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2024 年,计算机视觉相关综述。包括目标检测、跟踪........
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- A Survey on Deep Learning-based Gaze Direction Regression: Searching for the State-of-the-art
- A Comprehensive Overview of Fish-Eye Camera Distortion Correction Methods
[2024-01-02] - Surround-View Fisheye Optics in Computer Vision and Simulation: Survey and Challenge
- Toxic Memes: A Survey of Computational Perspectives on the Detection and Explanation of Meme Toxicities
- A Survey of Recent Advances and Challenges in Deep Audio-Visual Correlation Learning
[2024-12-03] - 音频描述
- Deepfake Generation and Detection: A Benchmark and Survey
⭐code - A Timely Survey on Vision Transformer for Deepfake Detection
[2024-05-15] - Media Forensics and Deepfake Systematic Survey
[2024-06-21] - The Tug-of-War Between Deepfake Generation and Detection
[2024-07-09] - Understanding Audiovisual Deepfake Detection: Techniques, Challenges, Human Factors and Perceptual Insights
[2024-11-13] - Passive Deepfake Detection Across Multi-modalities: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-11-28] - Deepfake Media Generation and Detection in the Generative AI Era: A Survey and Outlook
[2024-12-02] - Fake News Detection(虚假新闻检测)
- A Systematic Review of Available Datasets in Additive Manufacturing
[2024-01-30] - A Comprehensive Survey on Machine Learning Driven Material Defect Detection: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Prospects
[2024-06-13] - A PRISMA Driven Systematic Review of Publicly Available Datasets for Benchmark and Model Developments for Industrial Defect Detection
[2024-06-13] - Transformers and Large Language Models for Efficient Intrusion Detection Systems: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-08-15] - A Survey on RGB, 3D, and Multimodal Approaches for Unsupervised Industrial Anomaly Detection
[2024-10-30] - VAD
- 点云的工业系统 3D 缺陷检测和分类
- 长尾学习
- A Systematic Review on Long-Tailed Learning
- A Systematic Review on Long-Tailed Learning
- Multi-Label Learning(多标签学习)
- A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Advances on Data Change: A Cross-Field Perspective
[2024-02-21] - Open-world Machine Learning: A Review and New Outlooks
[2024-03-06]无PDF - Inference Attacks in Machine Learning as a Service: A Taxonomy, Review, and Promising Directions
[2024-06-05] - Machine Learning for Methane Detection and Quantification from Space -- A survey
[2024-08-28] - Digital Twins in Additive Manufacturing: A Systematic Review
[2024-09-04] - 持续学习
- 迁移学习
- 联邦学习
- 木马攻击
- 对抗攻击
- 物体重识别
- 物体姿态估计
- 自监督
- Masked Modeling for Self-supervised Representation Learning on Vision and Beyond
[2024-01-03] - A review on discriminative self-supervised learning methods
[2024-05-09] - Masked Image Modeling: A Survey
[2024-08-14] - A Survey of the Self Supervised Learning Mechanisms for Vision Transformers
- Masked Modeling for Self-supervised Representation Learning on Vision and Beyond
- 无监督学习
- How Can Large Language Models Enable Better Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interaction: A Brief Survey
[2024-04-02] - A Review of Human-Object Interaction Detection
- Event-based Sensor Fusion and Application on Odometry: A Survey
[2024-10-22] - SLAM
- VR
- 地理定位
- 机器人
- Survey on Datasets for Perception in Unstructured Outdoor Environments
[2024-04-30] - A Brief Survey on Leveraging Large Scale Vision Models for Enhanced Robot Grasping
[2024-06-18] - A Survey of Embodied Learning for Object-Centric Robotic Manipulation
[2024-08-22] - Visual Servoing for Robotic On-Orbit Servicing: A Survey
[2024-09-05] - Neural Fields in Robotics: A Survey
- Survey on Datasets for Perception in Unstructured Outdoor Environments
- PR
- A Survey on Autonomous Driving Datasets: Data Statistic, Annotation, and Outlook
[2024-01-04] - Data-Centric Evolution in Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey of Big Data System, Data Mining, and Closed-Loop Technologies
[2024-01-24] - A Survey for Foundation Models in Autonomous Driving
[2024-02-05] - Review of the Learning-based Camera and Lidar Simulation Methods for Autonomous Driving Systems
[2024-02-16] - Explainable AI for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Driving: A Systematic Review
[2024-02-16] - A Survey of Vision Transformers in Autonomous Driving: Current Trends and Future Directions
