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indirect edited this page Mar 23, 2012 · 14 revisions

If you use the devise gem to manage authentication, you may have noticed that it's not easy to make devise send emails using sidekiq's delay helper. Here's how you can easily reroute devise mail through sidekiq without any monkeypatching.

First, configure Devise to use the new proxy class we are about to create instead of the real devise mailer.

# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
  # ...stuff here
  config.mailer = "DeviseBackgrounder"
  # ...more stuff here

Then, create a new file to hold the simple proxy class that will ensure devise mails get queued for sidekiq to send.

# lib/devise_backgrounder.rb

class DeviseBackgrounder

  # Hacky redirect to send devise emails in the background
  def self.confirmation_instructions(record)
    new(:confirmation_instructions, record)

  def self.reset_password_instructions(record)
    new(:reset_password_instructions, record)

  def self.unlock_instructions(record)
    new(:unlock_instructions, record)
  def initialize(method, record)
    @method, @record = method, record
  def deliver
    # You need to hardcode the class of the Devise mailer that you
    # actually want to use. The default is Devise::Mailer.
    Devise::Mailer.delay.send(@method, @record)


That's it! Boot your app, and devise will send mail in the background. I had some trouble with my tests where the DeviseBackgrounder would choke on mocks, so I also added this line to my spec_helper.rb.

Devise.mailer = DeviseNotifier

That removes the backgrounding proxy during tests, and made everything work again for me.

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