📦 Download: Portable, MSI or Chocolatey
- Network Interface - Information, Configure
- IP-Scanner
- Port-Scanner
- Ping
- Traceroute
- DNS Lookup
- Remote Desktop
- PowerShell (requires Windows 10)
- PuTTY (requires PuTTY)
- TigerVNC (requires TigerVNC)
- SNMP - Get, Walk, Set (v1, v2c, v3)
- Wake on LAN
- HTTP Headers
- Whois
- Subnet Calculator - Calculator, Subnetting, Supernetting
- Lookup - OUI, Port
- Connections
- Listeners
- ARP Table
- English
- German
- Russian
- Spanish
- Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 or later
- .NET-Framework 4.6
- RDP 8.1 (How to install RDP 8.1 on Windows 7/Server 2008 R2?)
Check the Issues if the issue/feature request has already been reported. If not, submit a new issue and provide as many informations as you can.
- Add features (Issues, Roadmap)
- Fix bugs (Issues)
- Add languages / improve the translation (Transifex)
- Improve the documentation
Fork the repository, do your changes and send me a pull request!
This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3.
The licenses of the libraries, which are used in the program, can be found here.