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This is a simple simulation which mimics the working of the Paxos consensus protocol. This is a re-implementation of the code in Paxos Made Moderately Complex – van Resesse 2011, which provides a deep investigation of Paxos.


Paxos provides a protocol for state machine replication in a distributed asynchronous environment, that allows failures. In essence, it is used to solve a consensus problem in a distributed system. Consensus is the process of agreeing on one result among a group of participants. This problem becomes difficult when the participants or their communication medium may experience failures.

Note: These notes primarily derived from Paxos Made Moderately Complex


The simulation contains the following participating processes:

  • Client: A client process makes a request to modify or read a state. It broadcasts its request to all replica processes.
  • Replica: A replica process maintains a copy of the application state. Every replica process receives requests from the clients, and asks the leaders to serialize the requests. A consistent serialization provided by this protocol allows all the replicas to see the same sequence. Every replica applies this sequence in order, to its application state.
  • Leader: A leader process receives requests from the replicas. Every leader runs a two phase SYNOD protocol with all the acceptors. The leader has two sub-processes: Scout and the Commander, which participate in phases one and two of the SYNOD protocol with the acceptor respectively.
  • Acceptor: The Acceptor primarily communicates with the scout and commander and maintains its own state. Collectively, it provides the fault tolerant memory of Paxos.

To be resilient to f failures, we need f+1 replicas and leaders and 2f+1 acceptors.


  • Command: A globally unique command initiated by a client to a replica identifying a request to modify/read the application state. Represented by a triple {client-id, command-id, operation}, where:
    • client-id is a client unique identifier.
    • command-id is a unique identifier within an individual client's space.
    • operation is the specific operation requested by the client.
  • Slot: A Replica maintains an sequence of slots, which are assigned to commands (A replica "proposes" a command to a slot, a leader "decides" this proposal). This sequence of assignment should be the same across all the replicas as guaranteed by the Paxos protocol.
  • Ballot, Leader maintain ballots. A ballot is a tuple of {number, leader-id}, The ballot must be lexicographically sorted, thereby requiring both the number and leader-id to be lexicographically sorted. This allows ballots to be totally ordered. Ballots are used for voting in the SYNOD protocol.
  • PValue, A triple containing {ballot, slot, command} <b, s, c>, which is used to communicate ballot results from an acceptor to the leader.


Invariants for the individual processes.


  • R1: There are no two commands decided for the same slot.
    • i.e given two Replicas r1 & r2, two commands c1 and c2. for a given slot s, if r1.Decisions contains (s, c1) and r2.Decisions contains (s, c2), then c1 and c2 are the same command
  • R2: All commands, upto slot_out are the set of decisions.
  • R3: For all replicas r, r.state is essentially the result of applying the commands in the set of decisions (R.Decisions) in order
  • R4: For each replica, r.slot_out cannot decrease over time
  • R5: A replica proposes commands for configuration it knows about.
    • when the slot s is in [slot_in, slot_out+WINDOW)


  • A1: An Acceptor can only adopt strictly increasing ballot numbers
  • A2: An Acceptor a can only adopt a p-value: <b, s, c> if its currently adopted ballot_number b is the same as that of the p-value.
    • i.e p_value.b = a.b, for <b, s, c> to be accepted
  • A3: An Acceptor a cannot remove values from its accepted list.
    • This is an impractical invariant, since in every phase1 response includes the entire Accepted list to a Scout
  • A4: For any two acceptors a and a', For the same ballot_number, slot_number combination accepted, there can only be one proposed command associated
    • i.e if a.accepted contains <b, s, c> & a'.accepted contains <b, s, c'> then. c = c'
  • A5: If a majority of acceptors have accepted a p-value for the current ballot, slot and command, then any future ballots proposing can only propose the same command and slot combination
    • i.e for a majority of acceptors a. if <b, s, c> are in a.accepted. If a new ballot <b', s, c'> has been accepted for a' then c = c'.


  • C1: For any ballot (b) slot (s) combination, atmost one Command (c) is considered. i.e atmost one Commander is spawned for a given <b, s, c>
  • C2: Suppose <b, s, c> is accepted by a majority of acceptors a. Then if a commander is spawned for a <b', s, c'> such that b' > b, then c = c'

Notes: C1 => A4, and C2 => A5, which in turns implies R1.