone
$ mkdir mom5-dev
$ cd mom5-dev
$ spack env create -d . ../ACCESS-OM2/spack.yaml
==> Created environment in /g/data/.../envs/mom5-dev
==> You can activate this environment with:
==>   spack env activate /g/data/.../envs/mom5-dev
$ spack env activate .
$ spack env status
==> Using spack.yaml in current directory: /g/data/.../envs/mom5-dev
$ spack develop [email protected]
==> Configuring spec [email protected]=2023.11.09 for development at path mom5
  1. Concretize the updated environment. This will update what spack thinks is required to build the defined specs, in this case access-om2 and mom5. Note that the mom5 spec has a dev_path argument that points to the location of the sources it will use to build the package.
$ spack concretize -f
==> Concretized [email protected]=2024.03.0
 -   s6gpbn7  [email protected]=2024.03.0%[email protected]~deterministic build_system=bundle arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   lx7r646      ^[email protected]=2023.10.19%[email protected]~deterministic~optimisation_report build_system=makefile arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   66vc6b7          ^[email protected]%[email protected] build_system=autotools patches=80b9577 arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   v2qgeyg          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~guile build_system=generic arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   lxcoiut          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~blosc~byterange~dap~fsync~hdf4~jna+mpi~nczarr_zip+optimize~parallel-netcdf+pic+shared~szip~zstd build_system=autotools arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   nq76l75              ^[email protected]%[email protected]~cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java~map+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_system=cmake build_type=Release generator=make arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   lwraula                  ^[email protected]%[email protected]+compat+opt build_system=autotools arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   2wcjlli          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~doc+pic+shared build_system=autotools patches=b050dbd arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   ywm4cjc          ^[email protected]=2023.11.09%[email protected]~deterministic~optimisation_report build_system=makefile arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
[e]  mxcytar          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~atomics~cuda~cxx~cxx_exceptions~gpfs~internal-hwloc~internal-pmix~java~legacylaunchers~lustre~memchecker~openshmem~orterunprefix+romio+rsh~singularity+static+vt+wrapper-rpath build_system=autotools fabrics=none patches=073477a,60ce20b schedulers=none arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   mhmz5m4          ^[email protected]%[email protected]+fortran~ipo~logging+mpi~pnetcdf~shared~timing build_system=cmake build_type=Release generator=make patches=55a6d7a arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   zo4a6ll      ^[email protected]=2023.10.26%[email protected]~deterministic~ipo~optimisation_report build_system=cmake build_type=Release generator=make arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
[e]  nemw52e          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~doc+ncurses+ownlibs build_system=generic build_type=Release arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   hevplm4          ^[email protected]%[email protected]~ipo build_system=cmake build_type=Release generator=make arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   tm433j6          ^[email protected]%[email protected] build_system=autotools arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
 -   uwi337q      ^[email protected]=2023.11.09%[email protected]~deterministic~optimisation_report+restart_repro build_system=makefile dev_path=/scratch/.../envs/mom5-dev/mom5 type=ACCESS-CM arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64
  1. Test compilation works without changes. Before modifications it is a good idea to test the component will build as-is:
$ spack install
==> Installing gmake-4.4.1-v2qgeygrsw6xckypqqagh2pc4ib3chw6 [1/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
[+] /apps/cmake/3.24.2 (external cmake-3.24.2-nemw52evn6pvohthm7hxmndyxlfm2637)
==> [email protected] : has external module in ['openmpi/4.0.2']
[+] /apps/openmpi/4.0.2 (external openmpi-4.0.2-mxcytarrq3lnlmgidspiqgftznsoqnoq)
==> Installing zlib-ng-2.1.4-lwraula2ptlbxda76lu3yt3rdupgcukm [4/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel- 
==> Installing datetime-fortran-1.7.0-66vc6b7gy6bldpgyqf5oasnkwb6e3scw [5/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-   
==> Installing pkgconf-1.9.5-tm433j6fyaqdfcgwpdykshqseqglmnrn [6/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing json-fortran-8.3.0-hevplm4n45oxuosrx3ldrgecd57b4vd4 [7/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing hdf5-1.14.3-nq76l75erusuueallosn3lzuuav5omrf [8/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing netcdf-c-4.7.4-lxcoiutuqt6ghbo3pitqrazqbubmg4go [9/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing netcdf-fortran-4.5.2-2wcjlli6necmfrsztdsl3s57bkafnbiz [10/16]                                                                  
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing oasis3-mct-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-ywm4cjcl3b7zvnisyi24jsjzgtdcfz4a [11/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing parallelio-2.5.2-mhmz5m4k3fs6hs6bsi22nemdtz5yba4x [12/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing libaccessom2-git.2023.10.26=2023.10.26-zo4a6ll4cr3aoh3yxeicm4nocm6gzmlj [13/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-uwi337qmi26zojqvcaag2yi3ukml6sxc [14/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing cice5-git.2023.10.19=2023.10.19-lx7r646nefy37hxpiv5ct6skrxm3l5sa [15/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Installing access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-s6gpbn7eottnw7wk424rj362ccye3o37 [16/16]
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64/intel-
==> Updating view at /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/envs/mom5-dev/.spack-env/view
==> Warning: Skipping external package: [email protected]%[email protected]~atomics~cuda~cxx~cxx_exceptions~gpfs~internal-hwloc~internal-pmix~java~legacylaunchers~lustre~memchecker~openshmem~orterunprefix+romio+rsh~singularity+static+vt+wrapper-rpath build_system=autotools fabrics=none patches=073477a,60ce20b schedulers=none arch=linux-rocky8-x86_64/mxcytar

