* Addition of ERC20BridgeSampler + Kyber Erc20Bridge Contract in contract-addresses (#2353)
* `1337` addresses updated with Forwarder deployed after Exchange is configured (#2368)
* Update Forwarder addresses on all newtorks (#2374)
* Update all v3 mainnet addresses (#2322)
* Update ZeroExGovernor address on all testnets (#2322)
* Updated devUtils contract addresses on testnets
* Remove `readOnlyProxy` from addresses interface (#2295)
* Add `zeroExGovernor` and `erc20BridgeProxy` to addresses interface (#2296)
* Update `exchange`, `staking`, `stakingProxy`, `zeroExGovernor`, `assetProxyOwner`, and `erc20BridgeProxy` addresses for each tesnet (#2296)
* Contract addresses are no longer indexed by network ID. Now they're indexed by chain ID. (#2313)
* Removed `getNetworkIdByExchangeAddressOrThrow`. It's not needed with V3 tooling. (#2170)
* Add `zrxVault`, `readOnlyProxy`, `staking`, and `stakingProxy` schema with addresses for each tesnet (#2224)
* Update `assetProxyOwner` address for each testnet (#2224)
* `1337` addresses updated with Forwarder deployed after Exchange is configured (#2368)
* Update Forwarder addresses on all newtorks (#2374)
* Dependencies updated
* Update all v3 mainnet addresses (#2322)
* Update ZeroExGovernor address on all testnets (#2322)
* Updated devUtils contract addresses on testnets
* Remove `readOnlyProxy` from addresses interface (#2295)
* Add `zeroExGovernor` and `erc20BridgeProxy` to addresses interface (#2296)
* Update `exchange`, `staking`, `stakingProxy`, `zeroExGovernor`, `assetProxyOwner`, and `erc20BridgeProxy` addresses for each tesnet (#2296)
* Contract addresses are no longer indexed by network ID. Now they're indexed by chain ID. (#2313)
* Removed `getNetworkIdByExchangeAddressOrThrow`. It's not needed with V3 tooling. (#2170)
* Add `zrxVault`, `readOnlyProxy`, `staking`, and `stakingProxy` schema with addresses for each tesnet (#2224)
* Update `assetProxyOwner` address for each testnet (#2224)
* Added `getNetworkIdByExchangeAddressOrThrow` (#2096)
* Added DevUtils (#2060)
* Added StaticCallAssetProxy and ERC1155AssetProxy (#2021)
* Update OrderValidator testnet addresses
* Update remaining Mainnet V2.1 contract addresses
* Redeployed Mainnet Exchange and Asset Proxies
* Redeploy Coordinator contract (#1812)
* Dependencies updated
* Add addresses for coordinator extension contract and coordinator registry (#1689)
* Added Dutch Auction mainnet address (#1715)
* Fixed Ganache addresses for OrderValidator & Forwarder
* Dependencies updated
* Added migration for `MultiAssetProxy` contract (#1503)
* Added testnet entries for Dutch Auction contract (kovan,rinkeby,ropsten) (#1465)
* Redeployed Rinkeby with testnet Exchange artifact (#1318)
* Added Ganache snapshot addresses for network 50 (#1318)
* Rinkeby Deployment
* Update Forwarder addresses (#1192)
* Initial release (#1105)
* Unpublished Package