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How to run Coolbeans in Kubernetes - A step by step guide

This guide provides an example setup to run coolbeans on kubernetes.


  • Walk through the steps on how to setup a three node coolbeans cluster in kubernetes.
  • Deploy a beanstalkd proxy service that connects with these pods
  • Deploy a sample producer & consumer that uses the coolbeans cluster.


  • You have a running kubernetes cluster or a minikube setup available to you.

  • Ensure that kubectl is pointing to the correct context

    $ kubectl config get-contexts

    CURRENT   NAME                                              CLUSTER                                           
    *         gke_xyz-dev-274318_us-central1-c_test-cluster-2   gke_xyz-dev-274318_us-central1-c_test-cluster-2
              minikube                                          minikube                                        

Deploy coolbeans cluster

Following are steps to setup a three node coolbeans cluster in the namespace coolbeans.

Create coolbeans namespace

kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster-node/0-namespace.yaml

Verify the namespace coolbeans is created

kubectl get namespaces 

NAME              STATUS   AGE
coolbeans         Active   1m

Apply the configuration map

kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster-node/1-configmap.yaml

Verify the configmap coolbeans-config is created

kubectl -n coolbeans get configmaps
NAME               DATA   AGE
coolbeans-config   6      1m

Create the coolbeans service

kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster-node/2-service.yaml

Verify the service coolbeans is created

kubectl -n coolbeans get service

NAME        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)               AGE
coolbeans   ClusterIP   None         <none>        11000/TCP,21000/TCP   1m

Create a stateful set

kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster-node/3-statefulset.yaml

Verify the stateful set is created

kubectl -n coolbeans get statefulsets

coolbeans   3/3     3m

Verify that you have three pods up & running

kubectl -n coolbeans get pods

NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coolbeans-0                  1/1     Running   0          3m
coolbeans-1                  1/1     Running   0          3m
coolbeans-2                  1/1     Running   0          3m

Verify that a persistent volume & and persistent volume claims are created.

kubectl -n coolbeans get pv

NAME                                       ...   CLAIM                        ....
pvc-613a4b02-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1         coolbeans/data-coolbeans-0   ....
pvc-613ee9ef-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1         coolbeans/data-coolbeans-1   ....
pvc-6147fec0-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1         coolbeans/data-coolbeans-2   ....

kubectl -n coolbeans get pvc

NAME               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY ...
data-coolbeans-0   Bound    pvc-613a4b02-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1   1Gi      ...
data-coolbeans-1   Bound    pvc-613ee9ef-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1   1Gi      ...
data-coolbeans-2   Bound    pvc-6147fec0-97bd-11ea-b5d7-42010a8000c1   1Gi      ...

Deploy beanstalkd proxy

kubectl -n coolbeans  apply -f beanstalk-deployment.yaml

Deploy beanstalkd proxy

Deploy the beanstalkd proxy & service.

kubectl apply -f k8s/proxy/deployment.yaml

service/beanstalkd created
deployment.apps/beanstalkd unchanged

Check if the server and endpoints

kubectl -n coolbeans get service beanstalkd

beanstalkd   ClusterIP     <none>        11300/TCP   24s

kubectl -n coolbeans get ep beanstalkd

NAME         ENDPOINTS                         AGE
beanstalkd,   68s