diff --git a/Update/_tsum_002_1.txt b/Update/_tsum_002_1.txt
index e0e38ba..a50272d 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_002_1.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_002_1.txt
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 一見激論を交わしているように見えるが、こんなのは仲良しの証みたいなもんだ。",
- NULL, "Let's put it this way: They get along well and that's why they argue.", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "Let's put it this way: they get along well and that's why they argue.", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_002_2.txt b/Update/_tsum_002_2.txt
index b21539b..3fccd1a 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_002_2.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_002_2.txt
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/manc17001", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「ボ、僕を仲間に加えてくれたら、エンジェルモートトレカのレアカードを進呈するよおぉぉ!!」",
- NULL, "\"I-If you let me join you, I'll honor you with a rare Angel Mort trading card!!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "\"I-If you let me join you, I'll honor you with a rare Angel Mort trading card!!\" ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_Continue); }
PlaySE( 0, "wa_011", 56, 64 );
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/mand17001", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「オイラならフロントフィールドの夏コミ新刊を限定本付きでー!!!」",
- NULL, " \"I'd come with Front Field's newest Summerket issue and its Limited Edition book!!!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "\"I'd come with Front Field's newest Summerket issue and its Limited Edition book!!!\" ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_Continue); }
PlaySE( 0, "s_Down", 56, 64 );
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/mane17001", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「『ひぐらし』β版、着せ替えモード搭載版で譲ってぇえぇ!!」",
- NULL, " \"I'll give you the beta version of Higurashi with a mode that lets you change everyone's outfits!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "\"I'll give you the beta version of Higurashi with a mode that lets you change everyone's outfits!\" ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_Continue); }
PlaySE( 0, "s_furu", 56, 64 );
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/manf17001", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「G氏の魔改造フィギュアでなんとかーッ!!」",
- NULL, " \"Make a deal with me for a modded version of G's figure!!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "\"Make a deal with me for a modded version of G's figure!!\" ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_Continue); }
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/mang17001", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「お…俺はリアルマネー壱萬円だすよー!!」",
- NULL, " \"I... I'll give you 10,000 yen in real money!!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "\"I... I'll give you 10,000 yen in real money!!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_Continue); }
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/manb17005", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「ひゃっひゃっひゃ!",
- NULL, " \"Hya hya hya!", Line_WaitForInput);
+ NULL, "\"Hya hya hya!", Line_WaitForInput);
PlaySE( 0, "wa_011", 56, 64 );
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("男", NULL, "Man", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/manc17005", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "「エンジェルモートのイベントチケットを二人だけで消化しようなどとは許せんにゃりん!!",
- NULL, " \"I won't allow you to use your ticket for yourselves!!", Line_WaitForInput);
+ NULL, "\"I won't allow you to use your ticket for yourselves!!", Line_WaitForInput);
PlaySE( 0, "s_furu", 56, 64 );
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( FALSE );
Wait( 200 );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_003_1.txt b/Update/_tsum_003_1.txt
index 5631dad..4283343 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_003_1.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_003_1.txt
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200063", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "でも、レナの行く手を阻むことは誰にもできないんだよ〜〜、はぅ〜☆」",
- NULL, " But nobody can stop me! Hauuuuu☆!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "But nobody can stop me! Hauuuuu☆!\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("圭一", NULL, "Keiichi", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 罰ゲーム者はランダムな方法で決められた衣装着用の上、エンジェルモートのイベントデーを、ウェイトレスとしてお手伝いをする、というものなのだ。",
- NULL, "The punishment is as follows: The losers have to wear a costume that was randomly chosen and help with the event at Angel Mort... as a waitress.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "The punishment is as follows: the losers have to wear a costume that was randomly chosen and help with the event at Angel Mort... as a waitress.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_003_3.txt b/Update/_tsum_003_3.txt
index 26e4112..6129e24 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_003_3.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_003_3.txt
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("魅音", NULL, "Mion", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 3, "ps3/s09/03/170300019", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "こんなメンバーですらない連中なんか束でかかってきても負ける気しないでしょ〜?」",
- NULL, " I'm pretty sure a battle against these guys would be trivial, right?\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "I'm pretty sure a battle against these guys would be trivial, right?\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