[2024-03-13] - Monocular 3D lane detection for Autonomous Driving: Recent Achievements, Challenges, and Outlooks
[2024-04-11] - Neural Radiance Field in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
[2024-04-23] - Collaborative Perception Datasets in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
[2024-04-23] - A Survey on Intermediate Fusion Methods for Collaborative Perception Categorized by Real World Challenges
[2024-04-26] - Vision-based 3D occupancy prediction in autonomous driving: a review and outlook
[2024-05-07] - A Survey on Occupancy Perception for Autonomous Driving: The Information Fusion Perspective
[2024-05-09] - Cooperative Visual-LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration Technology for Intersection Vehicle-Infrastructure: A review
[2024-05-17] - Collective Perception Datasets for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-05-28] - Panoptic Perception for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
[2024-08-29] - Feature Importance in Pedestrian Intention Prediction: A Context-Aware Review
[2024-09-13] - Joint Perception and Prediction for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
[2024-12-19] - 目标检测
- Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
[2024-01-15] - Deep Event-based Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
[2024-05-08] - A Comprehensive Review of 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: Technological Advances and Future Directions
- Robustness-Aware 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review and Outlook
- 车道线检测
- 车辆重识别
- 疲劳驾驶检测
- 交通监控
- Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-02-20] - Neural Radiance Field-based Visual Rendering: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-04-02] - Dynamic NeRF: A Review
[2024-05-15] - Editing Implicit and Explicit Representations of Radiance Fields: A Survey
[2024-12-24] - 渲染
- Assistive Image Annotation Systems with Deep Learning and Natural Language Capabilities: A Review
[2024-07-02] - Visual Question Answering in Ophthalmology: A Progressive and Practical Perspective
[2024-10-23] - A Comprehensive Survey on Visual Question Answering Datasets and Algorithms
[2024-11-19] - Natural Language Understanding and Inference with MLLM in Visual Question Answering: A Survey
- A Survey on Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models
[2024-02-02] - Exploring the Frontier of Vision-Language Models: A Survey of Current Methodologies and Future Directions
[2024-04-12] - A Survey on Visual Mamba
[2024-04-25] - Vision Mamba: A Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy
[2024-05-08] - A Survey on Vision-Language-Action Models for Embodied AI
[2024-05-24] - JailbreakZoo: Survey, Landscapes, and Horizons in Jailbreaking Large Language and Vision-Language Models
[2024-07-03] - Unleashing the Power of Data Tsunami: A Comprehensive Survey on Data Assessment and Selection for Instruction Tuning of Language Models
[2024-08-06] - Preference Tuning with Human Feedback on Language, Speech, and Vision Tasks: A Survey
[2024-09-19] - One missing piece in Vision and Language: A Survey on Comics Understanding
[2024-09-17] - A Survey of Low-shot Vision-Language Model Adaptation via Representer Theorem
[2024-10-16] - Autoregressive Models in Vision: A Survey
[2024-11-12] - Online Knowledge Integration for 3D Semantic Mapping: A Survey
[2024-11-28] - How Vision-Language Tasks Benefit from Large Pre-trained Models: A Survey
[2024-12-12] - 基础模型
- Few-shot Adaptation of Multi-modal Foundation Models: A Survey
[2024-01-04] - Unveiling Hallucination in Text, Image, Video, and Audio Foundation Models: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-05-17] - Towards Vision-Language Geo-Foundation Model: A Survey
[2024-06-14] - Towards Unifying Understanding and Generation in the Era of Vision Foundation Models: A Survey from the Autoregression Perspective
- Few-shot Adaptation of Multi-modal Foundation Models: A Survey
- The (R)Evolution of Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-02-21] - Efficient Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-05-20] - A Survey of Multimodal Large Language Model from A Data-centric Perspective
[2024-05-28] - The Synergy between Data and Multi-Modal Large Language Models: A Survey from Co-Development Perspective
