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betelgeuse edited this page Aug 5, 2012 · 19 revisions

I hate to say it but some of your workers will crash when processing messages. It's true.

Sidekiq provides two critical features to handle this unfortunate eventuality:

  1. Exception notification - Sidekiq integrates with the top three exception notification services in the Ruby world: Airbrake, Exceptional and ExceptionNotifier (the exception_notification gem now). When a worker raises an error, the error and message contents will be sent to the service so that you can be notified and fix the bug.
  2. Automatic failure retry - Sidekiq will retry processing failures with an exponential backoff using the formula retry_count ** 4 + 15 (i.e. 15, 16, 31, 96, 271, ... seconds). It will perform 25 retries over approximately 20 days. Assuming you deploy a bug fix within that time, the message will get retried and successfully processed. After 25 times, Sidekiq will drop the message assuming that it will never be successfully processed.
  • Automatic retry will only happen for exceptions that inherit from StandardException (#332)

You can disable retry support for a particular worker:

class NonRetryableWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  sidekiq_options :retry => false

  def perform(...)
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