DrawScene( "black", 300 );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_004.txt b/Update/_tsum_004.txt
index c095b95..c298191 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_004.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_004.txt
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200132", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "あれれ、今日はお店にいなかったよね?」",
- NULL, " You weren't at the restaurant today, were you?\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "You weren't at the restaurant today, were you?\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("魅音", NULL, "Mion", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 3, "ps3/s09/03/170300057", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "じゃ圭ちゃん。",
- NULL, " Kei-chan,", Line_WaitForInput);
+ NULL, "Kei-chan,", Line_WaitForInput);
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 3, "ps3/s09/03/170300058", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "お嬢様方のエスコートをよろしく。",
NULL, " I trust you to escort the ladies home safely.", Line_WaitForInput);
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200156", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "例え、部活がお流れになっちゃって、退屈な一日だったとしても、ね。」",
- NULL, " Including the boring days when our club activities get canceled.\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "Including the boring days when our club activities get canceled.\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("圭一", NULL, "Keiichi", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200180", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "だから、いつ転んでもいいように、思いっきり今を楽しむのが正解だと思うな。」",
- NULL, " That's why I believe we have to enjoy every moment as much as we can.\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "That's why I believe we have to enjoy every moment as much as we can.\"", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("圭一", NULL, "Keiichi", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ void main()
NULL, "......", Line_WaitForInput);
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200197", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "………はぅー…。」",
- NULL, "Hau...\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, " hau...\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_005.txt b/Update/_tsum_005.txt
index 06a8e31..46cbfb7 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_005.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_005.txt
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ void main()
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s09/00/173000013", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "………妊娠してるの。」",
- NULL, "......pregnant.\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "...... pregnant.\"", Line_Normal);
DrawScene( "black", 1000 );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_012_1.txt b/Update/_tsum_012_1.txt
index 8d34ecc..76a1a89 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_012_1.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_012_1.txt
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 5人で固まっているようだけど、レナって子だけは、みんなの騒ぎに加われず、さっきから輪の外でしょぼんとしているだけだ。",
- NULL, " They had looked like a group of five, but there's distance between her and the others. It's a little sad, you know.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "They had looked like a group of five, but there's distance between her and the others. It's a little sad, you know.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_012_2.txt b/Update/_tsum_012_2.txt
index 97382ad..bb381ef 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_012_2.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_012_2.txt
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200598", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, " レナはね、",
- NULL, " My turn.", Line_Continue);
+ NULL, "My turn.", Line_Continue);
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( FALSE );
Wait( 1400 );
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( TRUE );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_013.txt b/Update/_tsum_013.txt
index 92ba741..14cd114 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_013.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_013.txt
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, " そして人食い鬼と呼ばれ、同時に仙人としても敬われていた古代の村人たちの話を、自慢のスクラップ帳を交えながら、懇切丁寧に説明してくれた。",
NULL, "She also explained the story of how the villagers were in the old days, showing me the scrapbook she was so proud of. The villagers back then were called man-eating demons, but they were also admired as \"transcendents,\" enlightened people not bound by earthly desires.", Line_Normal);
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("鷹野", NULL, "Takano", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 9, "ps3/s09/09/170900031", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "でも、そうだとすると、鬼ヶ淵村の「鬼が現れた」とする漂着神信仰には、ちょっと不思議な点がある。",
- NULL, " But if that's so, Onigafuchi's drifted god worship would have a contradiction. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "But if that's so, Onigafuchi's drifted god worship would have a contradiction. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("鷹野", NULL, "Takano", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 9, "ps3/s09/09/170900032", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "…………わかるかしら?」",
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_015_2.txt b/Update/_tsum_015_2.txt