[2024-07-12] - A Survey on Benchmarks of Multimodal Large Language Models
[2024-08-19] - Visual Prompting in Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-09-25] - MME-Survey: A Comprehensive Survey on Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs
[2024-11-26] - Personalized Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-12-04] - Survey of Large Multimodal Model Datasets, Application Categories and Taxonomy
- The (R)Evolution of Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
- Large Multimodal Agents: A Survey
[2024-02-26] - Unbridled Icarus: A Survey of the Potential Perils of Image Inputs in Multimodal Large Language Model Security
[2024-04-09] - Hallucination of Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-04-30] - Multi-Modal and Multi-Agent Systems Meet Rationality: A Survey
[2024-06-04] - A Survey of Attacks on Large Vision-Language Models: Resources, Advances, and Future Trends
[2024-07-11] - Grounding and Evaluation for Large Language Models: Practical Challenges and Lessons Learned (Survey)
[2024-07-19] - Knowledge Mechanisms in Large Language Models: A Survey and Perspective
[2024-07-23] - Harnessing Large Vision and Language Models in Agriculture: A Review
[2024-07-30] - The Role of Language Models in Modern Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-09-26] - FTII-Bench: A Comprehensive Multimodal Benchmark for Flow Text with Image Insertion
[2024-10-17] - Survey of Cultural Awareness in Language Models: Text and Beyond
- Large Multimodal Agents: A Survey
- 多模态
- Visual Grounding
- Towards Visual Grounding: A Survey
- Towards Visual Grounding: A Survey
- Exploring the Synergies of Hybrid CNNs and ViTs Architectures for Computer Vision: A survey
[2024-02-06] - Mamba-360: Survey of State Space Models as Transformer Alternative for Long Sequence Modelling: Methods, Applications, and Challenges
[2024-04-26] - A Comparative Survey of Vision Transformers for Feature Extraction in Texture Analysis
[2024-06-11] - A Review of Transformer-Based Models for Computer Vision Tasks: Capturing Global Context and Spatial Relationships
- Evaluation in Neural Style Transfer: A Review
- Advancing 3D Point Cloud Understanding through Deep Transfer Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-07-26] - Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Enhancement: A Survey
[2024-11-05] - 点云配准
- Computer Vision Model Compression Techniques for Embedded Systems: A Survey
[2024-08-16] - Adversarial Pruning: A Survey and Benchmark of Pruning Methods for Adversarial Robustness
[2024-09-04] - Model Compression Techniques in Biometrics Applications: A Survey
[2024-01-19] - KD
- Transformers and Language Models in Form Understanding: A Comprehensive Review of Scanned Document Analysis
[2024-03-08] - A short review on graphonometric evaluation tools in children.
[2024-06-11] - A comprehensive survey of oracle character recognition: challenges, benchmarks, and beyond
[2024-11-19] - 文本图像处理
- 图表理解
- 文档理解
- 文本识别
- 手写识别
- 表格理解
- Video Diffusion Models: A Survey
[2024-05-07] - Is Sora a World Simulator? A Comprehensive Survey on General World Models and Beyond
[2024-05-07] - Survey on Visual Signal Coding and Processing with Generative Models: Technologies, Standards and Optimization
[2024-05-24] - LLMs Meet Multimodal Generation and Editing: A Survey
[2024-05-30] - Diffusion Models and Representation Learning: A Survey
[2024-07-02] - Replication in Visual Diffusion Models: A Survey and Outlook
[2024-08-02] - A Comprehensive Survey on Synthetic Infrared Image synthesis
[2024-08-14] - Diffusion-Based Visual Art Creation: A Survey and New Perspectives
[2024-08-23] - Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses against Multimodal Generative Models: A Survey
[2024-11-15] - 文本-图像生成
- Text-to-Image Cross-Modal Generation: A Systematic Review
[2024-01-23] - Controllable Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey
[2024-03-08] - Evaluating Text to Image Synthesis: Survey and Taxonomy of Image Quality Metrics
[2024-03-19] - Survey of Bias In Text-to-Image Generation: Definition, Evaluation, and Mitigation
[2024-04-02] - Theoretical research on generative diffusion models: an overview
[2024-04-16] - Exploring Feedback Generation in Automated Skeletal Movement Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview
[2024-04-16] - Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey
