language | filename | contributors | |||
WebAssembly |
learn-wasm.wast |
;; learn-wasm.wast
;; In WebAssembly, everything is included in a module. Moreover, everything
;; can be expressed as an s-expression. Alternatively, there is the
;; "stack machine" syntax, but that is not compatible with Binaryen
;; intermediate representation (IR) syntax.
;; The Binaryen IR format is *mostly* compatible with WebAssembly text format.
;; There are some small differences:
;; local_set -> local.set
;; local_get -> local.get
;; We have to enclose code in functions
;; Data Types
(func $data_types
;; WebAssembly has only four types:
;; i32 - 32 bit integer
;; i64 - 64 bit integer (not supported in JavaScript)
;; f32 - 32 bit floating point
;; f64 - 64 bit floating point
;; We can declare local variables with the "local" keyword
;; We have to declare all variables before we start doing anything
;; inside the function
(local $int_32 i32)
(local $int_64 i64)
(local $float_32 f32)
(local $float_64 f64)
;; These values remain uninitialized.
;; To set them to a value, we can use <type>.const:
(local.set $int_32 (i32.const 16))
(local.set $int_64 (i64.const 128))
(local.set $float_32 (f32.const 3.14))
(local.set $float_64 (f64.const 1.28))
;; Basic operations
(func $basic_operations
;; In WebAssembly, everything is an s-expression, including
;; doing math, or getting the value of some variable
(local $add_result i32)
(local $mult_result f64)
(local.set $add_result (i32.add (i32.const 2) (i32.const 4)))
;; the value of add_result is now 6!
;; We have to use the right data type for each operation:
;; (local.set $mult_result (f32.mul (f32.const 2.0) (f32.const 4.0))) ;; WRONG! mult_result is f64!
(local.set $mult_result (f64.mul (f64.const 2.0) (f64.const 4.0)))
;; WebAssembly has some builtin operations, like basic math and bitshifting.
;; Notably, it does not have built in trigonometric functions.
;; In order to get access to these functions, we have to either
;; - implement them ourselves (not recommended)
;; - import them from elsewhere (later on)
;; Functions
;; We specify arguments with the `param` keyword, and specify return values
;; with the `result` keyword
;; The current value on the stack is the return value of a function
;; We can call other functions we've defined with the `call` keyword
(func $get_16 (result i32)
(i32.const 16)
(func $add (param $param0 i32) (param $param1 i32) (result i32)
(local.get $param0)
(local.get $param1)
(func $double_16 (result i32)
(i32.const 2)
(call $get_16))
;; Up until now, we haven't be able to print anything out, nor do we have
;; access to higher level math functions (pow, exp, or trig functions).
;; Moreover, we haven't been able to use any of the WASM functions in Javascript!
;; The way we get those functions into WebAssembly
;; looks different whether we're in a Node.js or browser environment.
;; If we're in Node.js we have to do two steps. First we have to convert the
;; WASM text representation into actual webassembly. If we're using Binyaren,
;; we can do that with a command like the following:
;; wasm-as learn-wasm.wast -o learn-wasm.wasm
;; We can apply Binaryen optimizations to that file with a command like the
;; following:
;; wasm-opt learn-wasm.wasm -o learn-wasm.opt.wasm -O3 --rse
;; With our compiled WebAssembly, we can now load it into Node.js:
;; const fs = require('fs')
;; const instantiate = async function (inFilePath, _importObject) {
;; var importObject = {
;; console: {
;; log: (x) => console.log(x),
;; },
;; math: {
;; cos: (x) => Math.cos(x),
;; }
;; }
;; importObject = Object.assign(importObject, _importObject)
;; var buffer = fs.readFileSync(inFilePath)
;; var module = await WebAssembly.compile(buffer)
;; var instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject)
;; return instance.exports
;; }
;; const main = function () {
;; var wasmExports = await instantiate('learn-wasm.wasm')
;; wasmExports.print_args(1, 0)
;; }
;; The following snippet gets the functions from the importObject we defined
;; in the JavaScript instantiate async function, and then exports a function
;; "print_args" that we can call from Node.js
(import "console" "log" (func $print_i32 (param i32)))
(import "math" "cos" (func $cos (param f64) (result f64)))
(func $print_args (param $arg0 i32) (param $arg1 i32)
(call $print_i32 (local.get $arg0))
(call $print_i32 (local.get $arg1))
(export "print_args" (func $print_args))
;; Loading in data from WebAssembly memory.
