If you are a contributor, consider using the following workflow:
an issue is opened
the issue is assigned to you
you make a branch from `develop` with a meaningful name such as "i57_licence" where #57 is the issue number
once the coding is complete and the tests pass, raise a pull request against the `develop` branch and tag the "release master" of the repository (release master is @santoshphilip at present)
"release master" will review and merge your changes into the `develop` branch
close the issue
If you are not a contributor:
ask to become a contributor
fork this repository into your own repository
make a branch off the `develop` branch to work on your new feature
once the coding is complete, raise a pull request against the `develop` branch here
give the pull request a meaningful name, and mention any issues that it addresses (using the issue number, e.g. "Resolves #86, also see #57")
once the code has been reviewed and tests are passing it will be merged into `develop`