[2024-07-24] - Text-to-Image Synthesis: A Decade Survey
- Text-to-Image Cross-Modal Generation: A Systematic Review
- 内容生成
- A Survey on Personalized Content Synthesis with Diffusion Models
[2024-05-10] - 文本-3D
- 3D 内容生成
- A Comprehensive Survey on 3D Content Generation
- A Comprehensive Survey on 3D Content Generation
- A Survey on Personalized Content Synthesis with Diffusion Models
- Generative Visual Compression: A Review
[2024-02-06] - Generative AI in Vision: A Survey on Models, Metrics and Applications
[2024-02-27] - Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey
[2024-01-01] - A Survey of Defenses against AI-generated Visual Media: Detection, Disruption, and Authentication
- Generative Visual Compression: A Review
- 图像编辑
- 文本-视频
- 视频生成
- A Survey on Long Video Generation: Challenges, Methods, and Prospects
[2024-03-26] - A Comprehensive Survey on Human Video Generation: Challenges, Methods, and Insights
[2024-07-12] - A Survey of AI-Generated Video Evaluation
[2024-10-29] - Video Is Worth a Thousand Images: Exploring the Latest Trends in Long Video Generation
- A Survey on Long Video Generation: Challenges, Methods, and Prospects
- 视频编辑
- Diffusion Model-Based Video Editing: A Survey
- Diffusion Model-Based Video Editing: A Survey
- 街景视角合成
- Bird's-Eye View to Street-View: A Survey
- Bird's-Eye View to Street-View: A Survey
- 人体情感识别
- Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review
[2024-07-08] - Sensing technologies and machine learning methods for emotion recognition in autism: Systematic review
[2024-07-09] - Survey on Emotion Recognition through Posture Detection and the possibility of its application in Virtual Reality
- Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review
- 艺术字生成
- 扩撒
- A Comprehensive Survey on Diffusion Models and Their Applications
[2024-08-21] - Alignment of Diffusion Models: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Future
[2024-09-12] - A Survey on Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems
[2024-10-02] - Efficient Diffusion Models: A Comprehensive Survey from Principles to Practices
- A Comprehensive Survey on Diffusion Models and Their Applications
- Reversing the Irreversible: A Survey on Inverse Biometrics
[2024-01-08] - Deep Learning Techniques for Hand Vein Biometrics: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-09-12] - Biometrics in Extended Reality: A Review
- Reid
- 行人检测
- Body-Area Capacitive or Electric Field Sensing for Human Activity Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-01-12] - A Survey of IMU Based Cross-Modal Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition
[2024-03-26] - A Survey on Backbones for Deep Video Action Recognition
[2024-05-10] - From CNNs to Transformers in Multimodal Human Action Recognition: A Survey
[2024-05-28] - Self-Supervised Skeleton Action Representation Learning: A Benchmark and Beyond
[2024-06-06] - RNNs, CNNs and Transformers in Human Action Recognition: A Survey and A Hybrid Model
[2024-07-09] - A Comprehensive Review of Few-shot Action Recognition
[2024-07-23] - A Critical Analysis on Machine Learning Techniques for Video-based Human Activity Recognition of Surveillance Systems: A Review
[2024-09-04] - A Comprehensive Methodological Survey of Human Activity Recognition Across Divers Data Modalities
[2024-09-17] - Human Action Anticipation: A Survey
[2024-10-21] - Exocentric To Egocentric Transfer For Action Recognition: A Short Survey
[2024-10-29] - 动作质量评估
- 跌倒检测
- In-Bed Pose Estimation: A Review
[2024-02-02] - Survey of 3D Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation Methods for Contemporary Dance Applications
[2024-01-05] - Deep Learning for 3D Human Pose Estimation and Mesh Recovery: A Survey
[2024-03-01] - A Survey on 3D Egocentric Human Pose Estimation
[2024-03-27] - Human Modelling and Pose Estimation Overview
[2024-06-28] - Markerless Multi-view 3D Human Pose Estimation: a survey
[2024-07-08] - 三维人体
- 手势合成
- 手语翻译
- 运动生成
- Deep video representation learning: a survey
[2024-05-13] - Segment Anything for Videos: A Systematic Survey
[2024-08-19] - About Time: Advances, Challenges, and Outlooks of Action Understanding
[2024-11-25] - AI-Driven Innovations in Volumetric Video Streaming: A Review
[2024-12-18] - 视频摘要
- 视频理解
- Video Understanding with Large Language Models: A Survey