;; Say that we want to apply the cosine function to a Javascript array.
;; We need to be able to access the allocated array, and iterate through it.
;; This example will modify the input array inplace.
;; f64.load and expect the location of a number in memory *in bytes*.
;; If we want to access the 3rd element of an array, we have to pass something
;; like (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.const 2)) to the function.
;; In JavaScript, we would call `apply_cos64` as follows
;; (using the instantiate function from earlier):
;; const main = function () {
;; var wasm = await instantiate('learn-wasm.wasm')
;; var n = 100
;; const memory = new Float64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, 0, n)
;; for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
;; memory[i] = i;
;; }
;; wasm.apply_cos64(n)
;; }
;; This function will not work if we allocate a Float32Array on the JavaScript
;; side.
(memory (export "memory") 100)
(func $apply_cos64 (param $array_length i32)
;; declare the loop counter
(local $idx i32)
;; declare the counter that will allow us to access memory
(local $idx_bytes i32)
;; constant expressing the number of bytes in a f64 number.
(local $bytes_per_double i32)
;; declare a variable for storing the value loaded from memory
(local $temp_f64 f64)
(local.set $idx (i32.const 0))
(local.set $idx_bytes (i32.const 0)) ;; not entirely necessary
(local.set $bytes_per_double (i32.const 8))
;; this sets idx_bytes to bytes offset of the value we're interested in.
(local.set $idx_bytes (i32.mul (local.get $idx) (local.get $bytes_per_double)))
;; get the value of the array from memory:
(local.set $temp_f64 (f64.load (local.get $idx_bytes)))
;; now apply the cosine function:
(local.set $temp_64 (call $cos (local.get $temp_64)))
;; now store the result at the same location in memory:
(local.get $idx_bytes)
(local.get $temp_64))
;; do it all in one step instead
(local.get $idx_bytes)
(call $cos
(local.get $idx_bytes))))
;; increment the loop counter
(local.set $idx (i32.add (local.get $idx) (i32.const 1)))
;; stop the loop if the loop counter is equal the array length
(br_if 1 (i32.eq (local.get $idx) (local.get $array_length)))
(br 0)
(export "apply_cos64" (func $apply_cos64))
;; Wasm is a stack-based language, but for returning values more complicated
;; than an int/float, a separate memory stack has to be manually managed. One
;; approach is to use a mutable global to store the stack_ptr. We give
;; ourselves 1MiB of memstack and grow it downwards.
;; Below is a demonstration of how this C code **might** be written by hand
;; typedef struct {
;; int a;
;; int b;
;; } sum_struct_t;
;; sum_struct_t sum_struct_create(int a, int b) {
;; return (sum_struct_t){a, b};
;; }
;; int sum_local() {
;; sum_struct_t s = sum_struct_create(40, 2);
;; return s.a + s.b;
;; }
;; Unlike C, we must manage our own memory stack. We reserve 1MiB
(global $memstack_ptr (mut i32) (i32.const 65536))
;; Structs can only be returned by reference
(func $sum_struct_create
(param $sum_struct_ptr i32)
(param $var$a i32)
(param $var$b i32)
;; c// sum_struct_ptr->a = a;
(get_local $sum_struct_ptr)
(get_local $var$a)
;; c// sum_struct_ptr->b = b;
( offset=4
(get_local $sum_struct_ptr)
(get_local $var$b)
(func $sum_local (result i32)
(local $var$sum_struct$a i32)
(local $var$sum_struct$b i32)
(local $local_memstack_ptr i32)
;; reserve memstack space
(get_global $memstack_ptr)
(i32.const 8)
tee_local $local_memstack_ptr ;; tee both stores and returns given value
set_global $memstack_ptr
;; call the function, storing the result in the memstack
(call $sum_struct_create
((;$sum_struct_ptr=;) get_local $local_memstack_ptr)
((;$var$a=;) i32.const 40)
((;$var$b=;) i32.const 2)
;; retrieve values from struct
(set_local $var$sum_struct$a
(i32.load offset=0 (get_local $local_memstack_ptr))
(set_local $var$sum_struct$b
(i32.load offset=4 (get_local $local_memstack_ptr))
;; unreserve memstack space
(set_global $memstack_ptr
(get_local $local_memstack_ptr)
(i32.const 8)
(get_local $var$sum_struct$a)
(get_local $var$sum_struct$b)
(export "sum_local" (func $sum_local))