The output has been truncated for brevity, but spack will attempt to install 16 packages on which the build depends. This can take a while the first time it is run (of the order of 30 minutes), but subsequent runs will re-use the dependencies and will not have to be re-built every time.

  1. Modify sources as required. For illustrative purposes a use statement has been commented out to force an error in compilation:
$ git -C mom5 diff
diff --git a/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90 b/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
index 838759c..b26dc2c 100644
--- a/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
+++ b/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ program main
-  use constants_mod,            only: constants_init, SECONDS_PER_HOUR
+!  use constants_mod,            only: constants_init, SECONDS_PER_HOUR
   use data_override_mod,        only: data_override_init, data_override
   use diag_manager_mod,         only: diag_manager_init, diag_manager_end
   use field_manager_mod,        only: field_manager_init
  1. Rebuild modified mom5 using spack install
spack install
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> [email protected] : has external module in ['openmpi/4.0.2']
[+] /apps/openmpi/4.0.2 (external openmpi-4.0.2-skdxaycsjbzb33gqqp252d7vu6zuai5e)
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-      
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> Installing mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm [14/15]
==> No binary for mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm found: installing from source                              
==> No patches needed for mom5                                                                                                               
==> mom5: Executing phase: 'edit'                                                                                                            
==> mom5: Executing phase: 'build'                                                                                                           
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 1:                                                                                       
    './MOM_compile.csh' '--no_version' '--type' 'ACCESS-OM' '--platform' 'spack' '--no_environ'                                              
2 errors found in build log:                                                                                                                 
     177    make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.                                                                                                    178    ..................................................................................................................................
...................................                                                                                                                       . Makefile is ready.
     179    make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.                                                                                              
     180    ..... Makefile is ready.                                                                                                         
     181    mpifort -Duse_netCDF -Duse_libMPI -DACCESS_OM  -fpp -Wp,-w -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/inte
            .09_2023.11.09-54ylj75ghxllo7feyxyo2cpa23zbx7lf/include/psmile.MPI1 -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_6
            t.2023.11.09_2023.11.09-54ylj75ghxllo7feyxyo2cpa23zbx7lf/include -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v
            .2023.10.26_2023.10.26-44vqfykpu37f4payz6xsljnov7s3az6l/include -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
            5.2-gwkizyb62yqltwm2doeui4dqdtniauje/include -fno-alias -safe-cray-ptr -fpe0 -ftz -assume byterecl -i4 -r8 -nowarn -check noarg_temp_created -assume nobuffered_io -c
            onvert big_endian -grecord-gcc-switches -align all -fp-model precise -fp-model source -align all -g3 -O2 -xCORE-AVX2 -debug all -check none -traceback -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/exec/spack/lib_FMS -I/scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/exec/spack/ACCE
SS-OM/lib_ocean -c        /scratch/tm70/ap
     182    ifort: command line warning #10121: overriding '-march=skylake-avx512' with '-xCORE-AVX2'
  >> 183    /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90(365): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit
             type.   [SECONDS_PER_HOUR]
     184        sfix_seconds = sfix_hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR
     185    --------------------------------^ 
     186    compilation aborted for /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90 (code 1)
  >> 187    make: *** [Makefile:20: ocean_solo.o] Error 1
     188    Make failed to create the ACCESS-OM executable
     189    ==> mom5: Executing phase: 'install'
     190    ==> [2024-05-31-00:37:24.137440] Installing exec/spack/ACCESS-OM/fms_ACCESS-OM.x to /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
     191    ==> [2024-05-31-00:37:24.210207] Installing bin/mppnccombine.spack to /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-

