diff --git a/.env-issuer.sample b/.env-issuer.sample
index 6a37e7ce8..fc921fe13 100644
--- a/.env-issuer.sample
+++ b/.env-issuer.sample
@@ -17,18 +17,13 @@ ISSUER_ENVIRONMENT=local
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # KMS configuration
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Could be either [localstorage | vault] (BJJ) and [localstorage | vault | aws ] (ETH)
+# Could be either [localstorage | vault] (BJJ) and [localstorage | vault ] (ETH)
 # if the plugin is localstorage, you can specify the folder path
-# If the provider is AWS for ETH keys you need to specify the key id and secret key
 # if one of the plugins is vault, you have to specify the vault address and token
@@ -66,3 +61,5 @@ ISSUER_RESOLVER_PATH=./resolvers_settings.yaml
 # if you want, you can specify the content of the resolvers encoded in base64. In this case ISSUER_RESOLVER_PATH have to be empty
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 94a93be1f..87e91b749 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -178,23 +178,6 @@ ISSUER_KMS_ETH_PROVIDER=localstorage
 To import the private key necessary to transition onchain states, the command is the same as [explained before](#install-and-run-issuer-node-api-and-ui).
-#### Running issuer node with AWS KMS Service instead of Vault for ETH Keys
-Another alternative for eth keys associated with the identities created in the issuer node is to use the AWS KMS service. 
-In this case you have to change some variables in the .env-issuer file:
-ISSUER_KMS_BJJ_PROVIDER=<localstorage or vault>
-In this case, to import the private key in AWS KMS run:
-make private_key=XXX aws_access_key=YYY aws_secret_key=ZZZ aws_region=your-region import-private-key-to-kms
 ## Quick Start Demo
 This [Quick Start Demo](https://devs.polygonid.com/docs/quick-start-demo/) will walk you through the process of **issuing** and **verifying** your **first credential**.