index fffcae0..e3297cf 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_015_2.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_015_2.txt
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ void main()
NULL, "The Three Families passed down their ultimate goal of reviving the cult of Oyashiro-sama down to the present generation. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170200784", 256, TRUE);
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "それを思えば、御三家がダム戦争中に村を一丸にまとめたり、廃れかけていたオヤシロさまを引き合いに出し、古手神社にわざわざ同盟事務所を設けた理由も透けて見えてくる。」",
NULL, "When you think about it, you'll understand why the Three Families took the initiative in uniting the villagers during the dam conflict, and why they set up the Onigafuchi Guardians office in the Furude Shrine, citing Oyashiro-sama, who was almost forgotten at the time.\"", Line_Normal);
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_016.txt b/Update/_tsum_016.txt
index 2a02c5c..2a69b64 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_016.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_016.txt
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, " 計画こそ実施されなかったが、この特攻隊は、帰国して園崎お魎直轄の暗殺部隊となり、未解決の脅迫事件多数に関わり、大臣の孫の誘拐にも成功したのだという。",
NULL, "While the plan was never carried out, the special attack corps became a death squad under the direct control of Oryou after they came back from America. They were involved in many unsolved terrorist incidents, and they succeeded in kidnapping the grandson of the Minister as well.", Line_Normal);
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_021.txt b/Update/_tsum_021.txt
index 072954d..9f95b4a 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_021.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_021.txt
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void main()
OutputLine(NULL, "その年の7月だかに世界が滅びるって大予言は誰もが知ってて、民放もそれらしく無責任に煽るものだから、たまに真に受けるやつも生まれるんだ。",
NULL, "Everybody knows about the prophecy that the world will come to an end in July of 1999. There are even some TV shows about it, too, which irresponsibly fan people's fears. So, some people take it seriously. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "……ほら、ノストラダムスの大予言は核戦争の勃発を意味するもので、私費で庭に核シェルターを作ったり、その年までに自身を冷凍保存して放射能がなくなる未来まで眠ろうとか、本気でやってる連中がいるじゃないか。",
NULL, "...Those people think that the prophecy means the outbreak of nuclear war, so some of them are making shelters in their backyards. Some of them are thinking about freezing themselves by 1999 so that they won't be exposed to radiation, only waking up after it's gone.", Line_Normal);
@@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ void main()
Wait( 900 );
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( TRUE );
OutputLine(NULL, "………やめろ、",
- NULL, "...Stop it.", Line_Continue);
+ NULL, "... Stop it.", Line_Continue);
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( FALSE );
Wait( 1700 );
// (backup) SetValidityOfInput( TRUE );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_025.txt b/Update/_tsum_025.txt
index dcaad0c..6af62b0 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_025.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_025.txt
@@ -5828,7 +5828,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("熊谷", NULL, "Kumagai", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 19, "ps3/s09/19/173100142", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "……犯人は時限発火装置を仕掛けていると予告しています。」",
- NULL, "According to the suspect's note, she has set a time bomb.\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "according to the suspect's note, she has set a time bomb.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("圭一", NULL, "Keiichi", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -5853,7 +5853,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("熊谷", NULL, "Kumagai", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 19, "ps3/s09/19/173100146", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "予告ではタイマーの設定は午後7時。」",
- NULL, "According to her note, the timer is set for\nseven PM.\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "According to her note, the timer is set for seven PM.\"", Line_Normal);
DrawSceneWithMask( "background/gk1_01", "maskdown", 1, 0, 300 );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_026a.txt b/Update/_tsum_026a.txt
index 9b868fe..82e00c2 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_026a.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_026a.txt
@@ -2436,7 +2436,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170201681", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, " 押されてるんじゃないかなッ?!」",
- NULL, " Hmm, I think I might have the upper hand!\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "Hmm, I think I might have the upper hand!\"", Line_Normal);
@@ -2781,7 +2781,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170201687", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "そんなのはゴメンだね!",
- NULL, "No, thank you!", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
+ NULL, "No, thank you! ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
@@ -2798,7 +2798,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/170201688", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, " むしろ私が勝って逆の立場にしてあげるよ!!」",
- NULL, " Actually, I'll win, and make you my servant!!\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "Actually, I'll win, and make you my servant!!\"", Line_Normal);
DrawSceneWithMask( "scene/cutin2", "maskleft", 1, 0, 150 );