[2024-01-01] - A Survey on Generative AI and LLM for Video Generation, Understanding, and Streaming
[2024-04-26] - Foundation Models for Video Understanding: A Survey
[2024-05-08] - A Survey of Video Datasets for Grounded Event Understanding
[2024-06-17] - From Seconds to Hours: Reviewing MultiModal Large Language Models on Comprehensive Long Video Understanding
- Video Understanding with Large Language Models: A Survey
- 视频预测
- 视频制作
- 视频监控
- 视频异常检测
- Beyond Traditional Single Object Tracking: A Survey
[2024-05-20] - The Progression of Transformers from Language to Vision to MOT: A Literature Review on Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers
[2024-06-25] - Object Tracking in a 360o View: A Novel Perspective on Bridging the Gap to Biomedical Advancements
[2024-12-03] - Visual Object Tracking across Diverse Data Modalities: A Review
[2024-12-16] - 多模态目标跟踪
- Awesome Multi-modal Object Tracking
- Awesome Multi-modal Object Tracking
- Agricultural Object Detection with You Look Only Once (YOLO) Algorithm: A Bibliometric and Systematic Literature Review
[2024-01-22] - YOLOv1 to YOLOv10: A comprehensive review of YOLO variants and their application in the agricultural domain
[2024-06-17] - YOLOv10 to Its Genesis: A Decadal and Comprehensive Review of The You Only Look Once Series
[2024-07-01] - Semi-Supervised Object Detection: A Survey on Progress from CNN to Transformer
[2024-07-12] - A Survey and Evaluation of Adversarial Attacks for Object Detection
[2024-08-06] - Surveying You Only Look Once (YOLO) Multispectral Object Detection Advancements, Applications And Challenges
[2024-09-23] - Advancing Object Detection in Transportation with Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs): A Comprehensive Review and Empirical Testing
[2024-09-30] - Radar and Camera Fusion for Object Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-10-29] - Event-based Spiking Neural Networks for Object Detection: A Review of Datasets, Architectures, Learning Rules, and Implementation
[2024-11-27] - From classical techniques to convolution-based models: A review of object detection algorithms
[2024-12-09] - Feature Based Methods Domain Adaptation for Object Detection: A Review Paper
[2024-12-24] - 真实世界目标检测
- 开发世界目标检测
- Open World Object Detection: A Survey
- Open World Object Detection: A Survey
- 小样本目标检测
- 伪装目标检测
- 海洋垃圾检测
- 3D目标识别
- 阴影检测
- 目标发现
- Image Fusion in Remote Sensing: An Overview and Meta Analysis
[2024-01-18] - UAV-borne Mapping Algorithms for Canopy-Level and High-Speed Drone Applications
[2024-01-15] - Solid Waste Detection in Remote Sensing Images: A Survey
[2024-02-15] - A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision Analysis of Aerial Data
[2024-02-16] - Deep Learning for Satellite Image Time Series Analysis: A Review
[2024-04-08] - A Review on Machine Learning Algorithms for Dust Aerosol Detection using Satellite Data
[2024-04-16] - Sugarcane Health Monitoring With Satellite Spectroscopy and Machine Learning: A Review
[2024-04-29]利用卫星光谱和机器学习监测甘蔗健康 - Wildfire Risk Prediction: A Review
[2024-05-06] - Dehazing Remote Sensing and UAV Imagery: A Review of Deep Learning, Prior-based, and Hybrid Approaches
[2024-05-14] - Visual place recognition for aerial imagery: A survey
[2024-06-04] - Deep Learning for Slum Mapping in Remote Sensing Images: A Meta-analysis and Review
[2024-06-13] - Hyperspectral Pansharpening: Critical Review, Tools and Future Perspectives
[2024-07-02] - AI Foundation Models in Remote Sensing: A Survey
[2024-08-08] - Applications of Knowledge Distillation in Remote Sensing: A Survey
[2024-09-19] - Foundation Models for Remote Sensing and Earth Observation: A Survey
[2024-10-23] - Generative Artificial Intelligence Meets Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Survey
[2024-11-11] - Maritime Search and Rescue Missions with Aerial Images: A Survey
[2024-11-13] - A comprehensive review of datasets and deep learning techniques for vision in Unmanned Surface Vehicles
[2024-12-03] - Remote Sensing Temporal Vision-Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-12-04] - 交叉视角地理定位
- Cross-view geo-localization: a survey
- Cross-view geo-localization: a survey
- 航空航天
- 船舶轨迹预测
- 野生动物监测
- 变化检测
- Empowering Medical Imaging with Artificial Intelligence: A Review of Machine Learning Approaches for the Detection, and Segmentation of COVID-19 Using Radiographic and Tomographic Images
