title | permalink | redirect_from |
Shell Build for Nitrogen |
/documentation/iot/nitrogen/build/linux/build-shell.md.html |
/documentation/IoTEdition/nitrogen/build/LinuxBuild/BuildShell.md.html |
These instructions will show how to build a sample Zephyr application using a Linux Host machine as a development environment.
- Step 0: Download and setup Zephyr
- Step 1: Build a sample application in Zephyr
- Step 2: Proceed to Installation page for flashing instructions
- Download and setup the Zephyr development environment from https://www.zephyrproject.org. You can find more information about installing the Zephyr SDK at https://www.zephyrproject.org/doc/getting_started/getting_started.html
$ git clone https://gerrit.zephyrproject.org/r/zephyr
$ cd zephyr
$ source zephyr-env.sh
$ cd samples/subsys/shell/shell
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DBOARD=96b_nitrogen ..
$ make
$ sudo make flash
The application will be available at samples/subsys/shell/shell/build/zephyr/zephyr.hex
Proceed to flash the Zephyr application binary over USB-UART or USB-DFU. Host machine specific flashing instructions can be found on the "Installation" page, link found below.