An agent talking to itself. A recursive LLM.
It’s a thinking AI basically, Chat GPT is just LLM. A LLM is like a baby without understanding, but using tools like Langchain and Pinecone you can teach the AI task. Auto GPT on has a few task, it’s really like a template to build your own thinking AI.
Research Langchain and Pinecone to get a better understanding of the potential.
An LLM with a predefined behavior, a personality.
The word agent is being thrown around a lot to refer to an application that can execute multiple tasks according to a given control flow (see Control flows section). A task can leverage one or more tools. In the example above, SQL executor is an example of a tool.
In broad terms, with the Agent model, the LLM becomes an orchestrator, taking a question, decomposing it into chunks, then using appropriate tools to pull together an answer.
Ways in which the agent can choose to do things ex. search the web, query a database.
Tools and plugins are basically the same things.
- search (e.g. by using Google Search API or Bing API)
- web browser (e.g. given a URL, fetch its content)
- bash executor
- calculator