[2024-01-17] - Advancing Low-Rank and Local Low-Rank Matrix Approximation in Medical Imaging: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Directions
[2024-02-23] - When Eye-Tracking Meets Machine Learning: A Systematic Review on Applications in Medical Image Analysis
[2024-03-33] - Out-of-distribution Detection in Medical Image Analysis: A survey
[2024-04-30] - Development of Skip Connection in Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis: A Survey
[2024-05-06] - Continual Learning in Medical Imaging from Theory to Practice: A Survey and Practical Analysis
[2024-05-24] - Computation-Efficient Era: A Comprehensive Survey of State Space Models in Medical Image Analysis
[2024-06-06] - Solving the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography for Cardiac Digital Twins: A Survey
[2024-06-18] - A Comprehensive Survey of Foundation Models in Medicine
[2024-06-18] - Review of Zero-Shot and Few-Shot AI Algorithms in The Medical Domain
[2024-06-25] - Applications of interpretable deep learning in neuroimaging: a comprehensive review
[2024-06-27] - Foundational Models for Pathology and Endoscopy Images: Application for Gastric Inflammation
[2024-06-27] - A Review of Image Processing Methods in Prostate Ultrasound
[2024-07-02] - Physics-Inspired Generative Models in Medical Imaging: A Review
[2024-07-16] - Integrating Deep Learning in Cardiology: A Comprehensive Review of Atrial Fibrillation, Left Atrial Scar Segmentation, and the Frontiers of State-of-the-Art Techniques
[2024-07-16] - A Survey on Trustworthiness in Foundation Models for Medical Image Analysis
[2024-07-24] - PINNs for Medical Image Analysis: A Survey
[2024-08-05] - Future-Proofing Medical Imaging with Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning and Uncertainty Quantification: A Review
[2024-09-26] - Artificial intelligence techniques in inherited retinal diseases: A review
[2024-10-15] - Medical AI for Early Detection of Lung Cancer: A Survey
[2024-10-22] - Advancing Histopathology with Deep Learning Under Data Scarcity: A Decade in Review
[2024-10-29] - Multiplex Imaging Analysis in Pathology: a Comprehensive Review on Analytical Approaches and Digital Toolkits
[2024-11-05] - Ultrasound-Based AI for COVID-19 Detection: A Comprehensive Review of Public and Private Lung Ultrasound Datasets and Studies
[2024-11-11] - Artificial Intelligence-Informed Handheld Breast Ultrasound for Screening: A Systematic Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy
[2024-11-13] - A Survey of Medical Vision-and-Language Applications and Their Techniques
[2024-11-20] - Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Medical Applications: A Review
[2024-12-04] - Privacy-Preserving in Medical Image Analysis: A Review of Methods and Applications
[2024-12-06] - Automatic Prediction of Stroke Treatment Outcomes: Latest Advances and Perspectives
[2024-12-09] - Machine learning algorithms to predict the risk of rupture of intracranial aneurysms: a systematic review
[2024-12-09]预测颅内动脉瘤破裂风险的机器学习算法:系统综述 - Computational Methods for Breast Cancer Molecular Profiling through Routine Histopathology: A Review
[2024-12-17] - From Model Based to Learned Regularization in Medical Image Registration: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-12-23] - The Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks for Cancer Detection
[2024-12-24] - Optimization of Convolutional Neural Network Hyperparameter for Medical Image Diagnosis using Metaheuristic Algorithms: A short Recent Review (2019-2022)
[2024-12-25] - A Review on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging in IVF Ovarian Stimulation
[2024-12-30] - 息肉分割
- Colorectal Polyp Segmentation in the Deep Learning Era: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-01-23] - Artificial Intelligence in Gastrointestinal Bleeding Analysis for Video Capsule Endoscopy: Insights, Innovations, and Prospects (2008-2023)
[2024-09-04] - A Short Survey on Set-Based Aggregation Techniques for Single-Vector WSI Representation in Digital Pathology
[2024-09-10] - The Era of Foundation Models in Medical Imaging is Approaching : A Scoping Review of the Clinical Value of Large-Scale Generative AI Applications in Radiology
- Colorectal Polyp Segmentation in the Deep Learning Era: A Comprehensive Survey