PlaySE( 0, "s_Ken_B8k", 56, 64 );
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_op.txt b/Update/_tsum_op.txt
index 012e411..37e437c 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_op.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_op.txt
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/440100010", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "自分でももっともっと努力しないといけないと思うの。",
- NULL, " I think you need to struggle as hard as you possibly can.", Line_WaitForInput);
+ NULL, "I think you need to struggle as hard as you possibly can.", Line_WaitForInput);
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/440100011", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "それも、本当の本当に精一杯。",
NULL, " You need to do your best.", Line_WaitForInput);
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/440100014", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "…だって、本当に汚らしいもの。",
- NULL, " ...I know that was a very bad thing to do.", Line_WaitForInput);
+ NULL, "...I know that was a very bad thing to do.", Line_WaitForInput);
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/440100015", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "みんなだって、ついさっき、呆然としたでしょ?",
NULL, " Didn't you all look stunned a while ago?", Line_WaitForInput);
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("レナ", NULL, "Rena", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 2, "ps3/s09/02/440100019", 256, TRUE);
OutputLine(NULL, "多分、私が逆の立場でいられたなら、……同じように唖然として、無責任で無慈悲な同情を浮かべていたに違いないもの。」",
- NULL, " If I were you... I'd probably look just as stunned, and I'd say something irresponsible and merciless.\"", Line_Normal);
+ NULL, "If I were you... I'd probably look just as stunned, and I'd say something irresponsible and merciless.\"", Line_Normal);
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_tips_010.txt b/Update/_tsum_tips_010.txt
index 7d38a5c..c73cec9 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_tips_010.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_tips_010.txt
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ void main()
PlaySE( 0, "s_page", 56, 64 );
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, " また、妄想の傾向にもよりますが、「被害妄想」から「追跡妄想」「陰謀妄想」に転じることもあり、結果、架空の敵を作り上げ反社会的な行為に踏み切ることもあります。",
NULL, "Furthermore, although it may depend on the tendency of the delusions, there are also cases where a \"persecutory delusion\" turns into a \"pursuit delusion\" or a \"conspiracy delusion,\" resulting in the patient creating an imaginary enemy and taking up anti-social behavior.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { ClearMessage(); } else { OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "(例えば、カルト教壇の教祖のパラノイアに集団感応した信者たちが、",
NULL, "(For example, there are cases where believers of a religious cult were deeply influenced by the cult founder's paranoid visions, which shifted the group into a conspiracy delusion, and that made them conduct anti-social behavior in the name of self-defense. ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
diff --git a/Update/_tsum_tips_014.txt b/Update/_tsum_tips_014.txt
index 137f969..1f3f203 100644
--- a/Update/_tsum_tips_014.txt
+++ b/Update/_tsum_tips_014.txt
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ void main()
NULL, " Those maniacs do indeed have a colorful perspective on things, don't they? ", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("士官", NULL, "Military Officer", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 0, "ps3/s20/00/officera44011", 256, TRUE);
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "ノストラダムスの大予言だって、99年にはあんなに騒いだのに、7月が過ぎたら何事もなかったかのようにみんな過ごしてる。",
NULL, "Do you remember Nostradamus' prophecies? People said that the world was going to end in 1999, but nothing happened in July and people acted like they didn't even know about it.", Line_Continue);
Wait( 9500 );
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("赤坂", NULL, "Akasaka", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 13, "ps3/s20/13/441300041", 256, TRUE);
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "「大石さんの仮説なんだが、御三家が過去の信仰心を村に取り戻すために、大昔の毒性の強い病原体を研究していたのは本当じゃないか、って言うんだ。",
NULL, "\"Ooishi-san says that the Three Families might've been researching how to bring back the original, deadlier microbe in order to revive the religious devotion the villagers used to have.", Line_Continue);
Wait( 13400 ); // autofix multiline voice
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine("赤坂", NULL, "Akasaka", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
ModPlayVoiceLS(4, 13, "ps3/s20/13/441300046", 256, TRUE);
- if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
+ if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLine(NULL, "", NULL, "", Line_Continue); }
OutputLine(NULL, "「それが馬鹿馬鹿しいか調べたくても、見ろ。",
NULL, "\"Well, even if I wanted to make sure if it's ridiculous or not, look at it.", Line_Continue);
Wait( 5500 ); // autofix multiline voice
@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ void main()
if (GetGlobalFlag(GADVMode)) { OutputLineAll("", NULL, Line_ContinueAfterTyping); }
OutputLine(NULL, " これが虚実なら、じゃあ誰がこのスクラップ帖に沿うように災害を引き起こしたんだ。",
- NULL, "After the Sarin nerve gas incident,\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);
+ NULL, "After the Sarin nerve gas incident, ", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);
OutputLine(NULL, " あの某サリン事件のカルト集団以降、世間に流行った言葉に「マインドコントロール」というものがある。",
NULL, "the words \"mind control\" came into the spotlight.", Line_Normal);