- Sublanguages: DDL, DML, DQL
- Set Operators: Union, Intersect, Except
- Subqueries
- Normalization: 1st vs 2nd vs 3rd Normal Forms
- Multiplicity: Foreign keys
- Joins: Inner, Outer, Cross
- Functions: Aggregate vs Scalar
- DDL:
- DML:
- DQL:
- Scalar Subqueries
- Subquery Expressions
- Joined Tables
- Functions:
- Aggregate Functions
- Scalar Functions:
- What is SQL?
- What are its sublanguages?
- What is multiplicity?
- What is cardinality?
- What is a candidate key?
- What is referential integrity?
- What are the different constraints of a column?
- what are the differences between GROUP BY and ORDER BY?
- What is the difference between IN and EXISTS?
- What are subqueries?
- What is the differenece between an aggregate function and a scalar function?
- What are the different joins in SQL?
- What are the different set operations in SQL?
- What is the difference between joins and set operations?
- What is normalization?
- What are the requirements for the first three normal forms?
- What is JDBC?
- What dependencies are required to connect to an RDBMS?
- What are the main interfaces of JDBC?
- In what order are they used?
- What are the different types of statements?
- What is SQL Injection?
- What is a DAO?
- Describe client-server communication: how does it apply to PostgreSQL?
- What does a connection URL for PostgreSQL look like?
- How do you connect to a PostgreSQL server with a client? With Java?
- Why is connection pooling important?