- 生物医学图像分割
- 微创外科视觉
- 牙科 X 射线成像分割
- 胶质瘤组织切片分析
- 手术
- 人工耳蜗
- 医学图像配准
- stroke segmentation
- CT
- 医学图像分类
- 医学图像分割
- Explainable AI (XAI) in Image Segmentation in Medicine, Industry, and Beyond: A Survey
[2024-05-06] - AI-based Automatic Segmentation of Prostate on Multi-modality Images: A Review
[2024-07-10] - Deep Learning for Pancreas Segmentation: a Systematic Review
[2024-07-24] - A Short Review and Evaluation of SAM2's Performance in 3D CT Image Segmentation
[2024-08-22] - Unleashing the Potential of SAM2 for Biomedical Images and Videos: A Survey
[2024-08-26] - U-Net in Medical Image Segmentation: A Review of Its Applications Across Modalities
- Explainable AI (XAI) in Image Segmentation in Medicine, Industry, and Beyond: A Survey
- 医学影像分析
- A Comprehensive Survey of Mamba Architectures for Medical Image Analysis: Classification, Segmentation, Restoration and Beyond
[2024-10-04] - Self-eXplainable AI for Medical Image Analysis: A Survey and New Outlooks
[2024-10-04] - Navigating Distribution Shifts in Medical Image Analysis: A Survey
- A Comprehensive Survey of Mamba Architectures for Medical Image Analysis: Classification, Segmentation, Restoration and Beyond
- 医学图像生成
- 细胞核实例分割
- 神经成像中的异常检测
- 报告生成
- 基于步态的神经退行性疾病诊断中的人工智能调查
- 目标检测
- 肺炎检测
- 癌症检测
- MRI 重建
- High-energy physics image classification: A Survey of Jet Applications
[2024-03-19] - Noisy Label Processing for Classification: A Survey
[2024-04-08] - Traditional to Transformers: A Survey on Current Trends and Future Prospects for Hyperspectral Image Classification
[2024-04-24] - Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Transformers for Fashion MNIST Classification: A Literature Review
[2024-06-06] - A review on vision-based motion estimation
[2024-07-22] - On the Element-Wise Representation and Reasoning in Zero-Shot Image Recognition: A Systematic Survey
- Surveying the Landscape of Image Captioning Evaluation: A Comprehensive Taxonomy and Novel Ensemble Method
- A Review of Image Retrieval Techniques: Data Augmentation and Adversarial Learning Approaches
[2024-09-04] - A Survey of Multimodal Composite Editing and Retrieval
- 修复
- 恢复
- 着色
- 去噪
- 去模糊
- 去阴影
- 去大气湍流
- 图像增强
- 视频质量评估
- Video Quality Assessment: A Comprehensive Survey
- Video Quality Assessment: A Comprehensive Survey
- Systematic review of image segmentation using complex networks
[2024-01-08] - Image Segmentation in Foundation Model Era: A Survey
[2024-08-26] - On Efficient Variants of Segment Anything Model: A Survey
[2024-10-08] - A Review of Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Probabilistic Image Segmentation
[2024-11-26] - Review of Fruit Tree Image Segmentation
[2024-12-20] - 语义分割
- 纹理分割
- The evolution of volumetric video: A survey of smart transcoding and compression approaches
- SoK: Facial Deepfake Detectors
[2024-01-10] - Neuromorphic Face Analysis: a Survey
[2024-02-20] - A Comprehensive Survey of Masked Faces: Recognition, Detection, and Unmasking
[2024-05-10] - Evolving from Single-modal to Multi-modal Facial Deepfake Detection: A Survey
[2024-06-12] - Artificial Immune System of Secure Face Recognition Against Adversarial Attacks
[2024-06-27] - Complex Emotion Recognition System using basic emotions via Facial Expression, EEG, and ECG Signals: a review
[2024-09-13] - A Survey on Physical Adversarial Attacks against Face Recognition Systems
[2024-10-23] - 人脸表情
- 群体情绪识别(Group-level Emotion Recognition ,GReco)
- 人脸伪造检测
- 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360∘ Imagery: A Survey
[2024-01-18] - Survey on Modeling of Articulated Objects
[2024-03-25] - RGB Guided ToF Imaging System: A Survey of Deep Learning-based Methods
[2024-05-20] - A Survey on Text-guided 3D Visual Grounding: Elements, Recent Advances, and Future Directions
[2024-06-11] - 3D Representation Methods: A Survey
[2024-10-10] - 网格重建
- 三维视觉
- Diffusion Models in 3D Vision: A Survey
- Diffusion Models in 3D Vision: A Survey
- 三维重建
- Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non-Rigid Scenes
[2024-03-25] - Gaussian Splatting: 3D Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis, a Review
[2024-05-07] - Survey on Fundamental Deep Learning 3D Reconstruction Techniques
[2024-07-12] - A Review of 3D Reconstruction Techniques for Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery
- Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non-Rigid Scenes
