Streamline the Verifiable Credentials issuance process with the user-friendly API and UI of the Issuer Node within the Privado ID ecosystem. The on-premise (self-hosted) Issuer Node, seamlessly integrated with a robust suite of tools including the mobile Wallet, Schema Builder, and Credential Marketplace, guarantees a frictionless experience for effortlessly issuing and verifying credentials.
- Create Issuer Identities.
- Issue VCs.
- Revoke VCs.
- Fetch VCs.
- Transit Issuer's state.
- Create Issuer-User connections.
- Issuer's UI.
The provided installation guide is non-production ready. For production deployments please refer to Standalone Mode Guide.
There is no compatibility with Windows environments at this time. While using WSL should be ok, it's not officially supported.
- Unix-based operating system (e.g. Debian, Arch, Mac OS)
- Docker Engine
- Makefile toolchain
GNU Make 3.81
- Publicly accessible URL - The issuer node API must be publicly reachable. Please make sure you properly configure your proxy or use a tool like Localtunnel for testing purposes.
- Polygon Amoy or Main RPC - You can get one in any of the providers of this list
This Quick Installation Guide is prepared for Polygon Amoy (Testnet) both for the state contract and issuer dids.
In this section we will see how to install the issuer node api and the UI along with the necessary infrastructure in the most basic way, without too much customization.
- Copy the config sample file:
cp .env-issuer.sample .env-issuer
- Fill the .env-issuer config file with the proper variables:
- Create a file with the networks' configuration. You can copy and modify the provided sample file:
cp resolvers_settings_sample.yaml resolvers_settings.yaml
then modify the file with the proper values. The most important fields to run the issuer node are RPC (networkURL
) fields.
In this file you can define customizations for each type of blockchain and network. For this example, we only need to
define the RPCs. that will use.
- Copy .env-ui sample file and fill the needed env variables:
cp .env-ui.sample .env-ui
The default UI has basic authentication configured, you must establish the credentials by modifying the value of the following variables
If you want to disable UI authentication, you must change the value of the following variable to true:
- Run API, UI and infrastructure (Postgres, Vault and Redis)
To do a build and start both the API and the UI in a single step, you can use the following command:
make run-all
then visit
- http://localhost:8088/ to access the UI
- http://localhost:3001/ to access the API.
- Import your private Key: Write the private key in Vault. This step is needed in order to be able to transit the issuer's state. To perform that action the given account has to be funded. For Amoy network you can request some testing Matic here
make private_key=<private-key> import-private-key-to-kms
If you want to run only the API, you can follow the steps below. You have to have the .env-issuer file filled with the proper values and the resolver_settings.yaml file with the proper RPCs. Then run:
make run
In order to stop all the containers, run the following command:
[!NOTE] This will not delete the data in the vault and the database.
make stop-all
To stop only the API and UI container, run:
make stop
If you want to delete all the data in the vault and the database, run:
make clean-volumes
If for some reason you only need to restart the UI, run:
make run-ui
To restart the api after changes (pull code with changes):
make build && make run
Consider that if you have the issuer node running, after changing the configuration you must restart it. In all options the .env-issuer file is necessary.
The issuer node can be configured to use a local storage, that is, a local file, as kms provider. This alternative can be useful in development or testing environments. To do it:
Setup environment variables in .env-issuer
To import the private key necessary to transition onchain states, the command is the same as explained before.
This Quick Start Demo will walk you through the process of issuing and verifying your first credential.
Demo Issuer and Verifier Demo are for testing purposes only.
- Schema Builder - Create your custom schemas to issue VC.
- Demo Issuer UI - Test our Issuer Node UI.
- Verifier Demo - Verify your VCs.
- Polygon ID Android Mobile App
- Polygon ID IOS Mobile App
- Marketplace - Explore credentials submitted by trusted issuers.