See build log for details:

==> Warning: Skipping build of access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-xtrvyahghgfmonn732mwhrl6nffuh2cq since mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm failed
==> Error: access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-xtrvyahghgfmonn732mwhrl6nffuh2cq: Package was not installed
==> Warning: Module file /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/modules/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/access-om2/2024.03.0 exists and will not be overwritten
==> Error: Installation request failed.  Refer to reported errors for failing package(s).
  1. Diagnose build error and rebuild

As expected the change resulted in an error and the build was not successful.

spack lets the user know where the build output and errors are viewable (mom5/spack-build-out.txt), but in this case the error is obvious:

  >> 161    /g/data/.../dev_instructions/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90(365): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type.   [SECONDS_PER_HOUR]
     162        sfix_seconds = sfix_hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR
     163    --------------------------------^
     164    compilation aborted for /g/data/.../dev_instructions/envs/mom5-dev/mom5/src/accessom_coupler/ocean_solo.F90 (code 1)

As a result of the intentional error introduced above.

Reverting that change and spack install works as expected:

$ spack install

[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> [email protected] : has external module in ['openmpi/4.0.2']
[+] /apps/openmpi/4.0.2 (external openmpi-4.0.2-skdxaycsjbzb33gqqp252d7vu6zuai5e)
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> Installing mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm [13/15]
==> No binary for mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm found: installing from source
==> No patches needed for mom5
==> mom5: Executing phase: 'edit'
==> mom5: Executing phase: 'build'
==> mom5: Executing phase: 'install'
==> mom5: Successfully installed mom5-git.2023.11.09=2023.11.09-sn3ycjygtex7ppdyh7t5ihasyvlr3ofm
  Stage: 0.00s.  Edit: 0.06s.  Build: 9.21s.  Install: 0.17s.  Post-install: 0.24s.  Total: 10.72s
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> Installing access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-xtrvyahghgfmonn732mwhrl6nffuh2cq [15/15]
==> No binary for access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-xtrvyahghgfmonn732mwhrl6nffuh2cq found: installing from source
==> No patches needed for access-om2
==> access-om2: Executing phase: 'install'
==> access-om2: Successfully installed access-om2-git.2024.03.0=2024.03.0-xtrvyahghgfmonn732mwhrl6nffuh2cq
  Stage: 0.00s.  Install: 0.00s.  Post-install: 0.12s.  Total: 0.59s
[+] /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/intel-
==> Warning: Module file /scratch/.../tmp/dev-docs/release/modules/linux-rocky8-x86_64_v4/access-om2/2024.03.0 exists and will not be

This was a simple example to show the development workflow: change code > test compilation > change code > test compilation cycle.


By default spack clones the source code repository into the environment directory:

$ ls -gd mom5/
drwxr-s--- 11 tm70 4096 Apr 22 16:09 mom5/

it is possible to specify any git reference tag or branch

If you have an existing source code repository clone you wish to use specify the path with the -p option:

$ spack develop -p ../../sources/MOM5/ [email protected] 
==> Configuring spec [email protected]=2023.11.09 for development at path ../../sources/MOM5/