- 三维形状
- 3D 生成
- Advances in 3D Generation: A Survey
- Advances in 3D Generation: A Survey
- 3D 密集字幕
- 深度估计
- 三维场景理解
- Stereo Matching
- A Survey on Deep Stereo Matching in the Twenties
- A Survey on Deep Stereo Matching in the Twenties
- 3DGS
- Learning-based Multi-View Stereo: A Survey
- Learning-based Multi-View Stereo: A Survey
- Comprehensive Exploration of Synthetic Data Generation: A Survey
[2024-01-08] - Image-based Deep Learning for Smart Digital Twins: a Review
[2024-01-08] - A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting
[2024-01-09] - A Survey on African Computer Vision Datasets, Topics and Researchers
[2024-01-23] - Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Pre-Trained Vision Models: A Survey
[2024-02-06] - A Literature Review of Literature Reviews in Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
[2024-02-21] - Asphalt Concrete Characterization Using Digital Image Correlation: A Systematic Review of Best Practices, Applications, and Future Vision
[2024-02-28] - Lightweight Deep Learning for Resource-Constrained Environments: A Survey
[2024-04-12] - A Survey of Neural Network Robustness Assessment in Image Recognition
[2024-04-15] - State Space Model for New-Generation Network Alternative to Transformers: A Survey
[2024-04-16] - A Survey on Vision Mamba: Models, Applications and Challenges
[2024-04-30] - Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review and Applications
[2024-05-21] - A Review of Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Applications in Computer Vision and Image Processing
[2024-06-04] - Exploring the Potential of Polynomial Basis Functions in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: A Comparative Study of Different Groups of Polynomials
[2024-06-06] - Deep learning for precipitation nowcasting: A survey from the perspective of time series forecasting
[2024-06-11] - Diffusion Models in Low-Level Vision: A Survey
[2024-06-18] - Public Computer Vision Datasets for Precision Livestock Farming: A Systematic Survey
[2024-06-18] - Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI
[2024-07-10] - Event-based vision on FPGAs -- a survey
[2024-07-12] - Fairness and Bias Mitigation in Computer Vision: A Survey
[2024-08-06] - A Review of Pseudo-Labeling for Computer Vision
[2024-08-15] - Generative AI in Industrial Machine Vision -- A Review
[2024-08-21] - Recent Event Camera Innovations: A Survey
[2024-08-27] - How Could Generative AI Support Compliance with the EU AI Act? A Review for Safe Automated Driving Perception
[2024-09-02] - Local map Construction Methods with SD map: A Novel Survey
[2024-09-05] - A Survey on Mixup Augmentations and Beyond
[2024-09-10] - Transfer Learning Applied to Computer Vision Problems: Survey on Current Progress, Limitations, and Opportunities
[2024-09-13] - Mamba in Vision: A Comprehensive Survey of Techniques and Applications
[2024-10-07] - AI-Driven Approaches for Glaucoma Detection -- A Comprehensive Review
[2024-10-22] - Where Do We Stand with Implicit Neural Representations? A Technical and Performance Survey
[2024-11-07] - Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions in Deep Learning for Glaucoma: A Systematic Review
[2024-11-12] - A Survey on Vision Autoregressive Model
[2024-11-14] - Towards Fairness in AI for Melanoma Detection: Systemic Review and Recommendations
[2024-11-21] - Artificial Intelligence for Geometry-Based Feature Extraction, Analysis and Synthesis in Artistic Images: A Survey
[2024-12-03] - A Review of Intelligent Device Fault Diagnosis Technologies Based on Machine Vision
[2024-12-12] - Predictive Pattern Recognition Techniques Towards Spatiotemporal Representation of Plant Growth in Simulated and Controlled Environments: A Comprehensive Review
[2024-12-17] - A Review of Multimodal Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present and Future
[2024-12-19] - Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Fusion in Land Surface Temperature Estimation: A Comprehensive Survey, Experimental Analysis, and Future Trends
[2024-12-24] - Next Token Prediction Towards Multimodal Intelligence: A Comprehensive Survey
[2024-12-30] - Comprehensive Review of EEG-to-Output Research: Decoding Neural Signals into Images, Videos, and Audio
[2024-12-31] - A Review of Latent Representation Models in Neuroimaging